The video script is for Olly Murs' song "Dance With Me Tonight" and involves a love story between characters Olly and Jamie. It begins with them as children where Jamie's father tries to separate them. The story then follows Olly and his friends preparing for the prom, including getting suits and haircuts. Meanwhile, Jamie and her friends get ready. At the prom, Olly and Jamie dance and express their love for each other, though Jamie's father objects at first before realizing Olly makes her happy. The video concludes with all the characters dancing together happily at the end of the prom.
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Music video script 2 edit
1. Megan Robinson
Music Video Script
Video Title: OllyMurs – Dance With Me Tonight
1. (0.00-0.15)The video will start off Ladies and Gentleman we’ve got a
with Olly’s and Jamie’s friends looking special treat for tonight I’m
upset (Long-shot from front).(long gonna call my friend Olly up
shot) of when Jamie’s dad was trying to
here to sing to you ladies.
take Jamie away from Olly but Jamie
wouldn’t let Olly’s hand go and Olly
was holding on to her. Then it starts Small Bloom effect of the narration.
(zooming) into their faces (close-up).
2. (0.16-0.31)The teacher walked up to Olly! Let’s go man. My name is
them (medium-shot) and sent Olly and Olly nice to meet you can I tell
Jamie to the classroom while the you baby Look around there’s a
teacher was trying to calm Jamie’s dad whole lot of pretty ladies But
down. Jamie and Olly were messing none like you, you shine so
around in the classroom. (Close-up-
medium full shots) of them separately bright, yeah.
but alternating between them while
making funny faces.
3. (0.32-0.47)You see Olly walking with I was wondering if you and me
his mates, prancing around all could spend a minute,
excited(Medium-Long shots to full body On the floor up and close
shots of them)‘5 hours earlier…’
getting lost in it,
I won't give up without a fight.
I just wanna, oh baby,
4. (0.48-1.03)Olly Walks past Salford I just want you to dance with me
quays(Medium Shot on Front of the Car, tonight,
Looking into the car) still going back So come on, oh baby,
to Olly in the classroom but only for
I just want you to dance with
five secondsin total (1 second at a
time throughout the clip)(Close-up). me.
Olly and his mates are still walkingand
started singing on the way to the
shops. (A Mix of Both Medium and Long
with around 3-5 Second Intervals of
switching from one another.). Filming
sections of the buildings on the way
there (Low angle).
2. Megan Robinson
Music Video Script
5. (1.04-1.19)They are still walking by tonight
Salford Keys and Olly was messing We’re getting sweaty, hot and
around by dancing in a funny fashion heavy in the crowd now
(Gangnam Style for funny
Loosen up and let you hands go
reasons)(Medium-Long Full body shot).
Still going back to Olly in his down, down
classroom but only for five seconds in Go with it girl, yeah just close
total (1 second at a time throughout your eyes, yeah.
the clip) (Close-up). Filming sections
of the buildings on the way there (Low
6. (1.20-1.35) Filming sections of the I feel the music moving through
buildings on the way there (Medium-Long your body
shot of Buildings). Olly was Looking at you I can tell you
singingwhile walking with his mates
want me
(Medium Shot). Ollysteps up the steps
into a shop.(PansMedium-Close Shot Don’t stop keep going till the
while panning). They went to the suit morning light, yeah
department, and then they came out with When I saw you there, sitting
their suit bags(Long shot). Olly and all alone in the dark.
his mates went to another shop to buy
their prom shoes(Close-up of the bags).
7. (1.36-1.51)Olly and his mates went to acting like you didn’t have a
the Barbers (Close-up of when the boys care
getting haircut). Theycrossed over the I knew right then, that you’d be
street to get the boutonniere for them
mine, and we’d be dancing the
and also got the corsage for their
girlfriends. (Close-up of their hands whole damn night right
choosing what flowers they are going to Oh baby, I just want you
use, Multiple shots of what they’re
choosing including some close ups and
medium Full shots).
8. (1.52-2.07)Olly and his mates are going to dance with me tonight
to Jamie’s house and the girls are So come on, oh baby
finishing getting ready. (Medium shots I just want you to dance with me
of putting their makeup on and doing
each other’s hair). Now it’s night
timeOlly and his mates are still
walking around but ready to go to prom.
(Medium shot of them crossing a
streetwith cars coming pastanda close-
up of Ollywalking across the road
singing but from all the different
3. Megan Robinson
Music Video Script
9. (2.08-2.23)Jamie and her mates are Break it down now,
putting their dresses on and looking in (yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
the mirror looking happy (Long shot). Shake it like that,
Olly and his mates are outside then
(yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
Olly went to find the stones and starts
throwing them at Jamie’s window (low Now bring it all back
angle). Jamie opened her window and To dance with me tonight
looked out whereas Olly was carrying One more time, one more time,
the stereo above his head. (Close-up come on now
high angle of Jamie looking out and (yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
long shot of Olly). Do your thing,
10. (2.24-2.39)Jamie and her friends came (yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)
downstairs very quietly and snuck out Everybody sing
of the back door (hand-held shots). The (I just want you to dance with
girls with them started walking to the
me tonight)
prom. (Long shot of them running around
messing around). I just wanna, oh baby
I just want you to dancewith
11. (2.40-2.55) They had already arrived so me tonight
now they are dancing with each other. Everybody everybody come on now
Olly and Jamie were dancing and looking Girl, just close your eyes
at each other (long shot of their mates
We can dance all through the
dancing with each other and close-up of
Olly and Jamie dancing). night,
I just want you to dance with me
And everybody sing
12. (2.56-3.11)Back at Jamie’s house when Girl just close your eyes, we
her parents just found out Jamie isn’t can dance all through the night
here (medium shot of when her mum I just want you to dance with me
telling her dad that she’s not here) so
her father went to the prom.(Went black
for a while for two seconds then went So come on girl just close your
back to prom scene, after it all had eyes
happened). Jamie’s dad got her and We can dance
tried to take away from Olly(medium
13. (3.12-3.27)Olly said, ‘I love you’ and all through the night
she said it back to him(extreme close I just want you to dance with me
up of Olly’s lip saying, ‘I love you’. tonight
And close-up of Jamie’s face). Then her
dad realized Olly is a good guy(close-
up of her dad). So he let her go and
can see Jamie was happy she then ran up
to Olly (dolly shots). At the end they
were dancing and happy (long shot of
all them dancing together).