The document outlines recruiting, hiring, and training plans for staff. The recruiting plan includes implementing a recruiting plan, posting jobs, setting placement goals, and advertising openings. The hiring process involves selecting an interview committee, reviewing applications, conducting interviews using relevant questions and testing, and selecting candidates. The training plan involves on-the-job and formal training, orientation, and professional development programs with clear goals and a practical learning approach that builds on employee experience.
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Presentation1 job
September 3, 2016
I. Implement Recruiting
II. Post The Job
III. Placement Goals
IV. Advertise
I. Select Hiring Committee
II. Job Application
III. Review Applicants and
Develop Short List
IV. Conduct different
V. Select Relevant Questions
VI. Testing and other
Selection Methods, ( Quast,
On the Job
Formal and Informal Training
Orientation- Coach Enhanced Training
Professional Development Should consist of the following
The goals of the employee training or development program are
The employees are involved in determining the knowledge, skills
and abilities to be learned
The employees are participating in activities during the learning
The work experiences and knowledge that employees bring to
each learning situation are used as a resource
Professional Development Should consist of the following
A practical and problem-centered approach based on real
examples is used
New material is connected to the employee's past learning and
work experience
The employees are given an opportunity to reinforce what they
learn by practicing
The learning environment is informal, safe and supportive
The individual employee is shown respect
The learning opportunity promotes positive self-esteem
Identifying Qualified
Candidates Presented
to Clients
Validate Technical
Internal Interview
Perform Reference
1.Check to see if candidate meets minimal job
requirements, meaning the candidate is
Techinically fit
2.Check resume for gaps in employment history,
job jumping, unstable work history
3. Make sure candidate has references
4. Conduct phone interview to see how well he/she
can communicate over the phone.
5. Invite for an interview
6. Did candidate arrive on time, is he/she neat
dressed appropriately. Combed hair, brushed
7. Ask the receptionist if their is one, if the
candidate was polite or rude.
8. Ask questions tailored towards the knowledge,
skills and abilities , (Ober, 2016).
7. References
Heathfield, S. M. (2010). How to understand your current culture: Artifacts and interactions display your existing
Ober, Savannah, ( 2016,) 6 Tios for your first Job Interview, Recruiter Magazine
Quash, Lisa, 4 Ways to Improve Hiring, Forbes Magazine
Editor's Notes
#3: Recruitments provide opportunities to departments to align staff skill sets to initiatives and goals, and for departmental and individual growth. Proper planning and evaluation of the need will lead to hiring the right person for the role and team.
Recruitments provide opportunities to departments to align staff skill sets to initiatives and goals, and for departmental and individual growth. Proper planning and evaluation of the need will lead to hiring the right person for the role and team.
Recruitments provide opportunities to departments to align staff skill sets to initiatives and goals, and for departmental and individual growth. Proper planning and evaluation of the need will lead to hiring the right person for the role and team.
Advertise at all places within and outside, employment agencies, job fairs, other employees, word of mouth.
Once the position has been posted, candidates will apply via UCRs job board. Candidates will complete an electronic application for each position (resume and cover letter are optional). Candidates will be considered Applicants or Expressions of Interest. All applicants must be reviewed and considered. It is recommended that all search committee members review all Applicants to ensure more than one person assesses their qualifications and that individual opinion or biases are avoided. A phone screen may be conducted to obtain information such as availability, salary requirements, special position requirements (e.g. ability to perform shift work), ascertain minimum requirements and other preliminary information to assist the search committee with their review. Prior to the panel interview, committee members should ensure they know which interview questions each will ask. To reduce travel costs and time associated with interviewing out of area applicants, virtual interviews can provide an alternative method to in-person interview. Questions should be relevant to the position and seek information on specific skills and abilities to perform the job such as describe your experience working with students in an academic environment and/or post-secondary degree-granting institutions. After the Interview
Upon completing the interview, committee members will complete one of the following evaluation tools and forward to the Committee Chair along with any interview notes. Candidate evaluations should be sure to include only those comments which are relevant to the requirements of the position. Testing and other Selection Methods
Tests and other selection methods such as requesting work or writing samples and presentations are additional tools used to assess candidates. However, use must comply with EEOC guidelines. Tests and the selection tools should not be relied upon as the only screening mechanism. Interviews and reference checks should carry considerable weight in the overall decision process. Lisa Quast, 4 Ways To Improve Your Hiring Process, Forbes Business Magazine, (2016).
#4: Training Plan
New staff member needs to be able to employ his skills in the specific ways required by his new position and by the organization. He also may need to learn new skills related to what he already knows, since the demands of the position may be somewhat different from what he's done in the past. The organization's training guidelines need to take into account what it is about the position that is different in this organization than in others, and just what a particular new staff member is likely to need to learn.
The purpose of training, after all, is to ensure that every staff member performs his responsibilities as well as possible.
Professional development.
Many people and organizations believe that education is not a thing you get, but a process that continues throughout life. Effective organizations believe that training is an educational process that continues throughout one's working life, and that the more staff members can learn that relates to their work, and the more skills they can acquire, the more innovative and competent they will be. As a result, they encourage staff members to continue their training far beyond the basics that the organizations supply. Hiring the right people and training them well are the most important things you can do to ensure that your organization is effective. Establishing clear guidelines for hiring and training is a way to help your organization get the hiring and training right every time. In forming guidelines for orientation, training, and professional development, there are some general questions that need to be considered.
Who will actually conduct the training in each area?
What forms will training in each area take?
A training program might encompass a mix of formal and informal styles and methods.
#6: Hiring managers want to hire people who know, care, and are passionate about what the company does. Do your research on the companys products or services. Check to see if the organization hasissued any press releases lately, and reread the job description to ensure you understand the positionfully and can speak confidently about your ability to perform each required task.
2. Dress to Impress