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Music is a powerful instrument. From the beginning of time it was served for a great good and a great evil as well.As far as I know there has never been a law or penalty against singing.It is a heart language¡­ a soul speaker¡­Music must not be taken lightly.Man and angels have used it to manipulate, coerce, pacify, hypnotize, seduce, and convince throughout the ages.¡°Voice like an angel¡±  ¡°angelic singing¡±Civilizations have been formed and molded through music and art.  Recent history has had the most talent and power on the side of the Dark Kingdom power.  Could it be that this is changing?They say a ¡° picture is worth 1000 words.¡± A picture can portray what words cannot be said and sometimes in not meant to be said.I would like to add to the saying: A  picture put to music is worth 1000000000 words¡­..Come and learn as we journey through the truths of the Word of God¡­..
Jesushealedepilepsy-schizofreniabythrowingoutspirits..Modernscience uses chemicalsthat are brainrelatedto control/lesseneffects of thesediseases.Both are true /relatedsomehow?Spiritworldis real and takesadvantage of ourweaknessestotakeus captive¡­notalwaysblatant¡­can beunseenthingslikepride, love of self, selfishness¡­
Thosewithdisabilities can seethingsfrom a differentperspective¡­a differentworld..autism¡­blindness..deafness¡­In essencetheysee a differentreality and seetruthsthat ¡§normal¡§ people are blindto¡­LikeSherlock Holmes and Monk¡­theyseethingsothers do notsee¡­.Yet, at all times whendealingwith ¡§otherworlds¡§¡­especiallythe spiritual kingdomsonemustplaythe balance betweenfaith in theunseen and whatSherlock Holmes says:
Sherock Holmes(242) I have no data yet.  Itis a capital mistaketotheorizebeforeone has data.  Insensibyonebeginsto twist factstosuittheoriesinstead of theoriestosuitfacts.¡§Toavoidproblemsourunmovablefactisthe Word of God¡­theabsolute TRUTH¡­ In otherrealms, realities, kingdomstheir are manylies and deceits¡­so tonotbedeceived ¡­evenifthespiritkindgoms are real¡­they can deceive¡­OnlyGod?swordisunmovable.
Divineappointments (likePhillip)DivineTesting   (like Job)Divine Discipline    (likeJonah)DivineBabyl (confusion)_______________________________________                            =Results in:TransformedMind and body (Ro 12:1-2)Circumcisedheart            (Hebrews 12:1-2)PiercedEars                (Psalms 40)
*** Thesafest place in theuniverseisobeyingGod ¡­Themostdangerousisonthe sea toTyre.Pictures¡­alleghories¡­parables¡­Somethingsshouldnotbeunderstoodbyall¡­Songs¡­poems¡­somethingswillnotbeseenbyall¡­.Medicine isgoodGod?snature medicine isgoodtooJehova?shealingisbest
God can do miraclesquicklyorslowly¡­in our time¡­in His time¡­He is a God of order and balance¡­notconfusion and disorder.._____________________________________Imaginationis a goodthingDiscernmentisbetterBalance isbest
Awakeningto a new reality¡­Physical¡­spiritualRealityisnotalwaysjustwhatyou can seewithphysicaleyes¡­Dogs and batsdon?tseewell¡­theirrealityis a fine sense of smell and sound¡­othersseebeyondthefivesensestothespirit¡­emotions¡­even more isseeingorbeing in theSpiritrealm¡­
Lessonon my sickness¡­recovery¡­and dealingwithreality of itall..Memory and language..helpedby verse memorization¡­drawing¡­movement..danceMusic..helpsmemorize w. patronsHeartlanguage¡­spirittalking¡­Jokes¡­Healing in God?screationwithsunlight,plants, animals¡­Rest¡­diet.. Food¡­water¡­protein
I havehaddifficultywith al the extremes¡­wediscriminateagainstmind ¡§sickness¡§ and likethelepers are thrownout of thecitytosuffer¡­Many are alsosickwithoutappearindtobe¡­Wemustlearntoexpressouremotions and thoughts¡­itishealthier¡­We are allhandicapped in somesenseorfashion¡­
Long intervalsharm me ..cellphone, internet and television¡­affectsmind and body¡­.Closed up in fourwalls¡­darkness¡­awayfromGod¡­creation¡­Radio, light, soundwaves¡­travelwithelectrical impulses¡­ourneurons are electrical¡­impulses as well¡­can wegetovercharged and addictedlikedrugstotheabove?¡­Addictiontodrugsisalsoharmful..addictedpossesessyoul¡­.Spiritworldis real¡­takesadvantage of ourweaknesses¡­and takesus captive¡­notalwaysblatant¡­can beunseenthingslikepride, selfishness,¡­and love of self¡­

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  • 1. Music is a powerful instrument. From the beginning of time it was served for a great good and a great evil as well.As far as I know there has never been a law or penalty against singing.It is a heart language¡­ a soul speaker¡­Music must not be taken lightly.Man and angels have used it to manipulate, coerce, pacify, hypnotize, seduce, and convince throughout the ages.¡°Voice like an angel¡± ¡°angelic singing¡±Civilizations have been formed and molded through music and art. Recent history has had the most talent and power on the side of the Dark Kingdom power. Could it be that this is changing?They say a ¡° picture is worth 1000 words.¡± A picture can portray what words cannot be said and sometimes in not meant to be said.I would like to add to the saying: A picture put to music is worth 1000000000 words¡­..Come and learn as we journey through the truths of the Word of God¡­..
  • 2. Jesushealedepilepsy-schizofreniabythrowingoutspirits..Modernscience uses chemicalsthat are brainrelatedto control/lesseneffects of thesediseases.Both are true /relatedsomehow?Spiritworldis real and takesadvantage of ourweaknessestotakeus captive¡­notalwaysblatant¡­can beunseenthingslikepride, love of self, selfishness¡­
  • 3. Thosewithdisabilities can seethingsfrom a differentperspective¡­a differentworld..autism¡­blindness..deafness¡­In essencetheysee a differentreality and seetruthsthat ¡§normal¡§ people are blindto¡­LikeSherlock Holmes and Monk¡­theyseethingsothers do notsee¡­.Yet, at all times whendealingwith ¡§otherworlds¡§¡­especiallythe spiritual kingdomsonemustplaythe balance betweenfaith in theunseen and whatSherlock Holmes says:
  • 4. Sherock Holmes(242) I have no data yet. Itis a capital mistaketotheorizebeforeone has data. Insensibyonebeginsto twist factstosuittheoriesinstead of theoriestosuitfacts.¡§Toavoidproblemsourunmovablefactisthe Word of God¡­theabsolute TRUTH¡­ In otherrealms, realities, kingdomstheir are manylies and deceits¡­so tonotbedeceived ¡­evenifthespiritkindgoms are real¡­they can deceive¡­OnlyGod?swordisunmovable.
  • 5. Divineappointments (likePhillip)DivineTesting (like Job)Divine Discipline (likeJonah)DivineBabyl (confusion)_______________________________________ =Results in:TransformedMind and body (Ro 12:1-2)Circumcisedheart (Hebrews 12:1-2)PiercedEars (Psalms 40)
  • 6. *** Thesafest place in theuniverseisobeyingGod ¡­Themostdangerousisonthe sea toTyre.Pictures¡­alleghories¡­parables¡­Somethingsshouldnotbeunderstoodbyall¡­Songs¡­poems¡­somethingswillnotbeseenbyall¡­.Medicine isgoodGod?snature medicine isgoodtooJehova?shealingisbest
  • 7. God can do miraclesquicklyorslowly¡­in our time¡­in His time¡­He is a God of order and balance¡­notconfusion and disorder.._____________________________________Imaginationis a goodthingDiscernmentisbetterBalance isbest
  • 8. Awakeningto a new reality¡­Physical¡­spiritualRealityisnotalwaysjustwhatyou can seewithphysicaleyes¡­Dogs and batsdon?tseewell¡­theirrealityis a fine sense of smell and sound¡­othersseebeyondthefivesensestothespirit¡­emotions¡­even more isseeingorbeing in theSpiritrealm¡­
  • 9. Lessonon my sickness¡­recovery¡­and dealingwithreality of itall..Memory and language..helpedby verse memorization¡­drawing¡­movement..danceMusic..helpsmemorize w. patronsHeartlanguage¡­spirittalking¡­Jokes¡­Healing in God?screationwithsunlight,plants, animals¡­Rest¡­diet.. Food¡­water¡­protein
  • 10. I havehaddifficultywith al the extremes¡­wediscriminateagainstmind ¡§sickness¡§ and likethelepers are thrownout of thecitytosuffer¡­Many are alsosickwithoutappearindtobe¡­Wemustlearntoexpressouremotions and thoughts¡­itishealthier¡­We are allhandicapped in somesenseorfashion¡­
  • 11. Long intervalsharm me ..cellphone, internet and television¡­affectsmind and body¡­.Closed up in fourwalls¡­darkness¡­awayfromGod¡­creation¡­Radio, light, soundwaves¡­travelwithelectrical impulses¡­ourneurons are electrical¡­impulses as well¡­can wegetovercharged and addictedlikedrugstotheabove?¡­Addictiontodrugsisalsoharmful..addictedpossesessyoul¡­.Spiritworldis real¡­takesadvantage of ourweaknesses¡­and takesus captive¡­notalwaysblatant¡­can beunseenthingslikepride, selfishness,¡­and love of self¡­