The document discusses asm.js, a subset of JavaScript that can run at near-native speed and allows for compiling C/C++ applications to run as web apps without plugins. It covers Emscripten, an LLVM-to-JavaScript compiler that produces asm.js code, how asm.js compares to regular JavaScript, interacting with the browser, automation techniques, using JavaScript from C++, asm.js communities and example projects.
#3: Emscripten takes in C/C++ code, passes it through LLVM, and converts the LLVM-generated bytecode into Asm.js.
If the compiled Asm.js code is doing some rendering then it is most likely being handled by WebGL (and rendered using OpenGL).
#4: Works with old browsers,
lazy compile (we can skip evaluation by wrapping code in function, eval),
hard to debug,
2 compilers: Mandreel, Emscripten(in this presentation)
types, no garbage collection
#5: There are to ways that we can interact with browser. There are 2 ways to interact expose c++ methods to javascript or go other hipster way and show js libs to our c++ code
#9: Lets go other way emscripten offers us also evaluation of javascript inside c++. We use for that val type to store global scope.
#11: Emmscripten supports SDL 1.2 out of box but community added support for QT4 and OpenGL ES, BOX 2D and Unity 3d is supported as alpha.