The document discusses the relief features of China. It describes several key relief features: mountain ranges, plateaus, basins, and plains. It provides examples of each in China, including the Himalayas mountain range, the Qingzang and Yungui plateaus, the Sichuan basin, and the Changjiang and Huabei plains. The document matches photographs of these relief features with their locations on a map of China.
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Lesson 11 - Activity 2 Q.1
1. What is the relief of China like? Activity 2 C One country, three levels of relief Lesson 1 1
2. What is relief [ ]? Relief describes the shape [ Π ] and height [ ߶ ] of the land.
3. Do you know about these relief features [ / ò ] ? Mountain range [ ɽ} ] Plateau (Gaoyuan) [ ԭ ] Basin (Pendi) [ ] Plain (Pingyuan) [ ƽԭ ]
4. Mountain range [ ɽ} ] A continuous line of highland reaching great heights
12. 1(a) In which location do you think each of the photographs in Fig. 1 was taken? Correctly match these photographs with the location A to F in Fig.2. Write your answer on the answer lines below. Photograph Location 1 B 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 F 6 E The Himalayas [ ϲ ɽ} ] Qingzang Gaoyuan [ ظԭ ] Yungui Gaoyuan [ Fԭ ] Sichuan Pendi [ Ĵ ] Changjiang Zhongxiayou Pingyuan [ LСƽԭ ] Huabei Pingyuan [ Aƽԭ ]
13. (b) What are the relief characteristics of these locations? Draw lines to join to their respective characteristics.
15. Photograph 1: B The Himalayas ( ϲRɽ} ) It is the worlds largest mountain range ( ɽ} ), and has the highest peak in the world, the Qomolangma Feng ( ʬ ).
16. Photograph 2: A Qingzang Gaoyuan ( ظԭ ) It is the largest plateau ( ԭ ) in China, which rises to over 4500m in height.
17. Photograph 3: D Yungui Gaoyuan ( Fԭ ) It is a lower plateau ( ԭ ) (about 1000m to 2000m high) found to the east of the western plateaus and mountain ranges.
18. Photograph 4: C Sichuan Pendi ( Ĵ ) It is a large basin ( ) located in the southwest of China, which is famous for its agriculture ( rI ).
19. Photograph 5: F Changjiang Zhongxiayou Pingyuan ( LСƽԭ ) Photograph 6: E Huabei Pingyuan ( Aƽԭ ) It is a large and flat lowland ( ͵ ) (lower than 1000 m) formed by a large amount of alluvium ( _e ) brought by the river.
20. Key words and knowledge Relief ( ) Some relief features of China: - mountain range - plateau (Gaoyuan) - basin (Pendi) - plain (Pingyuan)