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Job Hunting using Library Resources & Social Media
1. Job Hunting using Library
Resources & Social Media
presented by Chia Yew Boon, Chua Junjie & Wee Joan
Humanities and Social Sciences Library
20 February 2013, 6 March 2013
2. What do you need?
? Company Information
? Industry / Market Information
? Career Information
3. Company Information
? Company websites
? Library Databases
- One Source [6 concurrent users]
- Factiva [20 concurrent users]
14. Company Information:
OneSource – Available Industry Classification Systems
? OneSource Industry
OneSource Classification
? ANZSIC 2006
2006 Australian and New Zealand Industry Classification
? NACE 2002
Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community
? NAICS 2002
North American Industry Classification System
? UK SIC 2003
UK Standard Industrial Classification
? US SIC 1987
US Standard Industrial Classification
16. Company Information:
OneSource – Build a Company List
1.Build a list of companies with the following criteria:
? Industry classification code: ANZSIC 2006: 6221–Banking
? Country: Singapore
2.“Run Search”
3.“View Results” or “Export Results”
4.“Build Custom Table”
– Include company name, business
description, ownership, address, website,
sales, no. of employees, most senior
executive name and title
– Export report to excel
71. Career Information:
Vault Career Insider
Allow customization on your profile to
receive information about organizations
and jobs that are relevant to your interests
and needs
Allow searching by names
of Guides BUT results not
consistent e.g. MBA
Career Bible
75. Customizable MyVault career
profiles sync opportunities to
Career Information:
Opt in job alerts opportunities and
Vault > My Vault career notices
Fast and convenient save tools
retain content for easy follow up
and sharing. Retain blog entries,
videos, job searches, job posts,
company and industry profiles
80. Good Read (Articles)
Jacobs, D. L. (2012). How to Work a
Room like your Own the Place.
87. Career Information:
HR Consulting firm website
? Robert Half
– Guide on Business Etiquette: the new rules in a digital age
97. Social Networks
Use Twitter #Hashtages
E.g. #jobs #Singapore
Follow Tweeters :
Use Facebook job apps
E.g. simplyhire and branchout
105. What makes you outstanding and
different is the content.
106. 7 Steps to Effective online personal brand
? Google yourself and remove “unwanted” content
? Create a marketing plan for yourself
? Use social networking sites to “link” yourself
? Follow a blog (expert of your target profession)
? Post your resume on job boards
? Set up RSS feeds (be current)
? Do not waste time with irrelevant Web 2.0 sites
Source :
Harrison, L. H. 2010. Building your personal online brand. How social networking and your "e-
reputation" affects your career in a web 2.0 world. In Headstart, 1. Singapore: RJ Media
Pte. Ltd.
107. News Article : SIA Crew members warned over facebook use
Source :
Faris. (2010, September 2). SIA crew members warned over facebook use. Yahoo!
News. Retrieved from
108. References
Faris (2010, September 2). SIA crew members warned over facebook use.
Yahoo! News. Retrieved from
Harrison, L. H. 2010. Building your personal online brand. How social
networking and your "e-reputation" affects your career in a web 2.0 world. In
Headstart, 1. Singapore: RJ Media Pte. Ltd.
Vacek, R. (2008). Vault and wetFeet: the career paths most traveled. Journal of
Business and finance librarianship,13(1), pp59-65.
109. Need help?
? Email your questions to
Joan –
Junjie –
Yew Boon –
? Contact us by telephone at 6513-8227