The document discusses the SOAP processing model. It describes how a SOAP message travels from a sender through zero or more intermediaries to a receiver. Each node in the path is identified by a unique URI. SOAP header blocks can be processed or relayed by intermediaries depending on attributes like role, mustUnderstand, and relay. The role attribute specifies the target nodes for a header block, mustUnderstand indicates required processing, and relay determines forwarding behavior.
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Web Services - SOAP (part 2)
1. Web Services (NSWI145)
Lecture 03: SOAP
Martin Neask箪, Ph.D.
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Summer 2013
3. SOAP Processing Model
SOAP message travels along path of SOAP
nodes = SOAP message path
from initial SOAP sender
point of origin
to ultimate SOAP receiver
final destination
passes zero or more SOAP intermediaries
each SOAP node is identified by unique URI
Summer 2013
5. SOAP Processing Model
processing SOAP message by SOAP node:
check if message is valid SOAP message
process SOAP standard elements
body entries MUST be processed by ultimate SOAP
receiver and MAY NOT be processed by SOAP
header blocks MAY be processed by any SOAP
intermediary and ultimate SOAP receiver
Summer 2013
6. SOAP Processing Model
processing SOAP message by SOAP
intermediary results in:
generating single SOAP fault, OR
forwarding (optionally) updated SOAP message
and generating and sending zero or more
additional SOAP messages
Summer 2013
7. SOAP Processing Model
each header block in SOAP message has optional
attributes which adjust how SOAP nodes on SOAP
message path process header block
Summer 2013
8. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
each SOAP node assumes its roles (one or
more) for processing given SOAP message
must be invariant during processing single SOAP
each header block has specified targeted role
by optional role attribute
Summer 2013
9. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
value of type xs:anyURI
3 standard values
application-specific roles can be created
each must have its own URI
Summer 2013
10. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
value none
SOAP nodes MUST NOT act in this role
i.e. header block does not target any SOAP node
Summer 2013
11. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
value ultimateReceiver
each SOAP ultimate receiver must act in this role
i.e. header block targets each SOAP node that assumes
being ultimate SOAP receiver
default value when role is not specified
Summer 2013
12. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
value next
each SOAP intermediary and ultimate SOAP
receiver MUST act in this role
i.e. header targets any SOAP node except initial SOAP
sender which is meaningless
Summer 2013
13. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
application specific value
header targets each SOAP node that assumes to
play that application-specific role
Summer 2013
14. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
SOAP node is targeted by header block iff
SOAP node assumed role
header block role
targeted SOAP node may process header
processing according to application specific rules
of that block (which is not part of SOAP)
Summer 2013
15. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute role
SOAP does not specify how SOAP node
determines its roles
entirely application-specific task
can be known a priori as well as determined
dynamically in run-time
Summer 2013
17. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute mustUnderstand
value of type xs:boolean
default value: false
if true, targeted SOAP node must process
header block
header block is called mandatory header block for
that SOAP node
Summer 2013
18. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute mustUnderstand
inability to process mandatory header block
means that
single SOAP fault is generated
with code MustUnderstand
original SOAP message is not forwarded any
all further processing of original SOAP message is
Summer 2013
20. SOAP Processing Model
Attribute relay
value of type xs:boolean
default value: false
specifies forwarding header blocks by targeted
SOAP intermediaries
relayable vs. non-relayable header blocks
Summer 2013
21. SOAP Processing Model
Processing SOAP Header Blocks
1. determine roles
2. identify targeting header blocks
3. if one or more mandatory header blocks are
not understood
generate SOAP fault
process header blocks
mandatory and others optionally
1. if you are SOAP intermediary then relay
header blocks
Summer 2013
22. SOAP Processing Model
Processing SOAP Header Blocks
SOAP intermediary relays header blocks as
header block targeting SOAP intermediary
processed block is removed
ignored and non-relayable block is removed
ignored and relayable block is retained
header block not targeting SOAP intermediary is
Summer 2013
23. SOAP Processing Model
Processing SOAP Header Blocks
SOAP intermediary acting exactly as described
in previous two slides is called forwarding
SOAP intermediary
SOAP intermediary which moreover adds,
removes or updates header blocks is called
active SOAP intermediary
Summer 2013
24. SOAP Processing Model
Relaying SOAP Header Blocks
SOAP Header
Header Block A
Header Block B
Sender relay="true"
Header Block C
Header Block D
Summer 2013
25. SOAP Processing Model
Relaying SOAP Header Blocks
SOAP Header SOAP Header
Header Block A Header Block A
role="Annotate" role="Annotate"
mustUnderstand="true" mustUnderstand="true"
Header Block B Header Block B
Forwarding role="Annotate"
Sender relay="true" relay="true"
Header Block C Header Block C
role="next" role="next"
Header Block D
ignores: Header Block D
Header Block B role="Log"
Summer 2013
26. SOAP Processing Model
Relaying SOAP Header Blocks
SOAP Header SOAP Header
Header Block A Header Block A
role="Annotate" role="Annotate"
mustUnderstand="true" mustUnderstand="true"
Header Block B Header Block B
role="Annotate" Forwarding role="Annotate"
relay="true" relay="true"
Header Block C roles: Header Block C
role="next" Annotate role="next"
Header Block D ignores: Header Block D
role="Log" Header Block B role="Log"
Summer 2013
27. SOAP Processing Model
Relaying SOAP Header Blocks
SOAP Header SOAP Header
Header Block A Header Block A
role="Annotate" role="Annotate"
mustUnderstand="true" mustUnderstand="true"
Header Block B Header Block B
role="Annotate" Active role="Annotate"
relay="true" relay="true"
Header Block B
Header Block C roles: role="Annotate"
role="next" Annotate relay="true"
Header Block D ignores: Header Block D
role="Log" Header Block B role="Log"
Summer 2013
28. SOAP Header vs. Body
what information should be part of header and what
should be placed in body?
decision made during application design
Header Body
may be processed and updated primary content
by SOAP intermediaries processed only by ultimate
SOAP intermediaries provide SOAP receiver
value-added services on base must be understood by
ultimate SOAP receiver
of header blocks
Summer 2013
29. SOAP Communication Model
two possible communication models
RPC-style web services
document-(or message-)style web services
Summer 2013
30. SOAP Communication Model
RPC-style web services
web service appears as remote object
request = method call with name and set of
typed arguments
response = return value
automatic serialization/deserialization of
method calls and return values
Summer 2013
31. SOAP Communication Model
RPC-style web services
tightly coupled client and service
usually synchronous
allows for exposing software components as
web services
servlets, Java RMI objects, ...
components natively DO NOT exchange XML data
Summer 2013
33. SOAP Communication Model
Document-style web services
exchanging any documents (any information)
documents encoded in XML
no automatic serialization/deseralization of
documents in XML
exchanged documents are primarily encoded in
XML by application
Summer 2013
34. SOAP Communication Model
Document-style web services
closer to real-world
communication between real-world
"components" instead of software components
Summer 2013
35. SOAP Network Protocol Binding
SOAP does not specify how SOAP messages
are encoded for network transfer
SOAP message must be encapsulated in a
message conforming to a network protocol
binding SOAP messages to HTTP, SMTP, FTP, etc. or
even simpler TCP/IP or UDP
Summer 2013
36. SOAP Network Protocol Binding
particular network protocol influences what
must be implemented at SOAP level
HTTP natively supports request/response
communication pattern
UDP natively does not natively support
request/response communication pattern which
must be therefore implemented at SOAP level
Summer 2013
37. SOAP Network Protocol Binding
different network protocols can be applied on
SOAP message path with one or more SOAP
web services developers usually do not come
in touch with binding specification
HTTP used in most cases
Summer 2013
38. SOAP Network Protocol Binding
HTTP Binding
SOAP messages
encoded as HTTP messages
become data part of HTTP message
supplemented with HTTP headers
e.g. Host, Content-Length, etc.
client identifies server via URL, connects using
TCP/IP, issues HTTP request message and
receives HTTP response
Summer 2013
39. SOAP Advantages
XML is structured and easy to parse
no dependency on the underlying platform
open, interoperable standard
universal acceptance
Summer 2013
41. SOAP Advantages
namespaces identify different header block
and body languages and their particular
different libraries for processing different versions
different libraries for processing different header
blocks and body
Summer 2013
46. SOAP Disadvantages
originally tied to HTTP
request/response architecture, SOAP performance
improved in recent versions
but may be managed by SOAP extensions
reference by value
no object references
Summer 2013