Copyright is a form of protection granted to authors of original creative works under the U.S. Constitution and copyright law. It gives copyright holders exclusive rights over reproducing, distributing, publicly displaying, and making derivatives of the work. Copyright protection applies automatically when a work is created and fixed in a tangible form, and covers both published and unpublished works. Certain uses of copyrighted works, such as fair use, are permitted without permission from the copyright holder.
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Copyright ppt
2. ? Copyright is a form of protection given to
authors/creators of original works.
? This property right can be sold or
transferred to others.
3. ? Copyright is a form of protection
grounded in the U.S. Constitution and
granted by law for original works of
? The current copyright law, the Copyright
Act of 1976, is codified in Title 17 of the
U.S. Code.
4. ? Copyright law assures ownership, which comes with
several rights, that the author has exclusively. For
? Make copies of the work
? Distribute copies of the work
? Perform the work publicly
? Display the work publicly
? Make derivative works
5. ? Copyright holder may grant permission
or license anyone else to do these
things, without affecting their ownership
of the actual copyright in their work. For
example, an author may permit a
television adaptation of their book to be
made and broadcast .
6. ? The law provides certain ways in which
copyright works may be used without the
need to first obtain permission from the
copyright holder - these include:
? Fair use (e.g. to make copies)
? Public domain
? Library privilege
? Copying for examinations and copying for
7. ? Copyright covers both published and
unpublished works.
? Copyright protection is automatic at the
moment the work is created and fixed in
a tangible form that it is perceptible.
8. ? Literary works
? Dramatic works
? Musical works
? Artistic works
9. Not everything is protected by copyright
? Copyright does not protect facts, ideas,
systems, or methods of operation.
10. ? Copyright protects original works of
authorship, while a patent protects
inventions or discoveries.
? A trademark protects words, phrases,
symbols, or designs identifying the
source of the goods or services of one
party and distinguishing them from those
of others.
11. ? They want to provide ¡°universal access¡± to research, education
and culture.
? Copyright was created long before the emergence of the
Internet, and can make it hard to legally perform actions we take
for granted on the network: copy, paste, edit source, and post to
the Web.
? The default setting of copyright law requires all of these actions
to have explicit permission, granted in advance, whether you¡¯re
an artist, teacher, scientist, librarian, policymaker, or just a
regular user.
? In order for Creative Commons to achieve the vision of universal
access. They provide a free, public, and standardized
infrastructure that creates a balance between the reality of the
Internet and the reality of copyright laws.
12. ? Under the Teach Act, the Copyright law
provides educators with a separate set
of rights in addition to fair use, to display
and perform others? works in the
? These rights are entitled in Section 110(1)
of the Copyright Act, and apply to any
original work an educator wants to use.
13. ? Source 1: (n.d.). Retrieved from
? Source 2: Copyright crash course. (n.d.). Retrieved from
? Source 3 : Copyright crash course. (n.d.). Retrieved from
? Source 4: What is copyright?. (n.d.). Retrieved from
? Source 5: Copyright in general. (n.d.). Retrieved from
? Source 6: (n.d.). Retrieved from
? Source 7: (n.d.). Retrieved from