3. Thank You Contributors
According to devstats, in the past
year more than 600 people have
contributed code and more than
3,500 people contribute in some
way to the Helm org in the past
Companies Employing
Project Maintainers
Total Project
5. “To conclude, in light of the findings stemming from this CNCF-
funded project, Cure53 can only state that the Helm project
projects the impression of being highly mature. This verdict is driven
by a number of different factors described above and essentially
means that Helm can be recommended for public deployment,
particularly when properly configured and secured in accordance to
recommendations specified by the development team.”
From First Helm Security Audit Report (emphasis added)
6. Helm v2 Support
1 Year
Helm v3.0.0
Helm v2 Bug andSecurity
fixes for 6 months
Helm v2 Security fixes
for another 6 months
After 1 year Helmv2
support ends
Editor's Notes
#2: This logo is included to use in the separator slide. It is the the official logo in SVG format
#3: The Helm client as passed the point where it is downloaded more than a million times per month
Note, the background color is the color of blue used by the Helm project
#4: I’d like to thank all of those who have contributed to helm. Can we give them a round of applause
Over 600 people have contributed to code under the Helm org in the past year. Thousands more have contributed in some other way, according to devstats
#5: We are pleased to announce the release of a new major version. Helm v3
There are many changes including the removal of Tiller, experimental support for storing charts in OCI repositories, and improved CRD support
You can find more details on the Helm blog or by attending the Helm 3 Deep Dive later this week or coming by the Helm booth
#6: Helm v3 just completed it’s first security audit. Security audits are required as part of the graduation criteria
You can read more about it on the Helm blog including getting the full report
#7: We understand it takes time to transition. Especially with the holidays and tax season coming
Helm v2 will be supported in some way for a full year which started when v3.0.0 was released
The first 6 months will include both bug and security fixes followed by another 6 months of security fixes and coverage