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Organization / Workplace
Munich Area, Germany Germany
Finance / Banking / Insurance
TOUCHWIND is an indeÂpenÂdent, innoÂvaÂtive enterÂprise with long years of experÂtise of its partÂners. We focus on finanÂcing and strucÂtuÂring, evaÂluaÂting AlterÂnaÂtive InvestÂments, and conÂsulÂting in all matÂters of the finanÂcial and capiÂtal marÂkets. We offer a broad specÂtrum of experÂtise acquiÂred in leaÂding posiÂtiÂons in the finanÂcial secÂtor. Our core team comÂbiÂnes 150 years of expeÂriÂence in finance, investÂments, and capiÂtal marÂkets. This know-how pays off for you.
Our aim is to be one of the leaÂding proÂviÂders of tailor-made soluÂtiÂons for manaÂgers and invesÂtors in AlterÂnaÂtive InvestÂments. It is our pasÂsio...
Users being followed by Michael Cnyrim