Social media has become integrated with television viewing, as people now often comment on shows they are watching through platforms like Twitter and Facebook. An episode of Game of Thrones generated over 240,000 tweets during its airing alone. TV networks and advertisers are now exploring ways to leverage the second screen experience, such as by creating interactive polls, trivia, or commerce opportunities related to the show. However, traditional television viewing remains important, with over 60% of Belgians watching on a traditional TV set. The future will involve finding the right balance and feedback between traditional and digital platforms to engage fans across multiple devices.
2. The ability to share our reaction within seconds has
cemented social media sites into the experience of
watching our favorite shows
3. In the USA, the episode 9 of the
3rd season of the HBO fantasy
series "Game of Thrones" hit
241.700 tweets during the show,
an incredible 172% increase
compared to an average episode
(88.900 tweets). The last 10
minutes of the show saw close to
80,000 tweets.
45% of people
shock, often with
a big WTF?!
17% of the
was posted in all
capital letters 13% of people
were devastated
by the episode
7% said they will
never watch
GoT again (well
see about that)
3% of GoT buzz
came from non-
fans asking what
4. On May 26 alone, there were in the US more than 2.3
million TV-related tweets.
That included over 600,000 for that night's NBA game,
230,000+ for The Bachelorette and nearly 58,000 for
Arrested Development
6. Traditional TV: More Time (A little less) Reach
(Source: CIM Audim辿trie 3/2005 vs 3/2013)
2005 35+
2005 Women
SG 1-4
SG 1-4
2:52:48 AM 3:21:36 AM 3:50:24 AM 4:19:12 AM 4:48:00 AM 5:16:48 AM
Daily Reach %
7. Facebook is a mass media
5.200.000 profiles (socialbakers June 13)
5.025.000 total unique visitors (comScore May 13)
80% of Belgian internet users are on Facebook
52% Women 48% Men
Over 66% return daily, over 85% return at least once a week
Sources: socialbakers, comScore
8. Recently, TV has partnered with online
devices for social and realtime experiences
"Audio synching allows consumers to sync their
smart phones or tablets to interact with a show
and participate in:
trivia, polls, quizzes, predictions, voting and
9. 60% of the Belgian owned a Digital TV
(Source: Multiscreen & Mobile Survey (MMS) Havas Media Belgium 12/2012)
Despite the penetration
of the new
devices, alternative
consumption of linear
TV is mainly watch
from a traditional TV
But, opportunities of
media meshing are
multiplied by the
abundance of devices
10. Multi-Tasking & Multi-Screen is not to be neglected
(Source: Multiscreen & Mobile Survey (MMS) Havas Media Belgium 12/2012)
Second Screen
Interactivities linked
with TV content are
Traditional TV Sets are
in competition with
Computer and Tablets
Content Portability to
traditional TV Set is
11. Social&TV: Augmented
Snack, augmented, add-on content that adds value to large screen. Behind the
scenes, VIP, Wikipedia, Twitter feeds, 360 Video,
13. Social&TV: Transmedia
Storytelling across multiple devices, platforms and format that can use second screen technologies
"The future isn't either traditional
or digital: it's a feedback loop
between the two.
Television fans want to get
involved and be counted. It's how
creative we are in engaging those
fans - and keeping them
connected even as they move
away from the traditional network
- that will determine how potent
and profitable we will be in the
Kevin Reilly, President of
Entertainment, Fox Broadcasting
14. Social&TV: Discover & disseminate
Facebook is driving new viewers to watch specific TV programs. Nearly half of the Internet users
responding to a September 2012 Nielsen survey reported that they started watching a show
because of opinions expressed on Facebook
Credits: Prophets
15. Social&TV: Communities & Conversations
a huge opportunity for building relationships with viewers
16. Social&TV: Commerce
Being able to buy (micro payments). Satiate the need for consumer to impulse spend.
17. Second Screen Ad Injection systems will
automatically place interstitials and / or reward the
viewer by sending exchangeable coupons or special
offers which can be tracked from reception to
19. Facebook introduces hashtag
Heres why: Its all about the second-screen audience
Its been Twitters major pitch to advertisers
to tack little hashtag addendums and
catchphrases onto the end of their
From there, a viewer can do a quick search
for the hashtag to track conversation about
the ad and connect with other folks. Same
with TV marketers
Twitter lets advertisers stick promoted tweets
for their products in with those specific
hashtag searches. Soon on Facebook
24. Data Mining from the second screen social activity
and connected TV will change the game of TV
metrics. Web-style analytics will give data from the
VOD servers, TV browser pages, TV and second
screen apps and even the devices themselves.
Facebook and Twitter posts related to TV the
consumer is watching can be tracked and sentiment
monitored on massive scale - which could be part of
the new ratings.
25. Social & TV: Marcom Opportunities
Leveraging the small screen during
big live events
Incentivizing ad engagement
Gamifying TV ads
Bridging a campaigns TV and digital
Syncing e-commerce and social
recommendations with TV content
Sponsoring second-screen extras
Spurring social chatter with hashtags
Enabling real-time interactivity
#7: Television (& the 30 advertising spots) were announced dead many times in the last 10 years in 2013, All types of people are consuming more (new) TV than 10 years ago ! But, certainly differently 30 still exist combined with many opportunities