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Organization / Workplace
Payyannur Area, India India
Asst. Professor in Education
Contact Details
language across curriculum
buddhist education
islamic education in india
flipped classroom
role of state in enactment of curriculum
vedic education
positive discrimination
teacher language policies
brain map
lesson plan to brain scan
modern trends in education
brain scan
lac and teachers
lac and learners
content integrated language learning(cill
significance of lac
educational implications of neuroscience
cognitive neuroscience
limitations of psychology
limitations of philosophy
different factors behind diversity
different types of diversity
when does diversity occur
innovative techniques for effective teaching
difference between effectiveness and efficiency
arabic ppt on flipped classroom
efl: myth and reality
deficit theory
etymological meaning of education
narrow concept of education
modern aims of education
education as a product and as a process
broad concept of education
aims od education in democracy
narrow and broad concept of education
aims of education in secularism
classroom synergizing
effective synergizing among teachers
effective synergizing in the classroom
major difference between humanism and existentiali
existentialism v/s humanism
sartre's view on existentialism
core concepts of humanism
mental hygiene
mental health and mental hygiene
mental health
mental health of teachers
objectives mental hygiene at schools
foundations of mental health
objectives of mental hygiene
mental health of students
characteristics of mental health
features of mental health
mental health at school
principles of lac
significance of language across curriculum
a comprehensive discussion on language policy in i
language policy during vedic age
language policy during islamict period
language policy during british period
language policy after independence
language policy during budhist period
modern paradigms in education
issue based curriculum
difference between past classroom and the modern o
critical pedagogy
social constructivism
how to prepare a good questionnaire
useful tips for preparing a very good questionnair
questionnaire making
prepare your own questionnaire
art of questionnaire making
effective preparation of reports
how to write a study report
steps in report writing
effective interviewing
different types of interview
different levels of interview
-tips for conducting good interview-
what is an interview
different types of reading
interpretive reading
strategies for developing reading skill
different levels of reading
language learning: myth and reality
wrong assumptions on language learning
problems faced by sl teacher
cultuarlly responsive pedagogy in fl classroom
home language v/s school language
education of the sc groups in india
educational statistics in india
social exclusion
what is positive discrimination
women empowerment
women education in india
education of the women in india
fundamental rights
article 30 of indian constitution
directive principles
article 45 of indian constitution
aims of education
as envisaged by indian constitution
preamble of indian constitution
constitutional values of india
finance commission
educational financing
concurrent list
planning commission
plan expenditure
non-plan expenditure
three language formula-
recieved curriculum
curriculum transaction
intended curriculum
factors influencing curriculum enactment
role of government in enactment of curriculum
enactment of curriculum
enacted curriculum
different components of curriculum
effective implementation of curriculum
teacher's role in enactment of curriculum
curriculum implementationb
mko and zpd
group activity in school
intra psychological development
what is mko
psychological theory
inter psychological development
what is zpd
teacher and grouping
group project
two dimensions of cultural development
more knowledgeable others
group activity in classroom
effective grouping in classroom
socio-cultural learning
zone of proximal development
strategic plan
year plan
it is useful for bed.students as well as teachers
explore the world of students
unknown factors behind students' protests
it is about listening in english
innovative strategies for developing listening.
importance of professional development of teachers
how teachers can get themselves developed professi
social system in models of teaching
teaching model
models of teaching
cognitive theories of learning
syntax in models of teaching
nurturant effect in teaching model
what is advance organizer?
what is advance organizer model?
different types of advance organizer
support system in teaching model
reception learning
receptive learning
david ausbel
ausbel's learning theory
learning theories
phases in advance organizer model
advance organizer model
psychological theories of learning
instructional effect in teaching model
support system in models of teaching
curriculum and culture
cultural degeneration and curriculum
knowledge and schooling
difference between information-knowledge and skill
different ways of knowing
difference between teaching and training
theories of knowledge
knowledge & knowing
different sources of knopwledge
instances for curriculum innovation
sammple innovations in curriculum construction
culturally responsive pedagogy
positive teaching
factors which help in innovation in curriculum con
why innovation in curriculum construction
what will be required by future classrooms
features of future educational system
educational futurism
what is futurism
general aims of education
gandhiji on education
pestalozzi on education
swami vivekananda on education
traditional aims of education
traditional and modern aims of education
who is an educator
definition of education
role of policy makers in enactment of curriculum
pair work at classroom
attention words
academic language
teacher and his language
teacher language
teacher's language
teaching language strategies
pedagogic language
teacher language strategies
teaching language
praising words
classroom language
seeking attention
praising attempts
teacher's transaction
language of pedagogue
selecting members for curriculum committee
policy making in curriculum construction
makers of curriculum
state and curriculum design
curriculum and state
governments and curriculum
role of state in curriculum development
state and curriculum
power and curriculum
curriculum and stratification
relationship between ideology and curriculum
relationship between power and curriculum
elements in communication
sender in communication
receiver in communication
signal in communication
message in communication
channel in communication
medium in communication
education as a system
educational administration
educational management
educatioanal system
factors behind educational system
stake holders in education
commitment of techers
media and education
social media
what is social media
what is electronic media
what is print media
what is online media
what is the relationship between media and educat
print media and education
social media and scholastic development
online media and scholastic development
electronic media and scholastic development
vicarious learning theory
observational learning theory
social learninf theory
banduara's learning theory
anand niketan
education and child
education and child rights
-education and child labor
uncrc and education
crc and education-
family and education
child and family
career development and family
democracy and education
educational changes on account of democracy
aims of education in democratic set up
democracy and educational aims
curriculum in a democratic set up
curriculum in a democratic society
democracy and teacher
four noble truths
eight fold paths
sangha vihara
buddhist monks-
education during medieval period in india.
medieval indian education
education during mughal period in india.
makthabs of medieval period in india
madrassas of medieval period
commencement of english education in india
end of oriental-occidental controversy
merits and demerits of macaulay's minutes-
hunter commission of 1882
he first education commission in indian history
recommendations of hunter commission
indian university commission 1902
indian university act of 1904
shimla educational conference and after effects
the first university act in indian history
sadler commission report
calcutta university commission report
aims of rusa
functions of rusa
what is rusa?
kerala model education
educational development
practice of lac
implementation of lac
lac in schools
language teacher & lac
subject teachers and lac
headmaster and lac
administrators and lac
diversified society?
positive diversity
harmonious living
classroom and diversity
teacher and diversity
effective communication
steps in modelling
phases of modelling
steps in vicarious learning
what is industrialization?
what are the aims of education in an industrialize
what are the educational implications of industria
what are the purposes of education in an industria
impact of industrialization on education.
positive aspects of industrialization.
negative aspects of industrialization.
education is a tri-polar system
administration and management
difference between administration and management
three dimensions of education
education during vedic age in india
education and vedic age
upanayana ceremony
aims of education during vedic age in india
curriculum of vedic education in india
social stratification in india
purusharthas and ashramas
macaulay's minutes
downward filtration theory
all in one presentation
linear reasoning
steps in problem solving
deductive reasoning
decision making
nductive reasoning
problem solving:
buddhist period
four noble truths of buddhism
education after independance in india
vedic age
eight fold paths of buddhism
education during british rule
policy frame work for public education in india
social stratification during vedic age
peter drucker
terms of reference of nkc
health information network
members of national knowledge commission
delivery of services
national knowledge network
intellectual property rights
use of knowledge to generate tangible and intang
creation of knowledge
national knowledge commission of 2005 in india
five broad areas of national knowledge commission
knowledge economy
literary reading
reading with a purpose
critical reading
how to speak in english language-
what is speaking skill
benefits of speaking skill
what is speaking
three major schools of philosophy
how to make use of scaffolding in classroom
what are the steps in scaffolding
-what is scaffolding
errors in perception
theories of forgetting
what are mnemonics
differentiate illusion and hallucination
how to memorize effectively
what is perception
let's have a fantastic cognitive journey-
what is sensation?
what is memory
what is forgetting
inclusive education
how to create inclusive education
role of family in inclusive educatio
different kinds of sexual harassment.
what is sexual harassment?
precautions to prevent sexual harassment.
gender and oppression
what is oppression?
what is gender base d oppression?
is gazing at a woman sexual harassment?
common sense
out of school
situational learning
places of child sexual abuse
what is child sexual abuse?
who are behind child sexual abuse
learning and learner
learner and learning
learner and learning factors-
implicit learning
explicit learning
implicit and explicit learning
types of motivation
alternative schools
aims of alternative schools
examples of alternative schools
knowledge concepts
the age of discontinuity
access to knowledge
knowledge applications
persuasive writing-
what is writing?
expository writing
descriptive writing
language & writing
what is urbanization?
what is the negative impact of privatization on ed
what are the negative impact of urbanization on ed
what is the positive impact of globalization on ed
what are the positive impact of urbanization on ed
what is globalization?
what is the negative impact of globalization on ed
what is privatization?
what is the positive impact of privatization on ed
what is de-schooling?
what does de-schooling put forth?
how do we de-school
who propagated it?
why de-schooling?
mid dayy meal programme
what hinders education for all. poverty eradicatin
sensorimotor stage.
time table. schematic theory
issues in inclusive education
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