Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Kathmandu, Nepal
Mah bio-data????????
DaMn iT
Y Du yU neEd mY bIOdaTa???
ArE yU gIviNg mE jOb ?? :p
OR R yU goNnA seaRch joB bY showIng mAh bIo-daTa????
Hmmmmmm ReaLlY yU waNna knOw mE huh???
OKkkkk tHeN......
M mAn wId 2 eYes
1 noSe
2 eAr n 1 mOuTh :D
Yu gOt iT nA??
StiLl sCroLliNg to sEe aBt mE :@
ItS mE mAsEn tHatS alL yu fOolLL. :D
I M mYseLf N wiLl reMaIns wHaT I M & wOnt cHaNge whoevEr saYs whAtEveR
Yu kNoW M not haNdsOmE bt.
i cAn giVe mA haNd to sOmE wHo R in pBLm :/.
M sImply UneXpecTed.
Yu cAn nVr gUeSs wAtzZ oN mY heAd.
Yu cAn nEvEr knO whether M HaPpy Sad or AnGry cuz ThEre'lL aLwAyz be s
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