The document discusses the layers of the interior of the Earth. It is divided into four main layers from outermost to innermost:
1. The crust, the topmost solid rocky layer that varies in thickness from 0-40 km.
2. The mantle, the thick solid layer below the crust extending to 2,900 km depth. The upper mantle is solid while the lower mantle is semi-molten.
3. The outer core, between 2,900-5,150 km, which is liquid.
4. The inner core, the innermost solid layer from 5,150-6,731 km depth with extremely high temperatures and pressures.
6. ? Knowledge about the interior of the earth is
limited. As one goes deeper into the earth
,the temperature and pressure increases and
this prevents us from learning about the
earth s interior through direct access
? . Investigation indicate that even the lava that
comes to the surface of the earth through
volcanoes are from a depth , maximum of
just 64 kilometres
8. Layer Approximate depth in kilometres Average Density
A Crust 0 to 40 2.9
B Mantle 40 to 2900 4.5
C Outer Core 2900 to 5150 10.7
D Inner Core 5150 to 6731 15
9. ? The outermost layer of the earth is the crust. Rocks
containing minerals like silica, and aluminium make up
the continents and rocks containing silica and
magnesium make up the ocean floors; these together
makes up the earth¡¯s crust. These are known as ¡®sial
and sima
? Below the earth¡¯s crust is the mantle. the upper portion
of the mantle is a solid state. The upper portion of the
mantle and the crust together is called the LITOSPHERE
The maximum thickness of the Lithosphere is about
100 km. Lithosphere exists like a broken eggshell.
? Just below the upper mantle the rocks are found in a
molten stage. This is due to the high temperature inthis
region.This part of mantle is called AESTHENOSPHERE
10. ? Lower mantle followed by the core. This part is made up of
mainly rocks formed by nickel and iron and hence it is also
called NIFE .The core two parts, an OUTER CORE and an INNER
CORE.The outer core exist in a molten state.
? In the centre of earth, the temperature is almost 11000c and
the pressure is very high.Hence the the inner core is a solid