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Lesson-based content on the Disg ebook reader* MJ Crowley, Di SG Biblioteca, Sapienza * all images uploaded for educational purposes
Encouraging innovation in libraries Seismic change Information and networked environment Generational shifts Fluid and Flexible Customer engagement,  distinctive services,  local  responsiveness mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
In penny pinching times, be CREATIVE! Collaborate  with faculty to integrate library resources into the curriculum  Work with scholars to access  to their lecture notes, data sets, project notes, papers, etc. in virtual research environments and open digital repositories  Collaborate with  ICT staff   to develop online tutorials and  create local digital collections  Engage with students  to better connect with them, hence more  SOCIAL/MOBILE Liaise  with other  librarians to  share resources mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
E-book  explosion mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Using e-books without being aware of it – blurring the divides Early English Books Online (c.125,000 titles)  Eighteenth Century Collections Online  (c.150,000 titles Apabi Digital Library of Chinese Books  (4,600 titles Oxford Scholarship Online  (c.1,200 titles in humanities and social sciences);  Safari, Referex, CRC Press, Knovel  (Computing, Engineering, and Electronics).  NetLibrary, Ebrary,  ectc. Books at JSTOR  from leading university presses  Publishers  – Elsevier, Springer , and so on mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  Il ministro Gelmini ''promuove'' il libro di testo elettronico " con l'adozione dell'e-book " si dà " una mano alle famiglie e un sollievo agli studenti. Il libro in versione digitale scaricabile da internet permetterà infatti ai genitori di risparmiare limitando al massimo la spesa per i libri di testo, e allo stesso tempo i ragazzi non saranno più costretti ad andare a scuola caricando sulle spalle zainetti troppo pesanti ". … A partire dall'anno scolastico 2011-2012, il collegio dei docenti adotta esclusivamente libri utilizzabili nelle versioni on line scaricabili da internet o al massimo le versioni "miste", quelle cioè che integrano sezioni digitali e cartacee.   mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
E-device explosion http://bookbee.net/bee-ginners-guide-2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-book_readers mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
British Library to lend e-book readers Dr Stephen Bury, British Library's Head of European and American Collections:    “This is not the end of the book as we know it.  The book in its physical form will remain important for so many reasons, but the incredible versatility of the new e-readers  makes them perfect for researchers , allowing easy access to a wealth of information including previously rare and out of print material.  This exhibit gives our researchers a chance to play around with some of the devices currently available, and explore how they can be used to complement existing printed collections in the 21st century.” mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
The demise of the book ? Long live the book ! ( still life photograph by by Kevin Best) mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Flexible delivery: Different Ways to Access Your Books Desktop Smart devices Online browser Paper copy …  and eReaders mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Increased collaboration (library-faculty) to expand the role of the library within the institution and beyond mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Utilizzo di tecnologie basate su editoria digitale per l’insegnamento, l’apprendimento e la specializzazione nei corsi di tecnica delle costruzioni presso il DISG  (Bontempi, Crowley, Arangio, Petrini, Crosti, Gentili, Sgambi, Giuliani ) mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
to stay or  to go ! how  e-book readers  could be used in a library setting explore ways of using new  technology in teaching respond to explosive use of  mobile devices  (e-readers, ipads, smart devices, ecc.) mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Elsevier & Disg together for excellence mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Sony PRS 650 model Touch screen Backlit Highlight passages and take notes Bookmark pages Contains a whole library ePub format favoured by Jstor, libraries, Google ebook store mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Che cosa vuole il nostro utente? Per ogni corso: dispense, appunti, esercizi, articoli, capitoli in libri, normativi….. Contenuti di base, approfondimenti, specialistici.. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Scegliere e organizzare il contenuto Mettere in relazione  utenti e contenuti per migliorare il grado di usabilità e fruibilità  Knowledge  map del “corso” elaborato insieme con i docenti/studenti (knowledge retrieval and organisation), da gestire con un knowledge system Information design  – l’abilità e la pratica di preparare l’informazione così che le persone possano usarla con efficienza e efficacia.  mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Didactic material (lecture notes, exercises, modelling…) Sapienza e-resources (ebooks, articles…) Norms and standards Approved web content mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Primi corsi universitari coinvolti Tecnica delle costruzioni – 12 CFU – 120 studenti Costruzioni metalliche – 6CFU – 30 studenti Modellazione dei sistemi strutturali – 6CFU – 10 studenti Progettazione strutturale antincendio – 9CFU – 30 studenti mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
DISG e-book reader project  lesson-based content  to go mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Loan out e-book readers with course materials and readings pre-loaded mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Biblioteca interateneo digitale della Sapienza  In prova 1.700 e-books Elsevier c onsultabili e interamente scaricabili Alla fine del test sarà possibile, se saranno ritenuti validi, continuare a consultarli per tutto il 2011, per acquisirne in via definitiva solo una parte di essi (per un valore di poco più di un terzo del loro valore complessivo, che è di circa 150.000 euro), quelli più scaricati e/o ritenuti più interessanti. Questo è l'elenco dei titoli disponibili:  Titoli e-books Elsevier (file Excel di circa 360Kb). In sintesi, il numero di libri divisi per  Aree disciplinari .    L'indirizzo è lo stesso del sito delle riviste:  http://www.sciencedirect.com   mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Communicate  Connect  Conquer Mail  Dean announces trial during Faculty of Engineering assembly News posted on Faculty and Department webpages Posted on Facebook  ……………………… . assess, assess, assess mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Current e-book marketplace Just-in-time acquisition Patron driven acquisition - Elsevier Pay per view/purchase option Renting/ purchase option mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
E-books for rent – Michigan University Press e-book rentals a month or six months 40% of list price for a 30-day rental to 75% for a 180-day rental option at the end of the rental period to buy it permanently accessed using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) free software, and can be shared across up to six devices registered to the user mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar E-books for rent – Michigan University Press
UT and Ebook Library: a demand driven plan 100,000 books Patrons can search and view any of the ebooks for  5 minutes   window pops up, asking the patron if they wish to continue using the ebook can continue to use the book for  10 days  without the library incurring an additional use fee. On the  fourth use of an ebook title  in the library, an automatic "purchase" is made, and the ebook is added to the library's permanent collection. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Like it, keep it - NYPL mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
CERN - Pay-per-View + purchase option CERN both wanted to be able to  put records  in their catalog but buy them only when a patron requested them.  CERN wanted everything available with a  pay-per-view option  with a  purchase  after a set number of accesses.  The library at CERN serves some of the  top physicists  in the world, which meant that CERN had no issues  trusting that their patrons knew best  what they needed to read .  News from the  Library Even more  books available  electronically! For several years now, the Library  has been offering a large collection of electronic books in a wide  range of disciplines. Like printed books, can  be borrowed for a given period. In a  few clicks of the mouse, you can leaf  through and read books and even print  parts of them from your computer.  The Library catalogue now comprises  a total of more than 10,000 different  e-books. The long-awaited electronic  versions of O’Reilly book titles are now  available: 70 titles have recently been  added to the Library’s collection and  many others will follow in the coming  weeks . mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
No shelf required  distance learners demand from students shelf space cost savings  accessibility and coping with peaks in demand instant updating bibliographical records for batchloading it won’t wear out, get stolen, or otherwise go missing mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
The downside Digital rights Digital formats Hosting (in-house, aggregator, publisher) Licensing conditions The unexpected ! e.g.,  HarperCollins Puts 26 Loan Cap on Ebook Circulations mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
Not a digital replica It’s not going to be  a book-centered world, but discovering innovative ways to deliver educational content Designing the content to fit the medium Interactive digital experience. Look what’s happening in online games! Redefining how the story is told  mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
The Five Laws of Librarians* 1) Books are to be read 2) Every person his or her book 3) Every book its reader 4) Save the time of the reader 5) The library is a growing organism (source: James Turner’s adaptation of Raganathan)   Thank-you! [email_address] mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar

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MJ Crowley. Elsevier Library Connect Seminar, Milan, Italy. Lesson based content on the disg ebook reader mar6

  • 1. Lesson-based content on the Disg ebook reader* MJ Crowley, Di SG Biblioteca, Sapienza * all images uploaded for educational purposes
  • 2. Encouraging innovation in libraries Seismic change Information and networked environment Generational shifts Fluid and Flexible Customer engagement, distinctive services, local responsiveness mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 3. In penny pinching times, be CREATIVE! Collaborate with faculty to integrate library resources into the curriculum Work with scholars to access to their lecture notes, data sets, project notes, papers, etc. in virtual research environments and open digital repositories Collaborate with ICT staff to develop online tutorials and create local digital collections Engage with students to better connect with them, hence more SOCIAL/MOBILE Liaise with other librarians to share resources mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 4. E-book explosion mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 5. Using e-books without being aware of it – blurring the divides Early English Books Online (c.125,000 titles) Eighteenth Century Collections Online (c.150,000 titles Apabi Digital Library of Chinese Books (4,600 titles Oxford Scholarship Online (c.1,200 titles in humanities and social sciences); Safari, Referex, CRC Press, Knovel (Computing, Engineering, and Electronics). NetLibrary, Ebrary, ectc. Books at JSTOR from leading university presses Publishers – Elsevier, Springer , and so on mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 6.   Il ministro Gelmini ''promuove'' il libro di testo elettronico " con l'adozione dell'e-book " si dà " una mano alle famiglie e un sollievo agli studenti. Il libro in versione digitale scaricabile da internet permetterà infatti ai genitori di risparmiare limitando al massimo la spesa per i libri di testo, e allo stesso tempo i ragazzi non saranno più costretti ad andare a scuola caricando sulle spalle zainetti troppo pesanti ". … A partire dall'anno scolastico 2011-2012, il collegio dei docenti adotta esclusivamente libri utilizzabili nelle versioni on line scaricabili da internet o al massimo le versioni "miste", quelle cioè che integrano sezioni digitali e cartacee. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 7. E-device explosion http://bookbee.net/bee-ginners-guide-2 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-book_readers mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 8. British Library to lend e-book readers Dr Stephen Bury, British Library's Head of European and American Collections:   “This is not the end of the book as we know it.  The book in its physical form will remain important for so many reasons, but the incredible versatility of the new e-readers makes them perfect for researchers , allowing easy access to a wealth of information including previously rare and out of print material.  This exhibit gives our researchers a chance to play around with some of the devices currently available, and explore how they can be used to complement existing printed collections in the 21st century.” mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 9. The demise of the book ? Long live the book ! ( still life photograph by by Kevin Best) mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 10. Flexible delivery: Different Ways to Access Your Books Desktop Smart devices Online browser Paper copy … and eReaders mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 11. Increased collaboration (library-faculty) to expand the role of the library within the institution and beyond mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 12. Utilizzo di tecnologie basate su editoria digitale per l’insegnamento, l’apprendimento e la specializzazione nei corsi di tecnica delle costruzioni presso il DISG (Bontempi, Crowley, Arangio, Petrini, Crosti, Gentili, Sgambi, Giuliani ) mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 13. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 14. to stay or to go ! how e-book readers could be used in a library setting explore ways of using new technology in teaching respond to explosive use of mobile devices (e-readers, ipads, smart devices, ecc.) mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 15. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 16. Elsevier & Disg together for excellence mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 17. Sony PRS 650 model Touch screen Backlit Highlight passages and take notes Bookmark pages Contains a whole library ePub format favoured by Jstor, libraries, Google ebook store mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 18. Che cosa vuole il nostro utente? Per ogni corso: dispense, appunti, esercizi, articoli, capitoli in libri, normativi….. Contenuti di base, approfondimenti, specialistici.. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 19. Scegliere e organizzare il contenuto Mettere in relazione utenti e contenuti per migliorare il grado di usabilità e fruibilità Knowledge map del “corso” elaborato insieme con i docenti/studenti (knowledge retrieval and organisation), da gestire con un knowledge system Information design – l’abilità e la pratica di preparare l’informazione così che le persone possano usarla con efficienza e efficacia. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 20. Didactic material (lecture notes, exercises, modelling…) Sapienza e-resources (ebooks, articles…) Norms and standards Approved web content mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 21. Primi corsi universitari coinvolti Tecnica delle costruzioni – 12 CFU – 120 studenti Costruzioni metalliche – 6CFU – 30 studenti Modellazione dei sistemi strutturali – 6CFU – 10 studenti Progettazione strutturale antincendio – 9CFU – 30 studenti mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 22. DISG e-book reader project lesson-based content to go mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 23. Loan out e-book readers with course materials and readings pre-loaded mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 24. Biblioteca interateneo digitale della Sapienza In prova 1.700 e-books Elsevier c onsultabili e interamente scaricabili Alla fine del test sarà possibile, se saranno ritenuti validi, continuare a consultarli per tutto il 2011, per acquisirne in via definitiva solo una parte di essi (per un valore di poco più di un terzo del loro valore complessivo, che è di circa 150.000 euro), quelli più scaricati e/o ritenuti più interessanti. Questo è l'elenco dei titoli disponibili: Titoli e-books Elsevier (file Excel di circa 360Kb). In sintesi, il numero di libri divisi per Aree disciplinari .   L'indirizzo è lo stesso del sito delle riviste: http://www.sciencedirect.com mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 25. Communicate Connect Conquer Mail Dean announces trial during Faculty of Engineering assembly News posted on Faculty and Department webpages Posted on Facebook ……………………… . assess, assess, assess mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 26. Current e-book marketplace Just-in-time acquisition Patron driven acquisition - Elsevier Pay per view/purchase option Renting/ purchase option mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 27. E-books for rent – Michigan University Press e-book rentals a month or six months 40% of list price for a 30-day rental to 75% for a 180-day rental option at the end of the rental period to buy it permanently accessed using Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) free software, and can be shared across up to six devices registered to the user mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar E-books for rent – Michigan University Press
  • 28. UT and Ebook Library: a demand driven plan 100,000 books Patrons can search and view any of the ebooks for 5 minutes window pops up, asking the patron if they wish to continue using the ebook can continue to use the book for 10 days without the library incurring an additional use fee. On the fourth use of an ebook title in the library, an automatic "purchase" is made, and the ebook is added to the library's permanent collection. mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 29. Like it, keep it - NYPL mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 30. CERN - Pay-per-View + purchase option CERN both wanted to be able to put records in their catalog but buy them only when a patron requested them. CERN wanted everything available with a pay-per-view option with a purchase after a set number of accesses. The library at CERN serves some of the top physicists in the world, which meant that CERN had no issues trusting that their patrons knew best what they needed to read .  News from the Library Even more books available electronically! For several years now, the Library has been offering a large collection of electronic books in a wide range of disciplines. Like printed books, can be borrowed for a given period. In a few clicks of the mouse, you can leaf through and read books and even print parts of them from your computer. The Library catalogue now comprises a total of more than 10,000 different e-books. The long-awaited electronic versions of O’Reilly book titles are now available: 70 titles have recently been added to the Library’s collection and many others will follow in the coming weeks . mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 31. No shelf required distance learners demand from students shelf space cost savings accessibility and coping with peaks in demand instant updating bibliographical records for batchloading it won’t wear out, get stolen, or otherwise go missing mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 32. The downside Digital rights Digital formats Hosting (in-house, aggregator, publisher) Licensing conditions The unexpected ! e.g., HarperCollins Puts 26 Loan Cap on Ebook Circulations mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 33. Not a digital replica It’s not going to be a book-centered world, but discovering innovative ways to deliver educational content Designing the content to fit the medium Interactive digital experience. Look what’s happening in online games! Redefining how the story is told mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar
  • 34. The Five Laws of Librarians* 1) Books are to be read 2) Every person his or her book 3) Every book its reader 4) Save the time of the reader 5) The library is a growing organism (source: James Turner’s adaptation of Raganathan) Thank-you! [email_address] mj crowley-Bibliostar 2011-Elsevier Library Connect Seminar