This document summarizes a marketplace called Brandvertisor that aims to connect advertisers with specific publishers through detailed profiles. It addresses issues with ad networks like lack of transparency on traffic sources. The marketplace allows users to directly place ads on websites of their choice. The document outlines the problem, solution, product details, validation of the idea from market research, business model, competitive advantages, initial traction, funding request and team.
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Brandvertisor - Founder Institute Demo Day - 30 March
2. Transparency: Ad networks hide traffic sources.
How to place ads on specific/premium website?
Programmatic & RTB advertising barriers.
8. Market ValidationMarket Validation
64, 615
Advertising Agencies in US
$50B Revenue /year
76 % Marketers
Used paid advertising in 2015
Advertising Agencies
Corporate Brands
End Media Buyers
Small Business
11. Business ModelBusiness Model
Marketplace CAC $208 < LTV $290
Churn: 40 %
ARPPU: $82 breakeven: 80 p users/m
Commission based. Fixed 10 % per transaction.
Customer Acquisition Channels:
Google SEO Traffic
B2B Mailing
Forum Campaigns
Direct Sales