This document discusses new business models and opportunities for operators through software-defined platforms (SDP) and over-the-top (OTT) services. It notes that APIs allow for different levels of integration between services, from light integration with no data sharing to deep integration where services are fully interoperable. It also discusses strategies for distributing APIs, including targeting long-tail or short-tail developers, and using SDKs, customized APIs, or retail APIs to expose APIs. The document examines strategic choices around intrinsic motivation, distribution methods, and standardization to realize opportunities from SDP and OTT services.
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1. SDP and OTTNew Business Models and Opportunities for OperatorsMichel BurgerGroup Head of Architecture, Vodafone
6. Option 16Type of ServicesDifferentiationPotentialRevenueServices that are running byServices that run on top ofServices that run better withMulti level of integration (light to deep)Commercial Agreement (ex: bill to charge)Generally operated externallyEx: Zynga with FacebookDeep integrationProduct or work package done by vendor or internally developedGenerally operated internallyEx: Address book by VodafoneNo IntegrationCommercial Agreement (ex: pre embedded client)Operated externallyEx: Twitter Intrinsic Drive and IncentiveStrategic Choice
8. API DistributionLong TailShortTailWeb DeveloperWho?Internal DeveloperMobile DeveloperDevice DeveloperRedistributionHow?ServiceProviderAggregatorPortalRawExposureStandard (defacto) Environmentfor.for124124434SDK (Code that hide the API for a specific platform)Eg: Eclipse Plug-in, Mobile device SDK (Apple, Android)1Customized API (API created for a specific partner)Eg: Apple, GoogleRetail API (API to focus on a specific client)Eg: Mobile API, Web API 32What?Wholesale API (API focused on delivering specific operation)Eg: Googlemap, Eg: Backup and restore, NWAB, Mondrian4Option 18
9. The Continuum of MotivationCompaniesPeopleStand-aloneProductProfitsLevel ofResourceCommitmentBy-producteconomicsAdvertising Reputation,SignalingSkill-BuildingHobby, Fun Moral commitmentConsumptionOnlyContributors (in descending order of individual contributions)
11. Option 111Internet ModelInternet Service ProviderUserImprovesexperienceConsumesValue enriched DatageneratesrevenueServiceDataMany free servicesProducesThe more context the more efficient and the more valueOne data setand common semanticExample:Search/InformationMgmt : Rated auction/Selling:11
12. Option 112Where We Are NowNetwork Service ProviderUser- What is the set of unique services a NSPcan offer to complete this triangle?- Which core semantic is characterizing NSPs??ConsumesDataDataServiceSeveral servicesgenerate revenueDataVodafone Example:Voice, SMSData flat rateProducesMany services dont produce data and are only focus on reporting Many different sets of data generated by the user and/or by the service Many data sets and undefined semantic12
13. Option 113Where We Should Be UserClosing the triangle gives the needed acceleration effectRevenue from existing services will shrinkValue enriched DatageneratesrevenueVodafone Example:Voice, SMSData flat rateDataServiceAdditionalrevenue from new servicesVodafone Example:m-Healthm-AdvertSemantic interoperability with other Service ProvidersFree servicesOne data setand common semanticVodafone Example:Address Book/How Entities communicateVodafone Services Architecture Vision, Jan 201113
15. Internet Service DilemmaNetwork EcosystemMultiple Planes: Application, Enablers, Control, BearerDiscovery, session and connection orientedIT EcosystemIntegrated multiple systems thru EAI (Enterprise Service Bus)Well behaved, well defined componentsInternet Services Large scale of componentsLoosely definedManaged by many different entities and peopleNot controlledUnsuccessfulexamplesExperiences using IMS/RCS- Network specific protocols- Expensive implementation- Strong standardisation is slowing down evolution - Connection driven+ Provide a clean way to abstract the bearer channelGapApplicationExperiences using SDP- Lack of Scalability (Number of components involved)- Lack of flexibility and dynamic behaviour+ Still needed for lifecycle managementEcosystemEcosystemOption 11515
16. Infrastructure abstraction: to go beyond virtualization to provide service with a set of API on how to consume basic resources (Storage, Computing, Queueing)Identity Management: to provide open standard (OpenID, Oauth) to deal with identity and authorization by interacting with different legacy systemProfile Management: to make sure that all data resources are linkable and discoverable Transaction Management: to provide the infrastructure to deal with distributed transactions for operation like user lifecycleHigh Performance EventManagement: to handle real time near real time distributed event management for servicesAnalytics: to make sure that every services generates data and there is a way to extract value from that data Exposing service APIs in the proper context: services are about API and not just end to end experience:Device ManagementConnection Management User ProfileUser ServicesOption 116Pillar/Plugs for Dealing with Internet ServicesDevice as a serviceUser as a service
24. Platform to provide common services and utilities to support and meter backend services
25. Normalized abstraction of the basic IT resources using AWS semantic
26. A broker will decide based on policy and service level request which implementation to use (Local, Hosted, Cloud)
27. Virtualized internal resources will implement the abstractionConnectionManagementConnectivityCommon Access LayerFront EndMobile3rd PartyBackendServicesNetwork & Terminal enablersIT enablersProof of concept done with HuaweiImplementation in EllerCommon ServicesAnalyticsIdentity ManagementProfile ManagementTransaction ManagementHigh PerfEventManagementExtractionAggregationStorageAnalysisServicePlatformHybrid CloudOption 117InfraStructure17
28. Option 118Putting Everything TogetherInternet ServiceEcosystemITEcosystemConnectivityConnectionManagementCommon Access LayerCustomerCareFront EndPartnerMgmtMobile3rd PartyIT Enablers(User Lifecycle, Order Mgmt, Revenue Mgmt, Care) OrderMgmtERPBackendServicesApplication(Native, Web)AndWidgetBillingRatingServicePlatfromAnalyticsCommon ServicesEnterprise Service BusNetwork/TerminalEnablersResourceMgmtProductCatalogueNetworkDeviceNetworkEcosystemApplication PlaneBusiness Home NetworkASASEnablersFaultMgmtXDMSBIHSSPresenceLocationControl PlaneVisited NetworkP-CSCFI-CSCFS-CSCFIBCFOperationPDFBearer PlaneBGFBGFBGFARACFAccessInter-carrierRoamingSIPMediaAll NSPcapabilities and core assets need to be exposed as enablers (Network, IT and Terminal)18