apa adanya saya seperti ini
tak peduli apa kata orang..terserah aku mo jungkir balik, maju, mundur, kanan,kiri, sukasuka, tersarah aku mo apa yang penting aku tidak mengganggu kalian
aku selalu mmperdulikan anda namun mungkin anda tak mnyadarinya..makasih..
jangan salahkan kalo saya cerewet, pendiam, bnyak tingkah, misteri, lugu, polos (pdahal,,,)
I believes in God loved me
I believe God is always there for me and take care of
I will do things I could think about doing because I'm sure God will help me..
thanks God.
thanks to my father who always worked hard to pay for family living and educate their children.
thanks to my mother who always