The document discusses several trends in television including:
1. Television is becoming smarter and more integrated with the internet and social media, allowing viewers to watch on multiple devices from anywhere.
2. Television will move towards a seamless integration of traditional broadcasting and online content distribution networks.
3. Viewers will be able to both watch and participate in television through social media and new forms of interactivity.
The document shows the adoption of broadband internet in different countries over time. Japan was an early adopter in 2004, while South Korea saw rapid growth between 2006 and 2011 reaching over 10 million subscribers. The United States also grew subscribers but more slowly, reaching over 27 million by 2011.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pandangan bahwa lawan bukanlah musuh yang harus disingkirkan, melainkan entitas yang dapat memberikan manfaat, seperti menunjukkan kelemahan diri, menjadi guru untuk belajar, membuat seseorang terkenal, properti termurah untuk melatih kesabaran, dan merupakan kebutuhan manusia. Kuncinya adalah mengelola lawan dan kawan secara proporsional.
Open innovation is important for small and medium enterprises to remain competitive. There are opportunities as well as barriers to open innovation in the past, present and future. Some of the key challenges for companies include: innovating is complex and expensive; innovating is only for large companies; where to begin and with whom to begin the innovation process. New technologies and trends like the internet of things, augmented reality, and open data present both opportunities and threats that companies must navigate.
- Intellectual property law covers primary rights such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. It also covers sui generis rights and public domain works.
- The economic and cultural importance of intellectual property is increasing rapidly as the fortunes of many businesses now depend heavily on intellectual property rights.
- The term "intellectual property" refers to legal doctrines that regulate the uses of ideas, expressions, inventions, and insignia. This includes copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, and other laws.
The document traces the evolution of mobile phone technologies and functions from 1912 to the present. It discusses early regulations on radio spectrum use and the development of transistors and digital technologies that enabled modern portable phones. Later innovations included LCD displays for texting, cameras for photos, music and video playback. Smartphones added GPS, internet access, apps and other functions. The document speculates that future phones may integrate flexible displays, sensors and solar charging.
Michael Maze is a Danish professional table tennis player born in 1981. Some of his accomplishments include winning German Club Champion in 2002/03, winning the prestigious European Top 12 tournament in 2004, winning an Olympic bronze medal in 2004, and helping Denmark win the European Championship in 2005. He has won multiple medals at European and World Championships and has been the Danish Player of the Year seven times. The document promotes Maze as a sponsorship opportunity, highlighting how his success and personality could help promote table tennis. It discusses standard promotion elements and Maze's availability between training and competitions.
This document discusses aviation security training conducted in 2014. It mentions modules, activities, and dates related to security training provided by an aviation security center. The training covered topics like X-ray screening and security hold areas and was delivered by an instructor in February 2015.
Este documento describe las caracter鱈sticas del discurso publicitario y las figuras ret坦ricas que se utilizan en 辿l. Explica que la publicidad, al igual que otros tipos de discursos, utiliza sistemas semi坦ticos compuestos por signos organizados seg炭n reglas. Tambi辿n describe las operaciones ret坦ricas como la invenci坦n, disposici坦n, elocuci坦n, acci坦n y memoria que se aplican en la construcci坦n del discurso publicitario, as鱈 como figuras como la repetici坦n, oposici坦n, elipsis y met叩fora.
The Mayans developed a base-20 numeric system using dots and bars to represent numbers from 1 to 19. They represented zero with an empty space. Numbers were written in a place-value system with the units, twenties, hundreds, and higher places. They could perform addition, subtraction, and multiplication using their unique system. The Mayans made advances in mathematics during the Early and Late Classic periods between 292 AD to 889 AD.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pandangan bahwa lawan bukanlah musuh yang harus disingkirkan, melainkan entitas yang dapat memberikan manfaat, seperti menunjukkan kelemahan diri, menjadi guru untuk belajar, membuat seseorang terkenal, properti termurah untuk melatih kesabaran, dan merupakan kebutuhan manusia. Kuncinya adalah mengelola lawan dan kawan secara proporsional.
Open innovation is important for small and medium enterprises to remain competitive. There are opportunities as well as barriers to open innovation in the past, present and future. Some of the key challenges for companies include: innovating is complex and expensive; innovating is only for large companies; where to begin and with whom to begin the innovation process. New technologies and trends like the internet of things, augmented reality, and open data present both opportunities and threats that companies must navigate.
- Intellectual property law covers primary rights such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. It also covers sui generis rights and public domain works.
- The economic and cultural importance of intellectual property is increasing rapidly as the fortunes of many businesses now depend heavily on intellectual property rights.
- The term "intellectual property" refers to legal doctrines that regulate the uses of ideas, expressions, inventions, and insignia. This includes copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, right of publicity, and other laws.
The document traces the evolution of mobile phone technologies and functions from 1912 to the present. It discusses early regulations on radio spectrum use and the development of transistors and digital technologies that enabled modern portable phones. Later innovations included LCD displays for texting, cameras for photos, music and video playback. Smartphones added GPS, internet access, apps and other functions. The document speculates that future phones may integrate flexible displays, sensors and solar charging.
Michael Maze is a Danish professional table tennis player born in 1981. Some of his accomplishments include winning German Club Champion in 2002/03, winning the prestigious European Top 12 tournament in 2004, winning an Olympic bronze medal in 2004, and helping Denmark win the European Championship in 2005. He has won multiple medals at European and World Championships and has been the Danish Player of the Year seven times. The document promotes Maze as a sponsorship opportunity, highlighting how his success and personality could help promote table tennis. It discusses standard promotion elements and Maze's availability between training and competitions.
This document discusses aviation security training conducted in 2014. It mentions modules, activities, and dates related to security training provided by an aviation security center. The training covered topics like X-ray screening and security hold areas and was delivered by an instructor in February 2015.
Este documento describe las caracter鱈sticas del discurso publicitario y las figuras ret坦ricas que se utilizan en 辿l. Explica que la publicidad, al igual que otros tipos de discursos, utiliza sistemas semi坦ticos compuestos por signos organizados seg炭n reglas. Tambi辿n describe las operaciones ret坦ricas como la invenci坦n, disposici坦n, elocuci坦n, acci坦n y memoria que se aplican en la construcci坦n del discurso publicitario, as鱈 como figuras como la repetici坦n, oposici坦n, elipsis y met叩fora.
The Mayans developed a base-20 numeric system using dots and bars to represent numbers from 1 to 19. They represented zero with an empty space. Numbers were written in a place-value system with the units, twenties, hundreds, and higher places. They could perform addition, subtraction, and multiplication using their unique system. The Mayans made advances in mathematics during the Early and Late Classic periods between 292 AD to 889 AD.
Morten Olsen f淡rte Danmark direkte til VM i 2002 og 2010. Det samme
skete ved EM i 2004. Nu gentager han mesterstykket med puljesejren og
den flotte afslutning mod Portugal. Han har nu otte m奪neder til at
forberede truppen til EM 2012...
Morten Olsen spillede 17 奪r som professionel fodboldspiller i udlandet med en yderst seri淡s og
superprofessionel teknisk begavelse. En spiller, som udviklede sig til at blive en af Danmarks st淡rste
lederskikkelser p奪 s奪vel klubholdsplan som p奪 landsholdsplan.
Professionalisme, trov脱rdighed og ansvarlighed kombineret med vinderinstinkt og udpr脱gede
lederegenskaber er karakteristiske kendetegn for Morten Olsen - b奪de som person og landstr脱ner.
Som international spiller p奪 det h淡jeste niveau og som landstr脱ner for det danske landshold har Morten
Olsen stor erfaring indenfor fodboldens verden. Morten Olsen stopper som landstr脱ner i 2012 efter 12 奪r
p奪 posten, hvor han har skabt flotte resultater for Danmark. Omkring hans rolle som tr脱ner og hans fremtid
udtaler han dette: Det har v脱ret en stor 脱re at v脱re tr脱ner for sit eget land. Efter en rigtig god tid ser jeg
nu frem til nye sp脱ndende opgaver og udfordringer.
Morten Olsen har en lang r脱kke rekorder med sig i tiden med landsholdsfodbold. Han er for eksempel den
eneste, der har rundet 100 kampe som b奪de spiller og tr脱ner for landsholdet. Derudover har han
kvalificeret landsholdet til to VM-slutrunder og en EM-slutrunde.
Ved indg奪else af et personligt sponsorat med Morten Olsen vil man som virksomhed ikke alene opn奪 en
synlig og effektiv eksponering, men endvidere et samarbejde med en af Danmarks st淡rste personligheder
inden for sportens verden.
f.reklame A/S Klosterstr脱de 23, 2.sal 1157 K淡benhavn K tlf.: +45 3312 7244 fax.: +45 3393 7220 2
Olsen spillede 102 A-landskampe og scorede fire m奪l p奪 det danske fodboldlandshold i perioden 1970-89. Han
blev k奪ret til rets Fodboldspiller i Danmark i 1983 og 1986 og rets tr脱ner i Danmark i 2001 og 2009.
I sin aktive karriere var Morten Olsen kendt som en stor forsvarsstyrmand i rollen som libero, der ogs奪 har en
central rolle i det opbyggende spil - en egenskab som Olsen var nationalt s奪vel som internationalt anerkendt for. I
奪rene f淡r sin tid som libero havde han spillet andre pladser p奪 banen, is脱r h淡jre wing/midtbane og h淡jre back.
Ydermere var han anf淡rer og dav脱rende landstr脱ner Sepp Pionteks forl脱ngede arm p奪 det legendariske danske
landshold, der henrykkede en fodboldverden med sublimt, teknisk baseret og fremragende fremadrettet
fodboldspil under VM-slutrunden i 1986 i Mexico.
Siden 2003 har Morten Olsen v脱ret frontfigur for en af verdens f淡rende h淡reapparatproducenter, det
danskejede Widex. Med aftalen mellem den danske landstr脱ner og Widex indgik virksomheden for f淡rste gang
nogensinde et sponsorsamarbejde med en person inden for sportens verden. Marketingsdirekt淡r for Widex,
Bjarne Smedegaard siger f淡lgende: Vi s脱tter stor pris p奪 vores samarbejde med Morten Olsen. Det har skabt en
stor eksponering af Widex, og skabt v脱rdi i blandt vores kunder og ikke mindst vores medarbejdere. Det har
medf淡rt styrket trov脱rdighed b奪de internt og eksternt.
Morten Olsen har den arvelige lidelse otosklerose. Et h淡retab, der har v脱ret hans usynlige modspiller siden
70'erne. Sponsoraftalen med Widex indeb脱rer for Morten Olsens vedkommende, at han nu benytter
h淡reapparatet Senso Diva som en usynlig, men yderst vigtig medspiller.
I f淡rste omgang var det Widex' strategi at anvende Morten Olsen eksternt i alt PR- og markedsf淡ringsmateriale,
fx i brochurer, annoncer og p奪 Widex' site, hvor Morten Olsen har en testimonial omkring sit h淡retab. Desuden
ville virksomheden give sine medarbejdere nogle s脱rlige oplevelser sammen med den danske landstr脱ner. Men
meget hurtigt udvidede Widex den eksterne strategi til ogs奪 at omfatte eksponering via landsholdet. Siden 2007
har Widex s奪ledes ogs奪 v脱ret sponsor for DBU og eksponerer deres budskab til hele landet gennem
velgennemt脱nkte elektroniske bandereklamer ved alle landskampe.
f.reklame A/S Klosterstr脱de 23, 2.sal 1157 K淡benhavn K tlf.: +45 3312 7244 fax.: +45 3393 7220 3
1986-89: 1. FC K旦ln
1980-86: RSC Anderlecht
1976-80: Racing White Molenbeek
1972-76: Cercle Brugge KV
1970-72: B 1901
1957-69: Vordingborg
1970: 1 U/21-landskamp
1970-89: 102 A-landskampe, 4 m奪l
1990-92: Br淡ndby IF
1993-95: 1. FC K旦ln
1997-99: Ajax Amsterdam
2000-10: Dansk Boldspil-Union Dansk jubel efter Michael Krohn-Dehli har bragt Danmark
foran 1-0 mod Portugal
1993: Fussball Lehrer Licenz (h淡jeste tyske tr脱neruddannelse, siden 1997 kompatibel med DBUs
og UEFAs h淡jeste tr脱neruddannelse, PRO-tr脱ner)
f.reklame A/S Klosterstr脱de 23, 2.sal 1157 K淡benhavn K tlf.: +45 3312 7244 fax.: +45 3393 7220 4
- MORTEN OLSEN som ambassad淡r for Deres virksomhed
- Anvende MORTEN OLSEN i reklamefilm
- Anvende MORTEN OLSEN i salgsmateriale
- Anvende MORTEN OLSEN i instore materiale
- Anvende MORTEN OLSEN p奪 virksomhedens hjemmeside
- Anvende MORTEN OLSEN ved event/kundearrangement
- Anvende MORTEN OLSEN til r奪dgivning
Vederlag efter n脱rmere aftale
f.reklame A/S Klosterstr脱de 23, 2.sal 1157 K淡benhavn K tlf.: +45 3312 7244 fax.: +45 3393 7220 5