This document summarizes a presentation on transplanting practices from hacker culture and disability activism into qualitative research in education. The presentation models a "radically transparent research" approach through a live-edited document. Key aspects covered include: collecting interview data and licensing it openly; addressing IRB requirements; analyzing and disseminating findings through the live document; and discussing motivations for transparent research practices, including clarity, freedom, and building community.
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Psst... Wanna Eavesdrop on My Research?
1. Psst: wanna eavesdropPsst: wanna eavesdrop
on my research?on my research?
Transplanting Radical TransparencyTransplanting Radical Transparency
Practices from Hacker Culture andPractices from Hacker Culture and
Disability Activism into the World ofDisability Activism into the World of
Qualitative Research in EducationQualitative Research in Education
(mel chua, ene seminar 2013)(mel chua, ene seminar 2013)
follow along at along at
3. Meet Terry!
(Feel free to ignore Mel!)
4. Ground rules
1) The etherpad is canonical.
2) No names will be taken down.
3) If you want to be off the record, say so
or delete yourself.
4) You can edit immediately afterwards.
5. Agenda
1) Do a tiny RTR project: data collection,
licensing, analysis (dissemination is left as
an exercise to the reader)
2) See other tiny RTR projects.
8. Copyright
INTERVIEWER hereby irrevocably transfers and
assigns to INTERVIEWEE in perpetuity, all right
(whether now known or hereinafter invented), title,
and interest, throughout the world, including any
copyrights and renewals or extensions thereto, in the
attached transcript of the interview recorded between
11. Did you know?
1) Writing this into 'Procedure' instead of
'Data management/confidentiality' solves
a lot of problems.
2) Having participants consent to public
performance is pretty normal.
3) Research using existing public datasets
is exempt from IRB.
33. ''...the first steps on this journey do not feel...the first steps on this journey do not feel
like progress. The voice diminishes in volume;The voice diminishes in volume;
it lacks... even the derived authority of thoseit lacks... even the derived authority of those
who... can assume as they parrot... theywho... can assume as they parrot... they
speak the truth... The inner voice turnsspeak the truth... The inner voice turns
critical; it tells them their ideas may be stupid.critical; it tells them their ideas may be stupid.
[Learners] at this position think before they[Learners] at this position think before they
speak; and, because their ideas mustspeak; and, because their ideas must
measure up to certain objective standards,measure up to certain objective standards,
they speak in measured tones.they speak in measured tones.
Often, they do not speak at all.Often, they do not speak at all.
But this is not a passive silence; on the otherBut this is not a passive silence; on the other
side of this silence,side of this silence, reason is stirringreason is stirring.'.'
--Women's Ways of Knowing--Women's Ways of Knowing
34. '...confirmation and community are'...confirmation and community are
prerequisites rather than consequencesprerequisites rather than consequences
of development.'of development.'
--Women's Ways of Knowing--Women's Ways of Knowing
35. that's all, folks. questions?that's all, folks. questions?
this talkthis talk
my PhDmy PhD
our gigantic ENE worldour gigantic ENE world