the next presentation we had to make for sir JDV's business communication class, PECHA KUCHA STYLE :)
pecha kucha is a 20x20 type of zen presentation. 20 slides, 20 seconds to tell your story.
the topic was about your passions and i mentioned 3 of mine which are photography, travel, and writing, all for the purpose of an even bigger passion i hope to reach in the future :)
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be your own person
1. passion |?pa sh ?n| n.!
1. a strong belief in something, !
or when you have very strong feelings about something!
2. a an intense desire or enthusiasm for something !
Longman Active Study Dictionary!
New Edition!
2. be your
own person
An assortment of what is unique and random; !
What I love to do all because I have passion.!
Presented by:!
Mishka Rafael!