The document discusses the design of an interface for a virtual classroom environment called VUE. The researchers aimed to promote empathy among participants through visual design choices. They conducted a semiotic analysis of existing e-learning platforms and other media to identify design elements that could foster togetherness and perspective-taking. Their proposed design for VUE includes a "control room" interface that gives users different camera viewpoints of the classroom to feel more involved. Initial user testing found this increased empathy, but future work is needed to organize togetherness without distraction.
This document summarizes the conceptual design of a learning tool for Autodesk software based on learning theory and user research. The design incorporates features like workflow visualization, command prediction, and in-canvas tutorials. User research validated the usefulness of comparing workflows and accessing tutorials within the software. Users also wanted options to generate, save, and share workflows. The conceptual design was well-received, though some interfaces could be improved. The tool aims to actively support learning through strategies like modeling, exploration, and reflection.
Pedagogical and Assessment Design for Online LearningCITE
6 March 2010 (Saturday) | 09:00 - 10:00 | | Dr. Barbara MEANS, Center for Technology in Learning, SRI International
Learning Strategies for a Transparent WorldCynthia Clay
The document discusses trends in virtual and social learning. It provides an overview of a webinar presented by Cynthia Clay of NetSpeed Learning Solutions that explored how social technology and virtual learning can increase collaboration. The webinar discussed how social media is changing workplace learning and the need for a blended approach. NetSpeed offers an integrated learning system called Fast Tracks that combines various social learning tools to provide a more engaging experience.
1. Post engaging, high-quality content regularly about your club, events, golf tips, photos and videos of members.
2. Interact with followers by liking and commenting on their posts. Respond to questions and messages promptly.
3. Promote your social media pages on your website and with email newsletters to drive more traffic and followers.
4. Run contests and giveaways to encourage followers to like, share and engage with your content.
1. The document discusses ways for a golf resort called French Lick Resort Golf to improve its Facebook presence, including increasing its profile picture size, creating a custom URL, and encouraging and rewarding users to check-in at the resort and golf courses.
2. It suggests offering rewards like discounts on merchandise or golf for users who check-in, as checking-in allows users to share where they are playing and brag to friends.
3. Recognizing and rewarding the users who check-in most could increase engagement and create a better following for the golf resort on Facebook.
Using telecollaboration to design a start-up to develop civic and entrepreneu...Lourdes Pomposo
Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to Food and Agricultural Engineering students requires language instructors to design a varied range of activities aimed at helping students familiarise themselves with their subject matter areas in English and develop their professional (Ibrahim, 2010) and critical thinking skills (liogerien, 2005).
This study was carried out in the context of the VELCOME project (Virtual Exchange for Learning and Competence Development in EMI Classroom), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The main activities of this part of the project were carried out online by our Food and Agricultural Engineering students, who were following a compulsory English for Professional and Academic Communication course. The main goal was to offer the participants opportunities to use their knowledge and expertise to move towards a more sustainable world while fostering their civic and entrepreneurial competences. To do this, they were required to design and develop a fictitious start-up, in English through asynchronous and synchronous telecollaboration (Belz, 2003) to practice these competences. In the asynchronous stage the students designed Padlet posters. After this stage, the participants took part in a synchronous virtual meeting via Zoom, where each group was given the opportunity to present their start-ups to the members of a different team. This study explores students preliminary learning results, the development of civic and entrepreneurial competences through virtual exchanges as well as the difficulties and benefits of carrying out an experiment involving participants from different groups with different profiles and interests.
Ten Years of Teaching Technology to Teachers discusses levels of teacher adoption of technology from basic use to innovative practices. It provides conceptual frameworks for integrating technology into lesson planning including backwards design, collect-relate-create-donate, and aligning technology to support difficult concepts. The program engages adult learners through various formats including online courses, webinars, and in-person workshops focusing on skills and 21st century learning.
The document discusses e-learning and its benefits compared to traditional classroom learning. It outlines how e-learning provides convenient, cost-effective, and consistent education through multimedia content that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. E-learning tools like email, chat forums, video conferencing, and learning management systems are presented as ways to facilitate asynchronous and synchronous online learning and communication between teachers and students.
- KU Leuven invested in synchronous hybrid spaces to deal with transitions in higher education, allowing both in-person and remote participation.
- Research on student engagement in different learning settings found that students participating remotely reported lower intrinsic motivation than those participating in-person, but cognitive outcomes did not differ significantly.
- Multiple factors influence student engagement in synchronous hybrid courses, including the teacher's ability to interact and facilitate discussion, whether students feel socially connected to their peers, and the design of learning tasks and activities. Successful courses integrate set, epistemic, and social design considerations.
A showcase of open source portfolio implementationsJanice Smith
The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on open source portfolio implementations, including introductions to ePortfolios and folio thinking, demonstrations of open source portfolio tools in Sakai from several universities, and a discussion on open source portfolio reports. Presenters will discuss their implementations of the open source portfolio tools in Sakai at Indiana University, Marist College, Kumamoto University, and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
COLODA is an automated discourse analysis tool that helps teachers analyze online discussion data. It provides summaries of student engagement, participation levels, interaction patterns, and progression of ideas to help teachers evaluate learning, knowledge building, and adjust instruction. COLODA analyzes discussion data and outputs statistics, social networks, thread analyses, and keyword analyses in Excel format. It is being developed as an online platform to support teachers' reflective practice and knowledge building pedagogy.
This document discusses fueling collaborative learning with social media. It provides an executive briefing on how collaborative social learning can improve performance and effective social learning models. It also discusses how NetSpeed Fast Tracks can simplify the move to social learning. The document highlights benefits of partnering with NetSpeed Learning Solutions such as creating innovative social learning solutions and offering customized learning programs.
The document discusses research on how people learn and implications for software learning experiences. It covers learning domains, theories like behaviorism and constructivism, and cognitive apprenticeship. Research suggests guidance can hinder learning if it replaces internalization and reflection. Autodesk is exploring visualizing knowledge and using command data to highlight undiscovered functions. The goal is to facilitate learning acquisition and emergence through interactive tutorials and workflow visualization that encourage reflection.
The document proposes a new teaching and learning model called Collaborative Integrative Learning (CIL) that draws elements from existing models to develop skills needed for accounting professionals. CIL combines Communities of Inquiry (CoI), Instrucional Learning Design Framework (ILDF), and Wisdom Communities (Wiscom) to provide an active, collaborative learning experience centered on specific learning objectives. By integrating social, cognitive, and teaching presences from CoI; collaborative learning strategies from ILDF; and Wiscom's cycle of inquiry, CIL aims to collectively create knowledge and solve problems through mentoring and reflection within a learning community. The model was piloted in an online accounting course and showed initial promising results in developing
The document summarizes the "Digital Immigrants Survival Kit" project which aims to develop online course modules to teach digital skills to older adults. It presents the project partners and describes the Self-Evaluation Mandala tool used to assess learners' skills before and after training. It provides an example of how the Mandala maps competencies and explains how training content is created and modules are implemented. Feedback from trainings indicates learners found the Mandala useful for self-assessment but not formal assessment. All project materials will be released as open educational resources under a Creative Commons license.
Educon 2011 e-portfolio research_04032011IQS Barcelona
The document discusses a conference presentation on using Web2.0 tools as e-portfolios. It defines collaborative tools and e-portfolios, and outlines benefits of collaborative tools like reinforcing information sharing and knowledge creation. The presentation examines using blogs, wikis and other tools to develop students' skills and create new teaching methodologies. It poses the research question of whether e-portfolios can be used as a complementary tool to improve student learning.
This document describes a teaching unit that used stop motion animation to teach mathematical functions. Students worked in groups to create stop motion videos explaining graphs of basic mathematical functions. The goals were to improve self-learning, sharing knowledge with others, creativity, autonomy, and tolerance of different opinions. Activities included independent research on functions and stop motion techniques, creating a storyboard, and collaboratively filming a stop motion video. The teacher took a tutor role, and students found the flipped classroom and collaborative work methodologies effective in motivating learning.
Using new technologies in the HE classroom focuses on three main topics:
1) The importance of knowing what learners know through diagnostic assessments and gathering evidence of learning.
2) The need for teachers and learners to work together using tools like Moodle, argument mapping and video to improve critical thinking.
3) Harnessing students' use of mobile technologies and social media to make the classroom more engaging and help develop skills needed for future jobs.
Learning Computer-Mediated Cooperation in 3D Visualization ProjectsMikhail Fominykh
The document discusses using 3D collaborative virtual environments (3D CVEs) as a platform for learning cooperation technology. An exploratory case study was conducted with 37 university students working in small groups to create 3D educational visualizations of course topics. Four modes of cooperation emerged: asynchronous group collaboration, synchronous group collaboration, synchronous community collaboration, and asynchronous community collaboration. Results showed student groups adopted different technology landscapes depending on the cooperation mode. The authors conclude that creating and presenting 3D visualizations facilitated in-depth learning while forcing students to intensify collaboration and explore cooperation tools and methods.
The document describes a PowerPoint presentation created to accompany an ASSURE lesson plan about the Great Depression and writing formal letters. The presentation follows visual design principles from textbooks on instructional technology. These principles guide the arrangement, balance, color, legibility, appeal, and universal design of the slides. The target learners are a 5th grade class with diverse abilities and backgrounds. The presentation aims to enhance the initial lesson plan and engage students through visual instruction.
ACT Education and Training Directorate Leadership Conference 2012digimuve
The document discusses the concept of "next practice" in education, which focuses on developing genuinely new approaches to teaching and learning through disciplined imagination. It proposes a "next practice" innovation model that supports practitioners in developing creative solutions to problems while maintaining relevance. The model encourages small groups of empowered teachers to push boundaries and share innovations so they can be implemented more widely. Two examples are provided: digital learning labs where teachers develop skills and new pedagogies, and a blended learning initiative where students work in cross-class teams using social networking and digital tools.
This course provides an introduction to concepts and skills for interactive media design. Students will develop visual literacy, critical thinking, and an understanding of the media production process. They will learn about graphic and animation techniques in Illustrator and Flash. Assessment includes group presentations, a visual diary of concepts and ideas, exercises analyzing images and film, and an individual Flash animation project. Students will learn through lectures, tutorials, workshops and additional activities such as film screenings. The course aims to challenge students' creative and critical abilities.
Design I.Y. HOUSING at Lonavala by S+PS Architects, Sublime Ordinariness H...JnaneshPreethan
I.Y. Housing located Near Railway Crossing, Nangargaon, Lonavla, Maharashtra
Is located next to a railway track, so to decrease the sound coming from the trains they have designed a green buffer
The sublime ordinariness project is located about 60 km to the north east of Mumbai. Built around already existing g+2
residential buildings needing no such spaces
If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself ShirtTeeFusion
Golf is a game of precision, patience, andlet's be honestfrustration. If you've ever stood over a crucial putt with your heart pounding, you know the stakes feel higher than they should. Thats why the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Shirt is the perfect way to add some humor to the game. This hilarious golf t-shirt is designed for golfers who take their putting game seriouslybut not too seriously. Whether you're playing for fun, competing in a tournament, or just hanging out at the clubhouse, this shirt will have everyone laughing.
Using telecollaboration to design a start-up to develop civic and entrepreneu...Lourdes Pomposo
Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to Food and Agricultural Engineering students requires language instructors to design a varied range of activities aimed at helping students familiarise themselves with their subject matter areas in English and develop their professional (Ibrahim, 2010) and critical thinking skills (liogerien, 2005).
This study was carried out in the context of the VELCOME project (Virtual Exchange for Learning and Competence Development in EMI Classroom), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. The main activities of this part of the project were carried out online by our Food and Agricultural Engineering students, who were following a compulsory English for Professional and Academic Communication course. The main goal was to offer the participants opportunities to use their knowledge and expertise to move towards a more sustainable world while fostering their civic and entrepreneurial competences. To do this, they were required to design and develop a fictitious start-up, in English through asynchronous and synchronous telecollaboration (Belz, 2003) to practice these competences. In the asynchronous stage the students designed Padlet posters. After this stage, the participants took part in a synchronous virtual meeting via Zoom, where each group was given the opportunity to present their start-ups to the members of a different team. This study explores students preliminary learning results, the development of civic and entrepreneurial competences through virtual exchanges as well as the difficulties and benefits of carrying out an experiment involving participants from different groups with different profiles and interests.
Ten Years of Teaching Technology to Teachers discusses levels of teacher adoption of technology from basic use to innovative practices. It provides conceptual frameworks for integrating technology into lesson planning including backwards design, collect-relate-create-donate, and aligning technology to support difficult concepts. The program engages adult learners through various formats including online courses, webinars, and in-person workshops focusing on skills and 21st century learning.
The document discusses e-learning and its benefits compared to traditional classroom learning. It outlines how e-learning provides convenient, cost-effective, and consistent education through multimedia content that can be accessed anytime, anywhere. E-learning tools like email, chat forums, video conferencing, and learning management systems are presented as ways to facilitate asynchronous and synchronous online learning and communication between teachers and students.
- KU Leuven invested in synchronous hybrid spaces to deal with transitions in higher education, allowing both in-person and remote participation.
- Research on student engagement in different learning settings found that students participating remotely reported lower intrinsic motivation than those participating in-person, but cognitive outcomes did not differ significantly.
- Multiple factors influence student engagement in synchronous hybrid courses, including the teacher's ability to interact and facilitate discussion, whether students feel socially connected to their peers, and the design of learning tasks and activities. Successful courses integrate set, epistemic, and social design considerations.
A showcase of open source portfolio implementationsJanice Smith
The document outlines an agenda for a workshop on open source portfolio implementations, including introductions to ePortfolios and folio thinking, demonstrations of open source portfolio tools in Sakai from several universities, and a discussion on open source portfolio reports. Presenters will discuss their implementations of the open source portfolio tools in Sakai at Indiana University, Marist College, Kumamoto University, and the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
COLODA is an automated discourse analysis tool that helps teachers analyze online discussion data. It provides summaries of student engagement, participation levels, interaction patterns, and progression of ideas to help teachers evaluate learning, knowledge building, and adjust instruction. COLODA analyzes discussion data and outputs statistics, social networks, thread analyses, and keyword analyses in Excel format. It is being developed as an online platform to support teachers' reflective practice and knowledge building pedagogy.
This document discusses fueling collaborative learning with social media. It provides an executive briefing on how collaborative social learning can improve performance and effective social learning models. It also discusses how NetSpeed Fast Tracks can simplify the move to social learning. The document highlights benefits of partnering with NetSpeed Learning Solutions such as creating innovative social learning solutions and offering customized learning programs.
The document discusses research on how people learn and implications for software learning experiences. It covers learning domains, theories like behaviorism and constructivism, and cognitive apprenticeship. Research suggests guidance can hinder learning if it replaces internalization and reflection. Autodesk is exploring visualizing knowledge and using command data to highlight undiscovered functions. The goal is to facilitate learning acquisition and emergence through interactive tutorials and workflow visualization that encourage reflection.
The document proposes a new teaching and learning model called Collaborative Integrative Learning (CIL) that draws elements from existing models to develop skills needed for accounting professionals. CIL combines Communities of Inquiry (CoI), Instrucional Learning Design Framework (ILDF), and Wisdom Communities (Wiscom) to provide an active, collaborative learning experience centered on specific learning objectives. By integrating social, cognitive, and teaching presences from CoI; collaborative learning strategies from ILDF; and Wiscom's cycle of inquiry, CIL aims to collectively create knowledge and solve problems through mentoring and reflection within a learning community. The model was piloted in an online accounting course and showed initial promising results in developing
The document summarizes the "Digital Immigrants Survival Kit" project which aims to develop online course modules to teach digital skills to older adults. It presents the project partners and describes the Self-Evaluation Mandala tool used to assess learners' skills before and after training. It provides an example of how the Mandala maps competencies and explains how training content is created and modules are implemented. Feedback from trainings indicates learners found the Mandala useful for self-assessment but not formal assessment. All project materials will be released as open educational resources under a Creative Commons license.
Educon 2011 e-portfolio research_04032011IQS Barcelona
The document discusses a conference presentation on using Web2.0 tools as e-portfolios. It defines collaborative tools and e-portfolios, and outlines benefits of collaborative tools like reinforcing information sharing and knowledge creation. The presentation examines using blogs, wikis and other tools to develop students' skills and create new teaching methodologies. It poses the research question of whether e-portfolios can be used as a complementary tool to improve student learning.
This document describes a teaching unit that used stop motion animation to teach mathematical functions. Students worked in groups to create stop motion videos explaining graphs of basic mathematical functions. The goals were to improve self-learning, sharing knowledge with others, creativity, autonomy, and tolerance of different opinions. Activities included independent research on functions and stop motion techniques, creating a storyboard, and collaboratively filming a stop motion video. The teacher took a tutor role, and students found the flipped classroom and collaborative work methodologies effective in motivating learning.
Using new technologies in the HE classroom focuses on three main topics:
1) The importance of knowing what learners know through diagnostic assessments and gathering evidence of learning.
2) The need for teachers and learners to work together using tools like Moodle, argument mapping and video to improve critical thinking.
3) Harnessing students' use of mobile technologies and social media to make the classroom more engaging and help develop skills needed for future jobs.
Learning Computer-Mediated Cooperation in 3D Visualization ProjectsMikhail Fominykh
The document discusses using 3D collaborative virtual environments (3D CVEs) as a platform for learning cooperation technology. An exploratory case study was conducted with 37 university students working in small groups to create 3D educational visualizations of course topics. Four modes of cooperation emerged: asynchronous group collaboration, synchronous group collaboration, synchronous community collaboration, and asynchronous community collaboration. Results showed student groups adopted different technology landscapes depending on the cooperation mode. The authors conclude that creating and presenting 3D visualizations facilitated in-depth learning while forcing students to intensify collaboration and explore cooperation tools and methods.
The document describes a PowerPoint presentation created to accompany an ASSURE lesson plan about the Great Depression and writing formal letters. The presentation follows visual design principles from textbooks on instructional technology. These principles guide the arrangement, balance, color, legibility, appeal, and universal design of the slides. The target learners are a 5th grade class with diverse abilities and backgrounds. The presentation aims to enhance the initial lesson plan and engage students through visual instruction.
ACT Education and Training Directorate Leadership Conference 2012digimuve
The document discusses the concept of "next practice" in education, which focuses on developing genuinely new approaches to teaching and learning through disciplined imagination. It proposes a "next practice" innovation model that supports practitioners in developing creative solutions to problems while maintaining relevance. The model encourages small groups of empowered teachers to push boundaries and share innovations so they can be implemented more widely. Two examples are provided: digital learning labs where teachers develop skills and new pedagogies, and a blended learning initiative where students work in cross-class teams using social networking and digital tools.
This course provides an introduction to concepts and skills for interactive media design. Students will develop visual literacy, critical thinking, and an understanding of the media production process. They will learn about graphic and animation techniques in Illustrator and Flash. Assessment includes group presentations, a visual diary of concepts and ideas, exercises analyzing images and film, and an individual Flash animation project. Students will learn through lectures, tutorials, workshops and additional activities such as film screenings. The course aims to challenge students' creative and critical abilities.
Design I.Y. HOUSING at Lonavala by S+PS Architects, Sublime Ordinariness H...JnaneshPreethan
I.Y. Housing located Near Railway Crossing, Nangargaon, Lonavla, Maharashtra
Is located next to a railway track, so to decrease the sound coming from the trains they have designed a green buffer
The sublime ordinariness project is located about 60 km to the north east of Mumbai. Built around already existing g+2
residential buildings needing no such spaces
If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself ShirtTeeFusion
Golf is a game of precision, patience, andlet's be honestfrustration. If you've ever stood over a crucial putt with your heart pounding, you know the stakes feel higher than they should. Thats why the "If I Miss This Putt I'll Kill Myself" Shirt is the perfect way to add some humor to the game. This hilarious golf t-shirt is designed for golfers who take their putting game seriouslybut not too seriously. Whether you're playing for fun, competing in a tournament, or just hanging out at the clubhouse, this shirt will have everyone laughing.
Transform your space into a sanctuary with SPL Interiors where comfort meet...SPL Interiors
A bedroom is more than just a place to sleep; it's where you find comfort and a sense of peace. It's the room that feels like a hug after a busy day. The bed, soft and inviting, is where you can sink into relaxation, with pillows that cradle your head and blankets that make you feel cozy and safe. It's a place where you can let go of the world and just be.
You might have a dresser or a closet, a place to tuck away clothes and personal items, but its also where you keep the little things that make you feel at homelike a favorite book on the nightstand or a candle that smells like calm. Soft lighting adds warmth, and windows let in just enough natural light during the day to keep things bright but not too harsh.
Decor adds that personal touchwhether its a plant in the corner, art on the walls, or a rug that feels nice underfoot. Its where you can get away from everything, to recharge or reflect, and to make the space feel completely yours. A bedroom is the ultimate safe haven, designed for comfort, rest, and a sense of belonging.
. Construction technology has genesis in Interplay of-- design, manpower, money, machinery, material, resources, software, quality, durability, environment, ecology
-- Technology used during construction helps push Construction industry forward,
-- for driving advancement / innovations/ increased efficiency in construction
New Technologies--Modular construction, Prefab const , Robotics, drone, Artificial intelligence, 3D printing, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality etc.,
--Technology Empowers people to work smarter/ more efficiently.
-- Technology Changing ways industry thinks, looks and operate at --production / construction.- From Construction to Production of Buildings involving making Building parts of a project off-site, to exact specifications and to Mass-produce pieces -- used repeatedly; taking Construction productivity to new level- overcoming labour shortages - increasing speed of construction,- making construction economical,
- promoting time- efficiencyMaking buildings cost effective- Making construction safe
- Addressing complicated /difficult situation -helping industry addressing larger challenges. Technology remains key to address major challenges & adapt to future.- making buildings lean, compact, smart,
Cost-effective, Timeefficient, Energy efficient, Material- efficient, Qualitative, Healthy, Durable, Eco-friendly, Sustainable
Craft a logo that speaks volumes! Boost brand recognition & connect emotionally. Learn 5 ways to create a logo that resonates. Click to learn more!
The Business Administration Presentation provides a comprehensive exploration of the core concepts, functions, and importance of business administration in modern organizations. It highlights the key principles of managing business operations, strategic decision-making, and organizational leadership, offering a clear understanding of how businesses operate and thrive in competitive markets.
L湛dica didactica (Report finale residenza Diego Alatorre Go_Innovation a Casa...Casa Netural
Go_Innovation is a special residency for social innovator held by Netural Coop in Gorizia, European Capital of Culture 2025.
L炭dica did叩ctica / Play to Connect is a provocation to think outside the box, a methodology to board uncomfortable topics in a respectful and joyful manner and an excuse to discuss unconventional solutions to contemporary challenges, where play is seen as an attitude and game design as a metaphor of creativity by which to imagine, experiment and learn about our surroundings.
Casa Netural residency in Gorizia offered Diego an opportunity to test the ideas that he has been developing over the past years and to enrich them by looking at them from a different and complementary perspective. In other words to put theory into practice.
Along the 4 weeks that he lived in Gorizia he realized how mature and innovative his own understanding of the ludic phenomenon, as most people he connected with, found the value of his research, but what was amazing for him is how much his project was fed back from completely different and complementary perspectives.
Along these days he crafter four game ideas, with different levels of complexity and currently in different stages of development. These are described in the final report.
Industrial Designer by CIDI UNAM and Master in Science of Design for Interaction by TU Delft, Diego ALatorre is currently doing a PhD in Contemporary Studies at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Coimbra University.
His research explores the role of games in education: from a multimodal literacy perspective, he explores the creative process of writers, scientists, designers, artists, teachers and reflective players to learn how to critically read the world and creatively write.
Go_Innovation is a project designed and coordinated by Netural Coop Impresa Sociale within the framework of A THOUSAND YEARS OF HISTORY AT THE CENTER OF EUROPE: CASTLE BORGO CROCEVIA OF PEOPLES AND CULTURES, funded by PNRR - Next Generation EU, for the PNRR pilot project M1C3 Measure 2 Investment 2.1 line A - CUP F88F220000007
Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America Shirtrobintex21
Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America Shirt
Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America Shirt,Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America T Shirts,Volodymyr Zelensky Thank You America SweatShirts yours today. tag and share who loves it.
3. 1 Introduction | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Existing litterature:
CLCW: Computer-supported collaborative work
CSCL: Computer-supported collaborative learning
Lev Manovitch, 2001, p. 90:
束 Cultural interfaces of the 1990s walk uneasy path between the
richness of control provided in general purpose HCI, and the
束 immersive 損 experience of traditional cultural objects such as books
and movies 損
=> Control panel: virtual instrument panel
18-06-2012 3 IADIS e-learning 2012
4. 1 Introduction | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Our goal:
To design an interface for a virtual class
Our questions:
. How can the system of representation support the feeling of empathy
amongst participants through a delicate staging of space, people and
of interactions within this space?
. How can a participant get first a feeling of togetherness and second a
feeling of empathy with other participants?
18-06-2012 4 IADIS e-learning 2012
5. 1 Introduction | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Our field:
VUE a virtual class: a virtual environment, a collaborative, immersive
and synchronous online service for professional training.
2 interfaces:
Interface conference : 1 teacher / 15-30 learners
Interface work group: 4 learners
18-06-2012 5 IADIS e-learning 2012
9. 1 | 2 Design question | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Empathy is:
The basis of intersubjectivity (Decety, 2002)
Present in every interaction
The simultaneous sharing of psychological states by the partners of
an interaction and a cognitive ability to understand and internally see
from others viewpoint.
18-06-2012 9 IADIS e-learning 2012
10. 1 | 2 Design question | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Our major challenges:
How do the design choices allow for the feeling of empathy?
1) How do we adjust different view points to different activities?
2) How do we graphically represent the students? What types of
avatars or photographic representations should we choose?
To conclude, how do the design choices allow for the feeling of
18-06-2012 10 IADIS e-learning 2012
11. 1 | 2 Design question | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Our team:
Information and communication researchers
=> We explored how empathy is supported by a multi-modal
representation of self and others
18-06-2012 11 IADIS e-learning 2012
12. 3 Design methodology:
media centered design and
contradictory semiotic analysis
23-02-2012 12
13. 1 | 2 | 3 Design methodology | 4 | 5 | 6
Our methodology: Contradictory semiotic analysis:
A semiotic analysis
A study of the convergent effects of themes and the diverging effects
of media
A expansion of the concept of empathy
2 stages
18-06-2012 13 IADIS e-learning 2012
14. 1 | 2 | 3 Design methodology | 4 | 5 | 6
1. A semiotic analysis of e-learning platforms
Points analyzed: description of environments, presentation of
actors, terms of interaction, possibilities of multiple points of view
- The dispersion of users in the representations of the class made
it difficult to create a feeling of togetherness and empathy
- Most platforms strive to strike a balance between the realistic 3D
representation of the classroom and working tools.
18-06-2012 14 IADIS e-learning 2012
15. 1 | 2 | 3 Design methodology | 4 | 5 | 6
2. The analysis of the concept of empathy in media
How issues of self-representation, the representation of presence
and management of multiple viewpoints have been aesthetically
treated in:
painting, photography, film, comics, video games, photo-novels,
We selected a number of elements for building a
cinematographic grammar, then, we adapted them to our device
18-06-2012 15 IADIS e-learning 2012
16. 1 | 2 | 3 Design methodology | 4 | 5 | 6
User tests: About the graphic design
- Employees working in different fields,
- from 22 to 49 years-old
- The manipulation of a prototype,
- a questionnaire
- a focus group
18-06-2012 16 IADIS e-learning 2012
17. 4- Description of the design proposition:
VUE, a collaborative, immersive and
synchronous online service
23. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
The semiotic analysis of e-learning platforms
None of them recreates a classroom atmosphere
None of them represents whispers and background noises
Our visual solutions:
Offer different plans thanks to the angles of camera
A video control room that provides the users with different
18-06-2012 23 IADIS e-learning 2012
24. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
An omniscient viewpoint
-From the back, in an
omniscient view point
- The avatar in the
classroom: stimulating
maximum immersion
Student interface in conference mode, VUE
18-06-2012 24 IADIS e-learning 2012
25. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
Representation of the
- It is not necessary to
represent everybody in
great detail.
- Representing the
classroom allows not to
feel alone
Student interface in conference mode, VUE
18-06-2012 25 IADIS e-learning 2012
26. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
Visual effects to
simulate the feeling of
-offer the equivalent of a
video control room that
provides the users with
different viewpoints on
the same situation.
- empower users to
choose the relevant point
of view, as if choosing
from different cameras.
Student interface in conference mode, VUE
18-06-2012 26 IADIS e-learning 2012
27. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
A semiotic
construction used in
comics and photo-
- Shot: view from the
rostrum to the students:
the upper zone
- Reverse-shots: lower
Teacher interface in conference mode, VUE
18-06-2012 27 IADIS e-learning 2012
28. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
All the teacher tools in
one screen
- Too complicated to
change the angle of
- No blind spot
Teacher interface in conference mode, VUE
18-06-2012 28 IADIS e-learning 2012
29. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Results and discussion | 6
The necessity of a control room:
- The control room in television broadcast is the place where the
video feeds from the different cameras can be watched. The
production team selects the video feed that is going to be broadcasted
by TV channels.
The digital control room
- The user select the 束 camera 損 that she sees as better fitting ther
need to undestand the situation.
- A visual tool affecting the way the information is accessed.
18-06-2012 29 IADIS e-learning 2012
31. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 conclusion
Media centered design methodology:
- Not enough to study how people interact in the real world
-Offers visual solutions to promote empathy and the feeling of
=> Confronting media and importing visual grammars frome one
media to another
18-06-2012 31 IADIS e-learning 2012
32. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 conclusion
The design challenge:
- The experimentation shows that the users felt more involved in the
learning process with different viewpoints.
- To propose a king of control room to promote a feeling of
- How do we organize the feeling of togetherness without creating a
feeling of distraction?
- An interface too elaborate or associated with a video game can
actually be detrimental to the overall attention of the learners.
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33. 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 conclusion
Future research projects:
-Concept of modularity
=> To explore the way to channel the attention of the learner by
visual effects.
18-06-2012 33 IADIS e-learning 2012
34. Thank you for your attention
Annie Gent竪s:
Marie Cambone: