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Mar鱈a de la Rosa Mellado
 What  is film and the word
 3D Film
 Isthe technique of projecting frames
 in rapid succession.
 Isan art and it is among the six
 classical arts of the world.
    industry has become big business in
 Hollywood and Bombay (Bollywood).

 Isvery difficult to define it and the
 artistic quality.
           the halls or theaters
 where movies are projected.

 Was created in 19th
century from two
Greek words.
George   Fictional
            Lumi竪re     December           M辿li竪s   Stories
                        28th,1895                   (1902).

             The first film with sound (1927)


        PARAMOUNT PICTURES                             (1935)
          (Creates dubbing)
The beginning:

 Horse   locomotion.
 Eadweard    Muybridge.
 In   1887 in Philadelphia.
The film producer is
responsible for the   DIRECTION
organization and      The film director is
technical aspects of  the professional
making a movie.       who directs the
                      making of a film.
The writer is the
person responsible    SOUND
for preparing the    Films sound
script.              makers are
                     technically sound
                 The cinematographer is the
                 person who determines how
                   you will see the film.

                       Is the art of assembling successive
                       shots recorded on photographic
 CAMERAMAN            film to give them a narrative.
Making and carrying out all
camera movements, necessary         ARTS
to accommodate                     Production Designer.
the script.
                                   Who replace any actor.

                                   Graphic script.
 Isnecessary to have feelings.
  Acting in a credible way.

  Be empathetic.



             Play some
                             To   sing
 Enhances   the ilusion of depth
                                    3D Specs
 Camera system records two
 Television broadcasts and
  direct to video films      Similar methods.
 Film is a technique and an art.
 Cinema are the halls or theaters.
 The order of history: Eadweard Muybridge,
  Lumiere brothers, George melies, Ernst Lubitsch,
  Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, Charles Chaplin,
  Paramount Pictures and Rouben Mamoulian.
 Filmmaking process: production, direction, script,
  sound, photography, editing, cameraman, arts,
  stunts and storyboard.
 Four characteristics and three important factors.
 3D film, a new way of making movies.
 Paramount   Pictures

 Rouben    Mamoulian

 Lumi竪re   brothers


 3D   hoodie

 3D   specs

 3D   belt



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  • 1. Mar鱈a de la Rosa Mellado
  • 2. What is film and the word cinema History Filmmaking Characteristics 3D Film
  • 3. Isthe technique of projecting frames in rapid succession. Isan art and it is among the six classical arts of the world. Its industry has become big business in Hollywood and Bombay (Bollywood). Isvery difficult to define it and the artistic quality.
  • 4. Designates the halls or theaters where movies are projected. Was created in 19th century from two Greek words.
  • 5. George Fictional Lumi竪re December M辿li竪s Stories 28th,1895 (1902). The first film with sound (1927) Fritz Lang Colour PARAMOUNT PICTURES (1935) (Creates dubbing)
  • 6. The beginning: Serie of Horse locomotion. Muybridge. Eadweard Muybridge. In 1887 in Philadelphia.
  • 7. PRODUCTION The film producer is responsible for the DIRECTION organization and The film director is technical aspects of the professional making a movie. who directs the making of a film. SCRIPT The writer is the person responsible SOUND for preparing the Films sound script. makers are technically sound people.
  • 8. PHOTOGRAPHY The cinematographer is the person who determines how you will see the film. EDITING Is the art of assembling successive shots recorded on photographic CAMERAMAN film to give them a narrative. Making and carrying out all camera movements, necessary ARTS to accommodate Production Designer. the script. STUNTS Who replace any actor. STORYBOARD Graphic script.
  • 9. Isnecessary to have feelings. Acting in a credible way. Trueemotions. Be empathetic. OTHER IMPORTANT FACTORS: Dancing Play some instrument. To sing
  • 10. Enhances the ilusion of depth perception. 3D Specs Camera system records two perspectives. Television broadcasts and direct to video films Similar methods.
  • 11. Film is a technique and an art. Cinema are the halls or theaters. The order of history: Eadweard Muybridge, Lumiere brothers, George melies, Ernst Lubitsch, Alfred Hitchcock, Fritz Lang, Charles Chaplin, Paramount Pictures and Rouben Mamoulian. Filmmaking process: production, direction, script, sound, photography, editing, cameraman, arts, stunts and storyboard. Four characteristics and three important factors. 3D film, a new way of making movies.
  • 14. Paramount Pictures Rouben Mamoulian Lumi竪re brothers
  • 16. 3D hoodie 3D specs 3D belt
  • 17. A B C