際際滷s from Michael Lee Stallard and Jason Pankau\'s presentation at NASA Goddard Space Flight Centers Leadership Colloquium. The presentation is based on Michael and Jason\'s bestselling book entitled "Fired Up or Burned out."
2. CURRENT WORK ENVIRONMENT Why should you care? Employee trust and cooperation are low 75% of our employees are not engaged at work! In America that is more than 101,000,000 individuals
4. THE OPPORTUNITY One of the things you notice in Gallup Research is that only one in four workers in the U.S. are engaged in the workplace Imagine if you could get half the employees engaged It is just unbelievable to me the potential that exists for companies . James Clifton CEO, Gallup Organization
7. ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR 2004 Employee Engagement Study of 50,000 employees: Emotional factors are four times as effective as rational factors in engaging employees Engaged employees are 20% more productive than the average employee Source: Corporate Executive Board
8. NEUROSCIENCE Neuroscience has shown that connection: Reduces stress hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol) Increases dopamine which enhances attention and pleasure Increases serotonin which reduces fear and worry Increases oxytocin which makes us more trusting of others
9. NEUROSCIENCE Scientists discovered from split brain surgery on epilepsy patients: Severed the Corpus Callosum Right Brain - unconscious mind controls emotions Left Brain - conscious mind controls logic, speech Cognitive scientist Michael Gazzaniga labeled the left brain the interpreter Frequently our right brain determines what we do and our left brain makes up a story to explain it
10. HUMAN NEEDS TO THRIVE Meaning Personal Growth Autonomy (Freedom) Recognition Belonging Respect
11. PSYCHIATRY Lack of connection at work increases: loneliness isolation confusion distrust disrespect, and dissatisfaction Source: Dr. Edward Hallowell, former instructor Harvard Medical School
12. POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY Since WWII, subjective well being (happiness) has been flat although economic prosperity has increased dramatically. Experts believe a lack of connection and community has kept subjective well being stagnant. Sources: Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam, American Paradox by David Myers, and The Decline of Happiness in Market Democracies by Robert Lane
13. HEALTH RESEARCH Research has shown connection = positive impact Babies who are held = healthier Students who receive eye contact = perform better academically Patients who have social support = recover faster Adults with greater connection = more creative, better problem solvers Seniors who have social relationships = live longer Sources : Carlson, 1998; Rosenthal and Jacobson, 1992; Resnick, 1997; Cohen, 1997; Berkman, 1979; Baumeister, 2003; MacArthur Foundation Study, 1998
14. CURRENT WORK ENVIRONMENT Florida State University Survey When Bosses Behave Badly employees retaliate: 30% slowed down or purposely made errors vs. 6% of those not reporting abuse. 27% purposely hid from the boss vs. 4% of those not abused. 33% confessed to not putting in maximum effort vs. 9% of those not abused. 29% took sick time off even when not ill vs. 4% of those not abused. 25% took more or longer breaks vs. 7% of those not abused.
15. THE CONNECTION CULTURE We all need connection! It brings out the best in people, and makes them: mentally and physically healthier more trusting more productive more cooperative more creative better problem solvers
16. WHAT IS CONNECTION? Like wind through the trees An invisible force between human beings that promotes trust, cooperation and esprit de corps! Brought about by intentionally developing Relationship Excellence!
17. WORK BECOMING MORE IMPORTANT Beginning in the 1990s, work became a greater part of Americans self definition than family and community. - The Gallup Organization
18. THE CONNECTION CULTURE We need to put the corpus back into corporation ! Corpus is Latin for body Cor揃po揃ra揃tion (k担r'p-r'shn) n. A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members. Such a body created for purposes of government. Also called body corporate . A group of people combined into or acting as one body.
20. ELEMENTS OF CONNECTION Core Elements 1. Human Value 2. Inspiring Identity 3. Knowledge Flow Enabling Elements 4. Committed Members 5. Servant Leaders
21. INSPIRING IDENTITY (VISION) When everyone in the organization is proud of the reputation. united by the values, and motivated by the mission,
22. VISION Case study: FDR During World War II 18,000 aircraft workers at Boeing in Seattle 1941-1945 American aircraft companies out-produced the Nazis three-to-one built nearly 300,000 airplanes
23. HUMAN VALUE (VALUE) When everyone in the organization understands the needs of people, appreciates their positive, unique contributions, and helps others achieve their potential.
24. VALUE 1. Understands psychological needs of people Human needs at work: Respect Recognition Belonging Autonomy (freedom) Personal growth Meaning Sources: E Pluribus Partners, Ryan and Deci, Maslow, Frankl, Csikszentmihalyi, Banks Lack of connection > deficit need dysfunctional behavior
25. VALUE 2. Appreciate my positive, unique contributions Know my story How well do you know your employees? What is their background? What are their dreams and ambitions? What motivates them? Who is important in their life? What qualities do they strive for?
26. VALUE 3. Help others achieve their potential Encourage professional growth professional development courses Encourage personal growth coaching, mentoring Share your gold with others!
27. VALUE What we can do is construct an environment that nurtures trusting and respectful relationships and unleashes everyones creativity. If we get it right, the result is a vibrant community where talented people are loyal to one another and their collective work, everyone feels that they are part of something extraordinary, and their passion and accomplishments make the community a magnet for talented people coming out of schools or working at other places. I know what Im describing is the antithesis of the free-agency practices that prevail in the movie industry, but thats the point: I believe that community matters . - Ed Catmull, President, Pixar and Disney Animation Studios
30. KNOWLEDGE FLOW (VOICE) When everyone in the organization safeguards relational connections. shares ideas and opinions honestly, and seeks the ideas of others,
32. VOICE Complete transformation! They began to invent ways of doing it better. They improved the scheme. They worked at night. They didnt need supervising in the night; they didnt need anything. They understood everything; they invented several of the programs that we usedmy boys really came through, and all that had to be done was to tell them what it was, thats all. As a result, although it took them nine months to do three problems before, we did nine problems in three months, which is nearly ten times as fast. - Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize Winning Physicist
34. That didnt happen in other armies . . . Rommel did not have a suggestion box outside his door. Eisenhower did. Bradley did. - Historian Stephen Ambrose VOICE
35. VOICE According to her colleagues: She told us everything, stuff we didnt want to know [like how close we were to running out of cash]. Part of her DNA is to tell you the good, the bad, and the ugly.
40. ELEMENTS OF CONNECTION Core Elements 1. Human Value 2. Inspiring Identity 3. Knowledge Flow Enabling Elements 4. Committed Members 5. Servant Leaders
41. COMMITTED MEMBERS Definition: When everyone in the organization is: committed to task excellence, promoting the connection culture, and living out character strengths and virtues.
42. Definition: empowered with the authority to: Coordinate task excellence, Facilitate the connection culture, and Model and mentor others in character strengths and virtues! SERVANT LEADERS
43. Ability may get you to the top but it takes character to keep you there. -- Legendary UCLA basketball coach John Wooden CHARACTER STRENGTHS
44. CHARACTER STRENGTHS Coach Wooden had a profound influence on me as an athlete, but an even greater influence on me as a human being. He is responsible, in part, for the person I am today. - Kareem Abdul Jabbar
46. while there are indeed great, often unfathomable forces in history before which even the most exceptional of individuals seem insignificant, the wonder is how often events turn upon a single personality, or the quality we call character. -- Historian David McCullough CHARACTER STRENGTHS
47. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. -- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. CHARACTER STRENGTHS
51. CHARACTER STRENGTHS Im sorry Mr. President, I dont agree with you at all. -- General George C. Marshall
52. CHARACTER STRENGTHS [He has] an insatiable desire to learn, to know, [and] to understand. -- Nobel Peace Prize Committee
53. Most men are slaves of ambition. General Marshall is a slave of his duties. I have never seen a task of such magnitude performed by a man You have inspired us with your single-mindedness of purpose and selfless devotion to our common cause. CHARACTER STRENGTHS -- Senator Henry Stimson -- British Officers Letter to Marshall
55. when I disapprove [of Marshalls recommendations], I dont have to look over my shoulder to see which way he is goingI know he is goingto give me the most loyal support as chief of staff that any president could wish. -- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt CHARACTER STRENGTHS
56. Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, desperation, and chaos. -- George C. Marshall Speech at Harvard University in 1953 The Marshall Plan CHARACTER STRENGTHS
57. CHARACTER AND CONNECTION Who will you choose to become? Intentional Disconnector Unintentional Disconnector Intentional Connector
58. CHARACTER STRENGTHS 1. Develop habits that reflect character strengths. 2. Build high trust relationships with people who want to develop character strengths. 3. Undertake periodic checkups - 360 degree performance reviews. 4. Study and celebrate the character of intentional connectors. 5. Select, measure and promote leaders who have character strengths and who connect.
60. Actionable examples 20 stories of great leaders Questions for team study LEARN FROM LEADERS Free download for the next 2 days at: www.MichaelLeeStallard.com