Filling the Void: A Citizens' Audit of Ohio Oil and Gas Waste Disposal WellsMarcellus Drilling News
A faux "report" produced by 16 untrained volunteers (anti-drilling activitists) who claim to find evidence of mismanagement of the wastewater injection well program in Ohio on the part of the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources. The solution, according to the virulently anti-drilling Ohio Citizen Action group that produced the report, is to have the federal EPA take over active oversight of the injection well program.
This document provides a research proposal to analyze bacteriological contamination of surface and groundwater bodies in the San Salvador neighborhood of Caguas, Puerto Rico and its implications on community water systems. The study will examine community water systems in the area, septic systems, and the presence of bacteria in water bodies. It aims to determine if bacteria levels violate regulations and relate to water-borne diseases in the community. It also seeks to educate residents on water quality standards through community interviews and information sessions. The researcher hypothesizes that human contamination, especially from septic tanks, is polluting water sources and posing health risks to those using community water systems.
The dissenting opinion of a member of the 31-member Science Advisory Board panel appointed to review the EPA's own study of fracking and its impact on water. Dr. Walt Hufford disagrees with other members of the panel and believes the original study and its findings are accurate and do not need to be changed.
Residents of ID4 get their drinking water from the Henry C. Garnett Water Purification Plant, which treats water from several local sources including the Kern River, groundwater, and State Water Project water from Northern California. The plant produces around 29 million gallons per day on average. Treated water is distributed by local water agencies to homes and businesses in the area. Water quality is monitored through regular testing and surveys of the various water sources to protect public health.
Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products. Source: (Nettesheim et al., 2007)...SerPIE Repository
鐃Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs), Hormones, and Alkylphenol Ethoxylates (APEs) in the North Shore Channel of the Chicago River. Source: (Nettesheim et al., 2007) USEPA, USGS & USDA/SETAC Annual Meeting
New preventative tool to protect Source Water Quality from CAFO and Anhydrous...Veronica Lack
The document proposes expanding the USDA's RUSLE2 software to include a new "Nitrogen Fertilizer Protection Index" (NFPI) that would provide comprehensive guidance on limiting nitrogen fertilizer runoff. Currently RUSLE2 only addresses soil erosion and does not track fertilizer loss. The proposed changes would use additional required inputs like tile maps to evaluate runoff risk and provide permits with a new report on a fertilizer management plan's effectiveness at preventing nitrogen contamination of source waters. This would help strengthen controls on CAFOs and anhydrous ammonia fertilizers to improve drinking water safety and reduce dead zones downstream.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strain ATCC 13367 is one of 43 microbial strains listed on Canada's Domestic Substances List that requires a screening-level risk assessment under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. The screening-level risk assessment involves integrating potential exposure from the strain's intended and potential uses with potential adverse environmental and human health effects. The poster outlines the initial screening-level risk assessment of Bt strain ATCC 13367 from an environmental perspective. Data collection on the strain is ongoing as further studies are being conducted to better understand potential long-term effects from current and potential uses.
Substantial reductions in faecal indicator bacteria loads were found after sewerage improvements in seven shellfish water catchments in England and Wales. Specifically:
1) Loads from key sewage treatment works that installed ultraviolet disinfection were reduced to 0.6% of total loads impacting shellfish waters.
2) Loads from intermittent discharges like combined sewer overflows that installed screens and increased storage were reduced to 7% of total loads assuming a 90% flow reduction.
3) Additional data is still needed to accurately characterize loads from agriculture and other sources to inform future interventions.
The EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) FY2019-FY2022 Strategic Plan outlines research areas and objectives related to nutrients. ORD conducts research through 11 areas including assessments of aquatic resources, nutrient reduction strategies, and harmful algal blooms. The plan provides an overview of available tools, publications, funding opportunities, and outreach resources to support EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment.
Jamie Wilson has 3 years of experience in environmental consulting and permitting. She has experience with field assessments including threatened and endangered species surveys, wetland delineations, and offshore monitoring. Her regulatory experience includes permitting support for the USACE, FERC, NEPA, and NPDES. She is trained in wetland delineations and hazardous waste operations. She has a Master's degree in environmental policy and has contributed to projects in various industries including oil and gas, telecommunications, power, chemicals, and renewable energy.
The document summarizes findings from a study of bottled water safety in the United States. Key points include:
- Bottled water is largely unregulated, with FDA rules not applying to water bottled and sold within the same state. Many states also have weak or no regulations.
- Bottled water standards are weaker than EPA standards for tap water in many ways, such as allowing for certain levels of bacteria and not requiring filtration or disinfection.
- Available monitoring data is scarce but studies have found cases of bottled water contamination above standards. The industry is largely self-regulated with underfunded oversight.
- While most bottled water may be safe, marketing implies it is purer than tap water despite many
This document evaluates the United States Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act. DEHP is an endocrine disrupting compound found in many plastics and consumer products. The EPA has established a maximum contaminant level of 6 parts per billion for DEHP in drinking water. The author aims to determine if this level needs to be reassessed or lowered based on DEHP's health risks and potential for exposure through drinking water. Interviews with water treatment agencies and regulators indicate DEHP is rarely detected in drinking water and the current standard is protective based on available data.
This document discusses pollution from point sources (industrial and municipal facilities) that discharge into the Chesapeake Bay watershed. It analyzes data from 2010-2011 on nitrogen discharges and compliance from significant sources. While discharges decreased substantially in VA, MD, and WV, they increased in PA and slightly in NY. Some permits lack numeric nutrient limits. Violations of permit limits are common, releasing over 700,000 pounds of excess nitrogen in 2011. Achieving pollution reductions from all sources, including improved compliance and enforcement, will be needed to restore water quality in the Bay.
Rhode Island Shellfish Management Plan Seminar Series Lecture: You Are What You Eat--Health, Food Safety, and New Sanitation Requirements for Rhode Island Shellfish
April 24th, 2013
Presentation by Joseph Migliore, Principal Environmental Scientist
RI DEM Office of Water Resources
The City of Winnipeg is considering whether to build a water treatment plant to treat water from Shoal Lake before it reaches customers. There are risks to public health from parasites and disinfection byproducts with the current system. Experts recommend a water treatment plant to protect public health by reducing these risks. The plant would cost $204 million to build and $12 million annually to operate, and water rates would need to increase by less than 5% to pay for it. A decision will be made in October 1999 after public input is received.
Bioassessment Approach to MS4 Evaluation and AssessmentJPoore
Jesse Poore presented logic and background information that supports integration of stream bioassessments into MS4 evaluation and assessment procedures.
ITIMARE 竪 l' Agenzia principale di Ostia del gruppo ITI network; la presenza ventennale sul territorio e la conoscenza approfondita della comunit locale ci consente di presentarci come tuo partner ideale se hai deciso di vendere casa. Anche solo per avere utili consigli, contattaci! tel. 0645546334
Este documento explica el servicio de Home Banking de Caguas Coop, el cual permite a los socios acceder en l鱈nea a su informaci坦n financiera las 24 horas desde cualquier dispositivo con internet. Describe los servicios disponibles como verificar saldos de cuentas y pr辿stamos, realizar transferencias y pagos, y ver im叩genes de cheques. Explica tambi辿n el proceso para registrarse, el cual incluye aceptar los t辿rminos y condiciones, completar campos con informaci坦n personal y financiera, y establecer una contrase単a y preguntas de seguridad
Este documento describe un estudio experimental y te坦rico sobre el rendimiento de una torre de refrigeraci坦n con embalaje de "nido de abeja". Los autores desarrollaron un modelo matem叩tico para predecir la transferencia de calor y masa en la torre. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que el embalaje de nido de abeja tiene una alta eficiencia y puede usarse f叩cilmente en Irak. El modelo matem叩tico tuvo una precisi坦n relativamente alta al compararlo con los resultados experimentales.
Fernanda Siguencia tiene 17 a単os y no se dar叩 por vencida ante las dificultades, mirando siempre hacia adelante para lograr sus objetivos. Quiere estudiar enfermer鱈a, viajar por el mundo, ser independiente y ayudar a los dem叩s. Su sue単o es ser una enfermera exitosa que preste servicios de calidad y sea un ejemplo para su familia y la sociedad.
Improving Type 2 Diabetes Therapy Adherence and Persistence in GermanyTim Borgas
Part of a 6 paper series on how to address avoidable economic and societal burden of T2D in Germany, the UK, the US, Mexico, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. Published by the IMS Institute under:
This study investigated the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) among female group fitness instructors, including yoga and Pilates teachers, in Norway. The key findings were:
1) 26.3% of the 685 female instructors reported experiencing UI, with most reporting stress UI that occurred during physical activity or exercise.
2) Yoga and Pilates instructors had a similar prevalence of UI to other fitness instructors, with 25.9% reporting UI.
3) Older instructors and those with longer teaching careers had a significantly higher prevalence of UI, while use of oral contraceptives was protective against UI.
El documento describe la historia de las catacumbas cristianas en Roma desde el siglo III hasta el siglo IV. Inicialmente, los cristianos se negaron a reconocer el culto imperial romano y sufrieron persecuciones. Desarrollaron un arte clandestino en las catacumbas. En el 311, el Edicto de Mil叩n otorg坦 libertad religiosa y tolerancia al cristianismo. Finalmente, en 391 el cristianismo se convirti坦 en la religi坦n oficial del Imperio Romano.
Este documento presenta los servicios de internet m坦vil global de SG Network como distribuidor oficial de Podsystem en Espa単a. Ofrece tarjetas SIM con acceso a internet y voz en m叩s de 200 pa鱈ses con una 炭nica tarifa plana sin costes de roaming. La plataforma de gesti坦n SimBilling permite controlar el uso y consumo en tiempo real. SG Network proporciona soluciones flexibles para empresas y viajeros extranjeros en Espa単a con una mejor cobertura y ahorro frente a otras opciones.
This document describes proximity marketing and beacon technology solutions offered by The Proximity Agency. It discusses how beacons can be used to recognize customers in real-time, send targeted push notifications, enable hyper-local marketing, facilitate authenticated payments, and more. Case studies show how beacons have increased app engagement by 400% for Carrefour and in-store sales by 8% for McDonald's. The agency claims to be able to implement a minimum viable beacon product within one month.
Actividad mediada con TIC - Educaci坦n Tecnol坦gica.Roxana Bonzio
El documento describe un plan de clases para ense単ar sobre mecanismos a estudiantes de 5to grado utilizando un modelo 1 a 1 con computadoras. Los estudiantes aprender叩n sobre artefactos como poleas, palancas y norias mediante videos, construcci坦n de maquetas y debates. Evaluar叩n su comprensi坦n a trav辿s de pruebas y la creaci坦n de nuevas maquetas tecnol坦gicas.
Este documento presenta la informaci坦n general del programa de formaci坦n titulada "Tecn坦logo en Mantenimiento de Equipos de C坦mputo, Dise単o e Instalaci坦n de Cableado Estructurado". El programa tiene una duraci坦n m叩xima estimada de 18 meses y busca formar t辿cnicos en el mantenimiento de equipos de c坦mputo y redes de cableado estructurado para satisfacer la demanda del sector productivo nacional.
Semantic Linking of Information, Content and Metadata for Early Music (SLICKM...sebastianewert
This talk was given by Tim 油Crawford (Goldsmiths, University of London) at the "Semantic Media @ The British Library" event on 23 September 2013.
Palestra proferida na OAB/DF, por Lara Selem, sobre Advocacia e TecnologiaLara Selem
Este documento discute como a advocacia mudar叩 nos pr坦ximos 30, 50 e 100 anos devido evolu巽達o tecnol坦gica. Apresenta como escrit坦rios jur鱈dicos est達o se adaptando s novas ferramentas digitais para melhorar a presta巽達o de servi巽os aos clientes, a comunica巽達o interna e a produtividade. Tamb辿m enfatiza a import但ncia dos valores e do desenvolvimento pessoal dos advogados para lidar com as transforma巽探es do futuro.
The EPA Office of Research and Development (ORD) FY2019-FY2022 Strategic Plan outlines research areas and objectives related to nutrients. ORD conducts research through 11 areas including assessments of aquatic resources, nutrient reduction strategies, and harmful algal blooms. The plan provides an overview of available tools, publications, funding opportunities, and outreach resources to support EPA's mission of protecting human health and the environment.
Jamie Wilson has 3 years of experience in environmental consulting and permitting. She has experience with field assessments including threatened and endangered species surveys, wetland delineations, and offshore monitoring. Her regulatory experience includes permitting support for the USACE, FERC, NEPA, and NPDES. She is trained in wetland delineations and hazardous waste operations. She has a Master's degree in environmental policy and has contributed to projects in various industries including oil and gas, telecommunications, power, chemicals, and renewable energy.
The document summarizes findings from a study of bottled water safety in the United States. Key points include:
- Bottled water is largely unregulated, with FDA rules not applying to water bottled and sold within the same state. Many states also have weak or no regulations.
- Bottled water standards are weaker than EPA standards for tap water in many ways, such as allowing for certain levels of bacteria and not requiring filtration or disinfection.
- Available monitoring data is scarce but studies have found cases of bottled water contamination above standards. The industry is largely self-regulated with underfunded oversight.
- While most bottled water may be safe, marketing implies it is purer than tap water despite many
This document evaluates the United States Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) in drinking water under the Safe Drinking Water Act. DEHP is an endocrine disrupting compound found in many plastics and consumer products. The EPA has established a maximum contaminant level of 6 parts per billion for DEHP in drinking water. The author aims to determine if this level needs to be reassessed or lowered based on DEHP's health risks and potential for exposure through drinking water. Interviews with water treatment agencies and regulators indicate DEHP is rarely detected in drinking water and the current standard is protective based on available data.
This document discusses pollution from point sources (industrial and municipal facilities) that discharge into the Chesapeake Bay watershed. It analyzes data from 2010-2011 on nitrogen discharges and compliance from significant sources. While discharges decreased substantially in VA, MD, and WV, they increased in PA and slightly in NY. Some permits lack numeric nutrient limits. Violations of permit limits are common, releasing over 700,000 pounds of excess nitrogen in 2011. Achieving pollution reductions from all sources, including improved compliance and enforcement, will be needed to restore water quality in the Bay.
Rhode Island Shellfish Management Plan Seminar Series Lecture: You Are What You Eat--Health, Food Safety, and New Sanitation Requirements for Rhode Island Shellfish
April 24th, 2013
Presentation by Joseph Migliore, Principal Environmental Scientist
RI DEM Office of Water Resources
The City of Winnipeg is considering whether to build a water treatment plant to treat water from Shoal Lake before it reaches customers. There are risks to public health from parasites and disinfection byproducts with the current system. Experts recommend a water treatment plant to protect public health by reducing these risks. The plant would cost $204 million to build and $12 million annually to operate, and water rates would need to increase by less than 5% to pay for it. A decision will be made in October 1999 after public input is received.
Bioassessment Approach to MS4 Evaluation and AssessmentJPoore
Jesse Poore presented logic and background information that supports integration of stream bioassessments into MS4 evaluation and assessment procedures.
ITIMARE 竪 l' Agenzia principale di Ostia del gruppo ITI network; la presenza ventennale sul territorio e la conoscenza approfondita della comunit locale ci consente di presentarci come tuo partner ideale se hai deciso di vendere casa. Anche solo per avere utili consigli, contattaci! tel. 0645546334
Este documento explica el servicio de Home Banking de Caguas Coop, el cual permite a los socios acceder en l鱈nea a su informaci坦n financiera las 24 horas desde cualquier dispositivo con internet. Describe los servicios disponibles como verificar saldos de cuentas y pr辿stamos, realizar transferencias y pagos, y ver im叩genes de cheques. Explica tambi辿n el proceso para registrarse, el cual incluye aceptar los t辿rminos y condiciones, completar campos con informaci坦n personal y financiera, y establecer una contrase単a y preguntas de seguridad
Este documento describe un estudio experimental y te坦rico sobre el rendimiento de una torre de refrigeraci坦n con embalaje de "nido de abeja". Los autores desarrollaron un modelo matem叩tico para predecir la transferencia de calor y masa en la torre. Los resultados experimentales mostraron que el embalaje de nido de abeja tiene una alta eficiencia y puede usarse f叩cilmente en Irak. El modelo matem叩tico tuvo una precisi坦n relativamente alta al compararlo con los resultados experimentales.
Fernanda Siguencia tiene 17 a単os y no se dar叩 por vencida ante las dificultades, mirando siempre hacia adelante para lograr sus objetivos. Quiere estudiar enfermer鱈a, viajar por el mundo, ser independiente y ayudar a los dem叩s. Su sue単o es ser una enfermera exitosa que preste servicios de calidad y sea un ejemplo para su familia y la sociedad.
Improving Type 2 Diabetes Therapy Adherence and Persistence in GermanyTim Borgas
Part of a 6 paper series on how to address avoidable economic and societal burden of T2D in Germany, the UK, the US, Mexico, Brazil and Saudi Arabia. Published by the IMS Institute under:
This study investigated the prevalence of urinary incontinence (UI) among female group fitness instructors, including yoga and Pilates teachers, in Norway. The key findings were:
1) 26.3% of the 685 female instructors reported experiencing UI, with most reporting stress UI that occurred during physical activity or exercise.
2) Yoga and Pilates instructors had a similar prevalence of UI to other fitness instructors, with 25.9% reporting UI.
3) Older instructors and those with longer teaching careers had a significantly higher prevalence of UI, while use of oral contraceptives was protective against UI.
El documento describe la historia de las catacumbas cristianas en Roma desde el siglo III hasta el siglo IV. Inicialmente, los cristianos se negaron a reconocer el culto imperial romano y sufrieron persecuciones. Desarrollaron un arte clandestino en las catacumbas. En el 311, el Edicto de Mil叩n otorg坦 libertad religiosa y tolerancia al cristianismo. Finalmente, en 391 el cristianismo se convirti坦 en la religi坦n oficial del Imperio Romano.
Este documento presenta los servicios de internet m坦vil global de SG Network como distribuidor oficial de Podsystem en Espa単a. Ofrece tarjetas SIM con acceso a internet y voz en m叩s de 200 pa鱈ses con una 炭nica tarifa plana sin costes de roaming. La plataforma de gesti坦n SimBilling permite controlar el uso y consumo en tiempo real. SG Network proporciona soluciones flexibles para empresas y viajeros extranjeros en Espa単a con una mejor cobertura y ahorro frente a otras opciones.
This document describes proximity marketing and beacon technology solutions offered by The Proximity Agency. It discusses how beacons can be used to recognize customers in real-time, send targeted push notifications, enable hyper-local marketing, facilitate authenticated payments, and more. Case studies show how beacons have increased app engagement by 400% for Carrefour and in-store sales by 8% for McDonald's. The agency claims to be able to implement a minimum viable beacon product within one month.
Actividad mediada con TIC - Educaci坦n Tecnol坦gica.Roxana Bonzio
El documento describe un plan de clases para ense単ar sobre mecanismos a estudiantes de 5to grado utilizando un modelo 1 a 1 con computadoras. Los estudiantes aprender叩n sobre artefactos como poleas, palancas y norias mediante videos, construcci坦n de maquetas y debates. Evaluar叩n su comprensi坦n a trav辿s de pruebas y la creaci坦n de nuevas maquetas tecnol坦gicas.
Este documento presenta la informaci坦n general del programa de formaci坦n titulada "Tecn坦logo en Mantenimiento de Equipos de C坦mputo, Dise単o e Instalaci坦n de Cableado Estructurado". El programa tiene una duraci坦n m叩xima estimada de 18 meses y busca formar t辿cnicos en el mantenimiento de equipos de c坦mputo y redes de cableado estructurado para satisfacer la demanda del sector productivo nacional.
Semantic Linking of Information, Content and Metadata for Early Music (SLICKM...sebastianewert
This talk was given by Tim 油Crawford (Goldsmiths, University of London) at the "Semantic Media @ The British Library" event on 23 September 2013.
Palestra proferida na OAB/DF, por Lara Selem, sobre Advocacia e TecnologiaLara Selem
Este documento discute como a advocacia mudar叩 nos pr坦ximos 30, 50 e 100 anos devido evolu巽達o tecnol坦gica. Apresenta como escrit坦rios jur鱈dicos est達o se adaptando s novas ferramentas digitais para melhorar a presta巽達o de servi巽os aos clientes, a comunica巽達o interna e a produtividade. Tamb辿m enfatiza a import但ncia dos valores e do desenvolvimento pessoal dos advogados para lidar com as transforma巽探es do futuro.
Este documento presenta la metodolog鱈a utilizada en un proyecto de intervenci坦n ergon坦mica participativa en varias empresas asturianas. La metodolog鱈a se centr坦 en un proceso iterativo de resoluci坦n de problemas que involucr坦 a los trabajadores y la empresa. El objetivo no fue solo evaluar puestos de trabajo, sino generar un debate para identificar necesidades reales y mejoras basadas en el aprendizaje. La metodolog鱈a analiz坦 tanto la carga f鱈sica como mental en cada puesto para comprender las verdaderas condiciones de trabajo.
Generali Group reported its 1Q 2014 results. Operating result was stable at 1.296 billion compared to 1Q 2013. Net result increased 9.4% to 660 million mainly due to improved non-operating investment results. Shareholders' equity rose 9.9% to 21.741 billion and Solvency I ratio increased 11 percentage points to 152% due to net income and financial market developments. Life insurance operating result was stable at 779 million despite a challenging low yield environment. P&C insurance operating result increased 3.7% to 516 million from higher technical and investment results.
O documento apresenta relat坦rios de presta巽達o de contas da merenda escolar da Escola Municipal Marineide Pereira da Cunha para os meses de julho a dezembro de 2013. Os relat坦rios mostram as receitas e despesas com a merenda, incluindo os fornecedores pagos e os saldos financeiros.
El documento describe 7 tecnolog鱈as emergentes importantes actualmente, incluyendo aplicaciones m坦viles, la nube, arquitectura nube-cliente, mejoras web independientes, m叩quinas inteligentes, software definido y la internet de las cosas. Explica c坦mo estas tecnolog鱈as permiten una mayor conectividad y acceso a datos desde cualquier dispositivo y lugar. Concluye que las organizaciones deben aprovechar al m叩ximo estas tecnolog鱈as emergentes para mejorar sus procesos y operaciones comerciales.
Vaadin 7 is an open source web application framework that allows developers to build rich client-side web applications using Java on the server-side and JavaScript on the client-side, with new features in Vaadin 7 including improved component architecture, support for SASS styling, and enhanced widget communication through state-based RPC.
Safe Drinking Water Act How Safe is My Drinking WaterMichael Klein
The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) is the main federal law that ensures the quality of Americans' drinking water. Under SDWA, EPA sets standards for drinking water quality and oversees the states, localities, and water suppliers who implement those standards. This presentation provides an overview of the SDWA.
The document summarizes the history and evolution of stormwater management regulations in the United States from the 1940s to present. It discusses the key laws passed including the Clean Water Act and its amendments. It describes the development of NPDES permitting programs for municipal separate storm sewer systems and the establishment of effluent limitation guidelines and best management practices for stormwater. It also discusses the concept of "maximum extent practicable" in regulating stormwater discharges.
This research proposal aims to analyze the bacteriological contamination of surface and underground water sources in the San Salvador neighborhood of Caguas, Puerto Rico. The neighborhood has 3,272 residents served by community water systems, many of which do not meet water quality standards. The study aims to sample water sources to detect E. coli using PCR and electrophoresis techniques, examine relationships between water quality and infectious diseases in residents, and raise awareness in the community about water conservation regulations. The researcher hypothesizes that human activities like improper waste disposal are contaminating local water bodies in a way that could impact public health.
This document discusses the intersection of water quality policy and the use of benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators of water quality. It provides an overview of the Clean Water Act framework for identifying impaired waters and reducing pollution. It describes how macroinvertebrates are currently used and could potentially be used to list impaired waters, identify causes of impairment, set pollution reduction goals, and indicate water quality improvements. The document serves to illuminate opportunities and limitations for using macroinvertebrates in water quality assessment and management for both policymakers and scientists.
This document announces upcoming regulatory outreach meetings to discuss California's proposed low-threat closure policy for petroleum underground storage tanks. Meetings will be held in August, September, and October 2011 in several California cities. The meetings aim to discuss technical and practical aspects of the recommended policy, which was presented to the State Water Resources Control Board in July 2011 by a task force. Interested parties are invited to attend one of the outreach sessions.
The memorandum recommends accepting nutrient trading as part of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL implementation plan. Nutrient trading allows polluters to buy and sell credits, providing economic incentives for compliance. While some criticize trading due to uncertainties, the EPA argues trading can help meet water quality goals more cost-effectively if carefully monitored and regulated. The memorandum concludes trading should be encouraged along with command-and-control policies to efficiently restore the Bay by 2025 as required by the TMDL.
The document discusses point source water pollution and regulations. It provides background on key policies and acts related to water quality regulation, such as the Clean Water Act. It also summarizes different regulatory approaches for point sources, including command-and-control regulations and market-based mechanisms like effluent taxes and tradable permit systems. Overall, the document presents an overview of point source pollution issues and the evolution of policies in the United States to regulate industrial and municipal wastewater discharges.
This study analyzed 20 public drinking water wells on Cape Cod, Massachusetts for 92 organic wastewater compounds (OWCs) including pharmaceuticals, hormones, and consumer product chemicals. The goals were to evaluate the presence of OWCs in the wells and determine if surrogates of wastewater impact like nitrate, boron, and residential development could identify wells most impacted by OWCs. Fifteen of the 20 wells contained at least one OWC, with the two most frequently detected being the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole and the perfluorosurfactant perfluorooctane sulfonate. Maximum concentrations of two pharmaceuticals matched or exceeded levels reported in other U.S. public water sources, indicating
The EPA conducted a nationwide study from 2010-2015 on the impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking water resources. The EPA found vulnerabilities and actual impacts to drinking water at every stage of the hydraulic fracturing water lifecycle. However, the executive summary of the report misleadingly stated that widespread or systemic impacts had not been found. The science advisory board agreed the executive summary did not accurately reflect the reports findings and recommended revising it to acknowledge significant data gaps and the reports uncertainties. The board will issue recommendations to the EPA to revise the executive summary to more truthfully portray the studies findings and limitations.
Presentation from the Nonexistent Data session of the Our World, Our Data conference held at at MIT Media Lab on April 30, 2017. Organized by Safecast with sponsorship from the Shuttleworth Fund. Many thanks to Joi Ito, Director of the MIT Media Lab, and Ethan Zuckerman and Lorrie LeJeune of The Center for Civic Media.
Western Lake Erie impairment designation: What does it mean? How can it hap...Ohio Environmental Council
This document discusses waterway impairment designations under the Clean Water Act. It explains that if water quality criteria for a waterway are not met, it is considered "impaired" and requires a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) to limit pollutants. The TMDL process for the Chesapeake Bay is discussed as a case study, including litigation that led to its establishment and requirements for states to reduce nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment loads by certain percentages and timelines. Nonpoint sources are included in TMDLs and states must describe plans to achieve load reductions.
This document discusses priorities for protecting the Great Lakes from emerging chemical pollutants. It implements a methodology developed by engineers to rank the top 20 emerging contaminants found in Great Lakes surface water and drinking water based on their occurrence, impacts, and difficulty to treat. The top chemicals include hormones, pharmaceuticals, flame retardants, and plastic production chemicals. Case studies of monitoring efforts by Chicago, Milwaukee, and other municipalities are provided. Establishing clear priority rankings can help utilities implement focused monitoring and aid regulatory agencies in assessing risks. Governments should use prioritization methods to set binational objectives for controlling the highest priority contaminants under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Public services are never better performed than when their reward comes in consequence of their being performed, and is proportioned to the diligence employed in performing them.
- Adam Smith
"If you stand up and be counted, from time to time you may get yourself knocked down. But remember this: A man flattened by an opponent can get up again. A man flattened by conformity stays down for good."
- Thomas J. Watson, Jr.
What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead.
- Nelson Mandela
"You've got to go out on a limb sometimes because that's where the fruit is."
- Will Rogers
The document discusses issues related to responsible investment in water services. It notes that water scarcity is a growing global problem, with demand for water infrastructure investments expected to reach hundreds of billions annually. However, water utilities often lack transparency regarding their environmental, social, and governance performance. The document calls for water utilities to provide consistent, comparable data on key issues like water quality, sewage treatment, governance policies and impacts on local water resources to help facilitate responsible investment.
Water Quality Standards for Contact Recreation, Bacteria TMDLs, and MS4 Permits
1. 11th Annual EPA Region 6
MS4 Operators Conference
Houston, TX
Houston, TX
Water Quality Standards
for Contact Recreation,
Bacteria TMDLs, and MS4 Permits
Presented by
Senior Associate
Technical basis for freshwater criterion
Research for new standard
Current Region 6 standards
Region 6 contact recreation impairments
Recent bacteria TMDLs
Implications for MS4 permits
Actual level of exposure was not evaluated;
Actual pathogenic organisms not measured;
Only two of nine trials showed statistical differences
between swimmers and non-swimmers;
The correlation between swimmer and non-swimmer
illness rates was 0.67;
Haas, C., et. al. 2006. Expert Review Report Regarding United States Environmental Protection Agencys Water Quality
Criteria for Bacteria 1986: Application to Secondary Contact Recreation. (Report No. 2006-38) Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Chicago, IL., July.
Only highly credible GI symptoms were counted
in the regression;
The hypothesis that indicator densities are
correlated with pathogen densities has not been
tested; and,
Application of the criterion to bodies of water other
than lakes with nearby municipal wastewater
discharges is questionable.
Haas, C., et. al. 2006. Expert Review Report Regarding United States Environmental Protection Agencys Water Quality
Criteria for Bacteria 1986: Application to Secondary Contact Recreation. (Report No. 2006-38) Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Chicago, IL., July.
(A) Freshwater
(i) Contact recreation. The geometric mean of E. coli should not exceed 126 per 100 ml. In addition,
single samples of E. coli should not exceed 394 per 100 ml. Contact recreation applies to all bodies of
freshwater except where specifically designated otherwise in 則307.10 of this title.
(ii) Noncontact recreation. The geometric mean of E. coli should not exceed 605 per 100 ml.
(B) Saltwater.
(i) Contact recreation. The geometric mean of Enterococci should not exceed 35 per 100 ml. In
addition, single samples of Enterococci should not exceed 89 per 100 ml. Contact recreation applies to all
bodies of saltwater, except where specifically designated otherwise in 則307.10 of this title.
(ii) Noncontact recreation. The geometric mean of Enterococci should not exceed 168 per 100 ml.
(C) Fecal coliform bacteria. Fecal coliform bacteria can be used as an alternative instream indicator of
recreational suitability until sufficient data are available for E coli or Enterococci. For segments designated as
oyster waters in 則307.10 of this title, fecal coliform can continue to be used as an indicator of recreational
suitability because fecal coliform is used as the indicator for suitability of oyster water use as described in
paragraph (3)(B) of this subsection. Fecal coliform can also continue to be used as a surrogate indicator in
effluent limits for wastewater discharges. Fecal coliform criteria are the same for both freshwater and
saltwater, as follows.
(i) Contact recreation. The geometric mean of fecal coliform should not exceed 200 per 100 ml. In
addition, single samples of fecal coliform should not exceed 400 per 100 ml.
(ii) Noncontact recreation. Fecal coliform shall not exceed 2,000 per 100 ml as a geometric mean. In
addition, single samples of fecal coliform should not exceed 4,000 per 100 ml.
Total number of causes of impairment
reported nationally is 70,000
Pathogens reported as the cause of
impairment 10,000 times
Pathogens are the number one impairment
cause nationally
More pathogen TMDLs have been adopted
than any other pollutant
SOURCE: Section 305(b) report available on EPA website. See
14. EPA Region 6 Statistics
Rank of Pathogens Among Impairments 1 1 NA 2 NA
Total No. of Pathogens Impairments 549 437 NA 106 NA
Total No. of Impairments 1,640 882 NA 479 NA
Adopted TMDLs for Bacteria* 160 45 NA 70 NA
Total No. of Adopted TMDLs 191 131 NA 665 NA
*Includes E. Coli, Fecal Coliform, and Enterococcus bacteria.
SOURCE: Section 305(b) report available on EPA website. See
SOURCE: Pitt, R. 2007. Website:
JTF MS4 Permit Impacts
Prior to TMDL adoption
Prior to Implementation Plan adoption
Develop and implement Interim Bacteria
Reduction Plan
Identify and remove impediments to Green
Revise post-construction BMP manuals
Develop measurable goals
Assess potential bacteria sources
Develop interim controls for bacteria sources
SOURCE: Hosch, C., 2008. Conditional No Objection to Draft Permit TXS001201. Letter to Chris Linendoll,
Section Manager, Wastewater Permitting Section, TCEQ from Claudia Hosch, US EPA. October 3.
19. Justification
Proceeding with interim bacteria reduction activities in
the permit at this time, in advance of bacteria TMDLs,
supports the statutory and regulatory requirements
for MS4 permits to reduce the discharge of pollutants
to the maximum extent practical; effectively prohibit
the discharge of non-storm water into the MS4; ensure
discharges do not cause or contribute to violations of
water quality standards; and contribute to necessary
pollutant reductions identified by the TMDLs as they
are completed.
SOURCE: Hosch, C., 2008. Conditional No Objection to Draft Permit TXS001201. Letter to Chris Linendoll,
Section Manager, Wastewater Permitting Section, TCEQ from Claudia Hosch, US EPA. October 3.
Other Thoughts
General Permits will be impacted also
Construction General
Small MS4 General Permits
Wastewater permits have been impacted
Effluent limits
SOURCE: Hosch, C., 2008. Conditional No Objection to Draft Permit TXS001201. Letter to Chris Linendoll,
Section Manager, Wastewater Permitting Section, TCEQ from Claudia Hosch, US EPA. October 3.
Technical basis for freshwater criterion
Research for new standard
Current Region 6 standards
Region 6 contact recreation impairments
Recent bacteria TMDLs
Implications for MS4 permits
Michael F. Bloom, P.E., CFM
Senior Associate
1250 Wood Branch Park Drive, Suite 300
Houston, TX 77079