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Organization / Workplace
Agno, Pangasinan
Sangguniang Barangay
"I love being married. It's so great to find one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life."
†♥I Am Me♥♥ In tHe eNtiRe w0rLd, thEre is n0 oNe eLse exActLy liKe mE♥♥ EVerYtHiNg tHat c0mEs oUt oF me is aUthEntiCaLly miNe, bEcAuSe I aLoNe cHoSe it -- I oWn eVeRytHiNg ab0uT me: my b0dy, my fEeLings, mY liPs, my v0iCe, aLl mY aCti0ns, wHeThEr thEy bE t0 otheRs or mYsElf♥♥
†♥I oWn mY fAnTaSies, my dReAms, my h0pEs, my fEaRs♥♥ I owN mY tRiUmpHs aNd sUcCeSs, aLl mY fAiLuRes aNd miStAkEs♥♥
†♥BecAuse I oWn aLl of mE, I cAn bEc0me iNtiMaTeLy aCqUaiNtEd wiTh mE♥♥ I kNow tHere aRe asPecTs aBoUt mYsElf tHat pUzZLe me, And otHer asPeCts tHat I d
Users following Merynol Nagal