Aim not for mediocrity but for EXCELLENCE. :))
A Sanguine type of person. Fresh. Lively. Amusing. Practical. & always Interesting. I am someone who's constantly iN THE CENTER OF ATTENTiON, BUT SUFFiCiENTLY WELL-BALANCED NOT TO LET iT GO TO MY HEAD. :))
People see me as Kind. Considerate. & Understanding. Someone who'll always cheer you up & help you out.
* sociable
* carefree
* spontaneous
* playful
* talkative
* easy-going
* responsive
* friendly
* fearless
* optimistic
* competitive
* realistic
* frank
* confident
* restless
* weak-willed
* egotistical
* emotional
* moody
* paranoid
* indecisive
* hot-tempered
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