Bagi Pengunjung 際際滷share yang Membutuhkan PELATIHAN TEKNIK PRESENTASI dan PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN LAINNYA ataupun MANAJEMEN SDM, DLL maka Anda dapat menghubungi Kami di : 0878-7063-5053 (Fast Response) dengan HARD-Hi SMART CONSULTING
This document discusses how to effectively handle difficult customers in a customer service setting. It begins by defining what constitutes a difficult customer and noting that the goal is to change how such customers are labeled. Labeling a customer as difficult can become a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it leads representatives to expect negative behaviors and treat the customer abruptly. Instead, the document recommends adopting a "CLEAR" communication approach: listen actively, empathize with the customer's situation, apologize genuinely, resolve the problem, and release negative feelings. With this approach, representatives can de-escalate challenging situations and focus on serving the customer respectfully.
This public relations action plan outlines the goals, objectives, targeted audiences, key messages, tactics, and evaluation plan for an unnamed organization. The plan lists 3 goals, 5 objectives, potential publics to reach, important messages to convey, actions for responsible parties to take with specific tools and timelines, and how progress on objectives will be evaluated over certain date ranges.
Makalah ini membahas tentang pelaku dan pesan kampanye politik. Pelaku kampanye adalah aktor politik yang akan menyampaikan pesan untuk mempengaruhi khalayak agar mendukung mereka. Kredibilitas pelaku sangat mempengaruhi respon khalayak. Pesan merupakan inti utama kampanye, dan harus bersifat informatif dan persuasif. Pesan yang tepat akan mempengaruhi keberhasilan kampanye dengan merubah sikap khalayak.
This document discusses conflict management. It defines conflict as a direct struggle between individuals or groups for the same goals. Conflict is also described as an objective incompatibility between values or goals. Sources of conflict include personal differences, misinformation, incompatible roles, and environmental stress. Approaches to handling conflict include forcing, avoiding, compromising, accommodating, and collaborating. Different negotiation strategies like distributive and integrative are also discussed. The document provides guidance on selecting an approach based on factors like the relationship, importance, power dynamics, and time constraints. It emphasizes that personal preferences and the context should inform the problem-solving process and strategy selection for resolving disputes.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komunikasi efektif dan relasional, yang dijelaskan sebagai proses penyampaian dan pemahaman pesan antara dua pihak atau lebih. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas unsur-unsur komunikasi seperti pengirim, pesan, saluran, penerima, dan umpan balik, serta jenis komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Selain itu, dokumen tersebut memberikan tips untuk menjadi pendengar yang empati dan memiliki keter
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan singkat tentang 17 teknik closing yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan tingkat konversi penjualan. Beberapa teknik utama yang disebutkan antara lain mengarahkan calon pelanggan untuk menjawab 'ya', menanggapi keberatan dengan pertanyaan balik, memberikan 3 keuntungan dalam satu penawaran, serta menekankan pentingnya membuat keputusan pembelian saat itu juga.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum modul pelatihan mengenai teknik penjualan yang efektif, meliputi pembangunan karakter yang total terhadap pekerjaan, pengembangan tujuan dan mimpi, serta penjelasan bahwa menjual adalah sebuah seni yang melibatkan proses mendengarkan kebutuhan pelanggan dan menawarkan manfaat produk."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya keterampilan berbicara di depan umum (public speaking) dan beberapa tips untuk menjadi pembicara yang baik, seperti mempersiapkan materi dengan baik, berinteraksi dengan audiens, serta latihan berbicara secara teratur.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang psikologi pesan dalam komunikasi. Ada dua jenis pesan yaitu pesan linguistik yang disampaikan melalui bahasa dan pesan nonverbal yang disampaikan melalui gerakan tubuh, ekspresi wajah, sentuhan dan bunyi. Pesan perlu diorganisasi dengan baik agar memiliki struktur makna yang lengkap dan jelas serta mampu mempengaruhi penerima pesan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pelayanan prima dan layanan yang baik. Ia menjelaskan bahwa layanan adalah kegiatan yang diberikan oleh suatu pihak kepada pihak lain yang bersifat tidak berwujud. Layanan prima penting karena memiliki arti ekonomi, tempat berkumpulnya uang dan pekerjaan, serta persaingan yang semakin ketat. Tujuan layanan yang baik adalah menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan, membangun loyalitas
Teori Ketergantungan Media menjelaskan bahwa semakin seseorang bergantung pada suatu media untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, maka media tersebut akan semakin penting bagi orang tersebut. Teori ini dikembangkan oleh Melvin Defluer dan Sandra Ball Rokeach untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara audiens, media, dan sistem sosial. Teori ini berargumen bahwa tingkat ketergantungan seseorang terhadap suatu media dipengaruhi oleh
Media Sosial jelas sudah banyak mengalahkan media konvensional. Bila sebagian orang hanya memakai media sosial untuk memuaskan gejolak ke-narsis-annya, sebagian lagi justru sukses mendulang "emas" dengan Media Sosial. Salah satunya dengan membangun Personal Branding.
Blue Bird berhasil membangun reputasi positif sebagai perusahaan taksi terpercaya di Indonesia melalui pengelolaan karakter pengemudi yang jujur dan ramah serta pelayanan berkualitas tinggi. Reputasi positif membantu Blue Bird menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan serta meningkatkan nilai bisnisnya.
Press release merupakan informasi yang dibuat oleh organisasi untuk dipublikasikan di media. Ada beberapa jenis press release seperti basic, produk, dan keuangan. Struktur penulisan press release menggunakan piramida terbalik dengan paragraf pertama berisi informasi paling penting. Feature berbeda dari berita karena disusun seperti kerucut terbalik dengan bagian tambahan seperti jembatan.
This document provides guidance on analyzing and managing audiences. It discusses the importance of audience analysis, identifying the needs and expectations of the audience. It then describes six types of difficult audience members - The Clown, The Sniper, The Snowman, The Black Cloud, The Unwanted Panelist, and The Whisperer. For each type of difficult audience member, it explains how to spot them and how to deal with them, such as using clowns to entertain or redirecting snipers with evidence to support your points. The overall message is the importance of understanding your audience and being prepared with strategies to engage different types of attendees.
The Audience Management System allows publishers to manage audience data, their most important asset, in an efficient way. It provides a single customer view across all touchpoints and enables better targeting and marketing decisions. The system also allows for duplicate free data input, online access from any location, and financial and marketing reports. It was built by publishers for publishers to meet all audience management needs.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang komunikasi efektif dan relasional, yang dijelaskan sebagai proses penyampaian dan pemahaman pesan antara dua pihak atau lebih. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas unsur-unsur komunikasi seperti pengirim, pesan, saluran, penerima, dan umpan balik, serta jenis komunikasi verbal dan nonverbal. Selain itu, dokumen tersebut memberikan tips untuk menjadi pendengar yang empati dan memiliki keter
Dokumen tersebut memberikan ringkasan singkat tentang 17 teknik closing yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan tingkat konversi penjualan. Beberapa teknik utama yang disebutkan antara lain mengarahkan calon pelanggan untuk menjawab 'ya', menanggapi keberatan dengan pertanyaan balik, memberikan 3 keuntungan dalam satu penawaran, serta menekankan pentingnya membuat keputusan pembelian saat itu juga.
Dokumen tersebut merangkum modul pelatihan mengenai teknik penjualan yang efektif, meliputi pembangunan karakter yang total terhadap pekerjaan, pengembangan tujuan dan mimpi, serta penjelasan bahwa menjual adalah sebuah seni yang melibatkan proses mendengarkan kebutuhan pelanggan dan menawarkan manfaat produk."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pentingnya keterampilan berbicara di depan umum (public speaking) dan beberapa tips untuk menjadi pembicara yang baik, seperti mempersiapkan materi dengan baik, berinteraksi dengan audiens, serta latihan berbicara secara teratur.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang psikologi pesan dalam komunikasi. Ada dua jenis pesan yaitu pesan linguistik yang disampaikan melalui bahasa dan pesan nonverbal yang disampaikan melalui gerakan tubuh, ekspresi wajah, sentuhan dan bunyi. Pesan perlu diorganisasi dengan baik agar memiliki struktur makna yang lengkap dan jelas serta mampu mempengaruhi penerima pesan.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pelayanan prima dan layanan yang baik. Ia menjelaskan bahwa layanan adalah kegiatan yang diberikan oleh suatu pihak kepada pihak lain yang bersifat tidak berwujud. Layanan prima penting karena memiliki arti ekonomi, tempat berkumpulnya uang dan pekerjaan, serta persaingan yang semakin ketat. Tujuan layanan yang baik adalah menciptakan kepuasan pelanggan, membangun loyalitas
Teori Ketergantungan Media menjelaskan bahwa semakin seseorang bergantung pada suatu media untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya, maka media tersebut akan semakin penting bagi orang tersebut. Teori ini dikembangkan oleh Melvin Defluer dan Sandra Ball Rokeach untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara audiens, media, dan sistem sosial. Teori ini berargumen bahwa tingkat ketergantungan seseorang terhadap suatu media dipengaruhi oleh
Media Sosial jelas sudah banyak mengalahkan media konvensional. Bila sebagian orang hanya memakai media sosial untuk memuaskan gejolak ke-narsis-annya, sebagian lagi justru sukses mendulang "emas" dengan Media Sosial. Salah satunya dengan membangun Personal Branding.
Blue Bird berhasil membangun reputasi positif sebagai perusahaan taksi terpercaya di Indonesia melalui pengelolaan karakter pengemudi yang jujur dan ramah serta pelayanan berkualitas tinggi. Reputasi positif membantu Blue Bird menarik dan mempertahankan pelanggan serta meningkatkan nilai bisnisnya.
Press release merupakan informasi yang dibuat oleh organisasi untuk dipublikasikan di media. Ada beberapa jenis press release seperti basic, produk, dan keuangan. Struktur penulisan press release menggunakan piramida terbalik dengan paragraf pertama berisi informasi paling penting. Feature berbeda dari berita karena disusun seperti kerucut terbalik dengan bagian tambahan seperti jembatan.
This document provides guidance on analyzing and managing audiences. It discusses the importance of audience analysis, identifying the needs and expectations of the audience. It then describes six types of difficult audience members - The Clown, The Sniper, The Snowman, The Black Cloud, The Unwanted Panelist, and The Whisperer. For each type of difficult audience member, it explains how to spot them and how to deal with them, such as using clowns to entertain or redirecting snipers with evidence to support your points. The overall message is the importance of understanding your audience and being prepared with strategies to engage different types of attendees.
The Audience Management System allows publishers to manage audience data, their most important asset, in an efficient way. It provides a single customer view across all touchpoints and enables better targeting and marketing decisions. The system also allows for duplicate free data input, online access from any location, and financial and marketing reports. It was built by publishers for publishers to meet all audience management needs.
Here are 5 examples of art in Region 2:
1. Sculptures of the Ivatan people of Batanes, made of wood and stone depicting local folk deities and animals.
2. Weavings from the Ilocos region made from abaca fiber depicting local legends and motifs.
3. Pottery from Pangasinan decorated with geometric designs and patterns.
4. Metal sculptures from La Union crafted into figures of saints and folk heroes.
5. Murals in the churches of Pampanga painted with biblical scenes and images of the local flora and fauna.
Co-creation is a hot topic these days. Involving customers in the decision flow of a brand/company is one of the cool, new ways of doing marketing. In our research we found that some companies go a few steps further. Some succeed in intergrating the voice of the customer in ALL their decision flows. This paper describes the different steps to evolve from a one time co-creation project to structural collaboration.
Frank Piller: Open Innovation & Customer Co-CreationFrank Piller
The document discusses co-creation of value with customers and companies. It provides an introduction to open innovation and value co-creation, frameworks and structures in the field, and insights from recent research. It also presents a competence-based framework for the capabilities required to co-create value. Additionally, it addresses two problems that make new product development difficult: the stickiness of need information possessed by customers, and the issue of local search bias that reduces problem solving effectiveness when problem solvers rely only on their own knowledge.
This document outlines five types of co-creation that companies can use to involve customers in the innovation process. The five types are co-creation workshops, crowdsourcing, open source, mass customization, and user-generated content. It also identifies three critical success factors for co-creation: sharing information, being honest with customers, and sincerely engaging customers. The document was created by SunIdee to inform clients about how to practice co-creation.
Here are some potential impact factors to consider:
People: Number of people involved, their sex, age, physical size/strength, injuries/disabilities, mental health, intoxication level, relationship to each other
Objects: Weapons, furniture/fixtures that could be used as weapons, sharp/heavy objects, materials/chemicals
Places: Location (public vs private), exits/entrances, surveillance/witnesses, noise level, lighting, temperature, confined spaces
This document discusses various topics related to perceiving others and the self. It covers common perceptual tendencies and attribution errors people make when perceiving others. These include judging ourselves more favorably than others and making assumptions about people based on limited information. The document also discusses how culture, social roles, and situational factors influence our perceptions. It then addresses the concepts of self-concept and identity management in interpersonal communication.
The document discusses feedback and its importance in design thinking work. It provides an overview of why feedback is needed, how to effectively give and receive it, and potential barriers to communication. Some key points include:
- Feedback is crucial for design thinking projects as it allows people to learn, improve ideas through iterations, and gain acceptance for their ideas.
- Both verbal and nonverbal communication can impact feedback, and it is important to be aware of potential noise or barriers like culture, environment, or psychological factors.
- Constructive feedback should be specific, solution-focused, and descriptive rather than judgmental. It is best delivered through active listening and in a respectful, helpful manner.
- When giving
The document discusses various barriers to effective communication. It describes several tangible differences like gender, age, and culture that can impact communication. It also discusses intangible barriers such as perception, motivation, tunnel vision, ego, and negative emotions. Specific principles are outlined, such as selective perception and the impact of motivation. Guidelines are provided for improving communication effectiveness in negotiation and business communication.
Communication is a key part of successful negotiation. Effective communication involves understanding the communication process, the importance of communication during negotiations, and various dimensions and components of communication. Some key aspects of communication during negotiation include having clear presentation tailored to the listener's needs, establishing credibility, providing evidence to support arguments, and expressing emotions genuinely. It is important to plan communications, keep messages clear and concise, ask questions, and provide feedback respectfully. Non-verbal communication and overcoming barriers are also important aspects of communicating well during negotiations.
This document discusses non-verbal communication. It covers various elements of non-verbal communication including appearance, body language, facial expressions, gestures, paralanguage, time and space. Some key points made include that non-verbal communication can express true feelings more than words, appearance can affect how a message is received before it is read, body language and facial expressions account for over 50% of non-verbal communication, and factors like time and space determine comfort levels. The document also provides tips for improving non-verbal communication skills and managing impressions.
Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages between parties. There are several key aspects of communication including senders and receivers, messages and channels, encoding and decoding of messages, and feedback. Effective communication requires understanding factors like perception, motivation, barriers, and following guidelines. Business communication is the intentional and unintentional sending and receiving of messages within an organization. It is complex, competitive, group and task oriented, and data-based. Formal and informal networks, as well as the span of control, impact information flow within organizations.
This document discusses the behaviors and mindsets of trusted advisors. It outlines that trusted advisors understand communication is strategic, relationships matter, and it's important to consider others' perspectives. Trusted advisors focus on tasks, identities, and relationships in interactions. They are sensitive to others, ask questions, and pay attention to nonverbal cues. Trusted advisors also build powerful networks, deliver thoughtful feedback, manage expectations strategically, and carefully tend important relationships. The document emphasizes adapting communication styles to different audiences and considering how word choices can foster or undermine trust.
Communication is the exchange of information between individuals through verbal and non-verbal means. It is critical for human interaction and underlies all human activities from making friends to governing nations. Effective communication requires understanding both the literal meaning of messages as well as the symbolic and contextual meanings.
The document discusses powerful communication techniques for engaging different types of people. It identifies visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and auditory-digital learners and provides examples of how to communicate effectively with each type. The rest of the document covers additional topics on powerful communication such as matching and mirroring body language, communicating benefits over features, using confident voice and body language, maintaining a strong stance, focusing the message, and having fun when communicating.
The document discusses key concepts in media studies including representation, mediation, and stereotypes. It provides definitions and explanations of these concepts with the following key points:
1. Representation is how media presents the real world to audiences through various texts like films, photos, etc. and involves the construction of meanings.
2. Mediation is the process by which a media text represents an idea to an audience, and involves selection, organization, and focusing of elements.
3. Stereotypes are widely circulated ideas about social groups that media relies on as a shorthand for audiences, though they may overgeneralize groups.
Snezana Milisavljevic - Public relationskragujevac
The document provides tips for effective communication and public speaking. It discusses listening actively without interrupting, finding common interests with others, giving people a chance to answer positively, and making a good first impression by being honest and enthusiastic without criticizing others. The document also notes that according to research, the top fear among many people is public speaking, even more than death.
The document discusses communication skills. It defines communication as a joint process between a sender and receiver involving the exchange of information and opinions using symbols to achieve specific goals. It lists the objectives of understanding communication for nurses and some barriers to communication. It covers the components of communication including the sender, message, medium, receiver and feedback. It also discusses types of communication, verbal versus non-verbal communication, and the importance of communication for personal, social, economic and psychological reasons. Finally, it discusses barriers to communication such as physical, emotional, environmental and cultural barriers and how to overcome them by understanding the audience and ensuring messages are timely, meaningful and relevant.
The document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It covers the communication process, including encoding, channels of communication, strengths and weaknesses of different channels. It also discusses active listening, non-verbal communication skills like eye contact and body language, and tips for effective presentations.
The document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It covers the communication process, including encoding, channels of communication, strengths and weaknesses of different channels. It also discusses active listening, non-verbal communication skills like eye contact and body language, and tips for effective presentations.
How To Improve Communication Skill 120299511997138 4 2Ashok waghmare
The document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It covers the communication process, including encoding, channels, strengths and weaknesses of different communication methods. It also discusses active listening, non-verbal communication skills like eye contact and body language, and tips for effective presentations.
The document discusses communication skills and effective communication. It covers the communication process, including encoding, channels of communication, strengths and weaknesses of different channels. It also discusses active listening, non-verbal communication skills like eye contact and body language, and tips for effective presentations.
Computer Network Unit IV - Lecture Notes - Network LayerMurugan146644
Lecture Notes - Unit IV - The Network Layer
Welcome to the comprehensive guide on Computer Network concepts, tailored for final year B.Sc. Computer Science students affiliated with Alagappa University. This document covers fundamental principles and advanced topics in Computer Network. PDF content is prepared from the text book Computer Network by Andrew S. Tenanbaum
Key Topics Covered:
Main Topic : The Network Layer
Sub-Topic : Network Layer Design Issues (Store and forward packet switching , service provided to the transport layer, implementation of connection less service, implementation of connection oriented service, Comparision of virtual circuit and datagram subnet), Routing algorithms (Shortest path routing, Flooding , Distance Vector routing algorithm, Link state routing algorithm , hierarchical routing algorithm, broadcast routing, multicast routing algorithm)
Other Link :
1.Introduction to computer network - /slideshow/lecture-notes-introduction-to-computer-network/274183454
2. Physical Layer - /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-ii-the-physical-layer/274747125
3. Data Link Layer Part 1 : /slideshow/lecture-notes-unit-iii-the-datalink-layer/275288798
Target Audience:
Final year B.Sc. Computer Science students at Alagappa University seeking a solid foundation in Computer Network principles for academic.
About the Author:
Dr. S. Murugan is Associate Professor at Alagappa Government Arts College, Karaikudi. With 23 years of teaching experience in the field of Computer Science, Dr. S. Murugan has a passion for simplifying complex concepts in Computer Network
This document is intended for educational purposes only. The content presented here reflects the authors understanding in the field of Computer Network
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
How to Manage Putaway Rule in Odoo 17 InventoryCeline George
Inventory management is a critical aspect of any business involved in manufacturing or selling products.
Odoo 17 offers a robust inventory management system that can handle complex operations and optimize warehouse efficiency.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
APM event hosted by the South Wales and West of England Network (SWWE Network)
Speaker: Aalok Sonawala
The SWWE Regional Network were very pleased to welcome Aalok Sonawala, Head of PMO, National Programmes, Rider Levett Bucknall on 26 February, to BAWA for our first face to face event of 2025. Aalok is a member of APMs Thames Valley Regional Network and also speaks to members of APMs PMO Interest Network, which aims to facilitate collaboration and learning, offer unbiased advice and guidance.
Tonight, Aalok planned to discuss the importance of a PMO within project-based organisations, the different types of PMO and their key elements, PMO governance and centres of excellence.
PMOs within an organisation can be centralised, hub and spoke with a central PMO with satellite PMOs globally, or embedded within projects. The appropriate structure will be determined by the specific business needs of the organisation. The PMO sits above PM delivery and the supply chain delivery teams.
For further information about the event please click here.
How to Modify Existing Web Pages in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to modify existing web pages in Odoo 18. Web pages in Odoo 18 can also gather user data through user-friendly forms, encourage interaction through engaging features.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
5. Impression Management
In sociology and social psychology, impression management is
a goal-directed conscious or unconscious process in which
people attempt to influence the perceptions of other people
about a person, object or event; they do so by regulating and
controlling information in social interaction (Piwinger & Ebert
2001, pp. 12). It is usually used synonymously with self-
presentation, in which a person tries to influence the
perception of their image. The notion of impression
management also refers to practices in professional
communication and public relations, where the term is used to
describe the process of formation of a company's or
organization's public image.
6. Goffmanns Theatre
actor stage
different roles
an eye wink
7. Transactional Communication Model J.Morreale
Personal Meaning Area Personal Meaning Area
Transmitter/ Receiver/
Receiver s Transmitter
coding s decoding
decoding chann a chann coding
el el
noise noise
Meaning Area