" it's hard to wait around for something that you know will never happen, but it's hard to stop when you know it's everything youu've always wanted "
i'm MARIELLE ,others call me Precious either YEL .. hehe !
iLove eating--<3
Pizza, Siomai, KFC, mcdo ,jollibee,kenny rogers,any fast foods restaurants--everything ! haha!
Hot cake and egg sandwich !
kwek.o2x !
..I LOVE..
- playing Volleyball <3
- going to my bFF
- food trips
- hang outs/gimik with college mates :)
- looking at my crushes ! eung PaPa-cute daw ! haha !
- driving motorcycles
- serving internet
- Mangotong sa dadi co ! kya namumulubi cla hehe ..
- going to church and teaching
children in Sunday school ..
mostly ..