I am Maryam tamer happy happy intelligent.
my name \m/
I am 15 years old.
I love having friends(tadweer rabe3) :p
I am nice.All of my friends say that.
Sometimes I can hurt you,or do something that will make u hate me un-intentionally. If i do so just tell me I did that and I'll be really sorry about that.Because I never hurt anyone intentionally.
I love COD<3
I love PS3<3
so if u love any of those I'd love to meet you.
I wear hejab and i love it<3
I might not be in a mood sometimes.Well it's all because of something that happened.
Well I don't have haters el7amdullilah.
I suck fun from every moment.
so Iam kinda always happy.Until You know me better.
well if you