Un soldado de plomo cae por la ventana y termina en las alcantarillas donde conoce a una ni単a. Juntos buscan una salida y encuentran una puerta, pero la luz m叩s all叩 les hace dudar. Finalmente deciden confiar el uno en el otro y trabajan juntos para abrir la puerta, escapando as鱈 de las alcantarillas para vivir felices para siempre.
El documento describe las partes principales de un microscopio, incluyendo el cabezal, brazo, objetivos, pletina, foco y base, y c坦mo se usa un microscopio para ver una c辿lula vegetal.
This document lists different rooms in a house and items commonly found in each room, including the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, garage, living room, hall, dining room, garden, and study. It mentions furniture and appliances such as a chair, desk, bath, table, cooker, toilet, lamp, computer, fridge, sofa, bed, and wardrobe.
This document compares the abilities of several Marvel superheroes, noting that Hulk is the best jumper, Captain America has a shield stronger than steel, and Thor is the most resistant. It also states that Black Widow is the most elastic, Hawkeye has the best view, and Stark has the best armor.
The document discusses several members of the Avengers and their abilities. It states that Hulk is the strongest and can crush everybody, Thor has a powerful hammer, Black Widow is the best fighter, Hawkeye is the best archer in the world, Iron Man is the fastest and can fly, and Captain America is stronger when using his shield.
Harry Houdini was a famous Hungarian-American magician and escape artist born in 1874. Some of his famous escape acts included escaping from ropes and handcuffs, as well as escaping from a trunk and a water tank. Sadly, Houdini died at age 52 after being punched in the stomach by a fan who wanted to test his resistance, which caused internal bleeding. His funeral was held in New York City with over 2,000 people in attendance.
Ara que ve la tardor hem conegut quins fruits s坦n els que es recullen en aquesta 竪poca. Hem vist quins colors tenen, els hem tocat, olorat i finalment els hem tastat. Abans per嘆 cadasc炭 de nosaltres ha creat un bodeg坦.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre varios escritores y poetas catalanes e espa単oles como Joaquim Rubi坦 i Ors, ngel Guimer, Jose Agust鱈n Goytisolo, Josep Fiter, Merc辿 Rodoreda, Frederic Soler Pitarra. Incluye breves biograf鱈as y extractos de sus obras como Terra baixa de ngel Guimer. Tambi辿n menciona que hay pocas calles dedicadas a autores literarios en Esplugues de Llobregat y Cornell.
The document discusses key figures and events from the legend of King Arthur, including Merlin the magician, King Arthur who ruled Britain, his wife Princess Guinevere, King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table who were his friends, how Arthur was the only one able to pull the sword from the stone, and Camelot being the city where these events took place.
El documento describe las partes principales de un microscopio, incluyendo el cabezal, brazo, objetivos, pletina, foco y base, y c坦mo se usa un microscopio para ver una c辿lula vegetal.
This document lists different rooms in a house and items commonly found in each room, including the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, garage, living room, hall, dining room, garden, and study. It mentions furniture and appliances such as a chair, desk, bath, table, cooker, toilet, lamp, computer, fridge, sofa, bed, and wardrobe.
This document compares the abilities of several Marvel superheroes, noting that Hulk is the best jumper, Captain America has a shield stronger than steel, and Thor is the most resistant. It also states that Black Widow is the most elastic, Hawkeye has the best view, and Stark has the best armor.
The document discusses several members of the Avengers and their abilities. It states that Hulk is the strongest and can crush everybody, Thor has a powerful hammer, Black Widow is the best fighter, Hawkeye is the best archer in the world, Iron Man is the fastest and can fly, and Captain America is stronger when using his shield.
Harry Houdini was a famous Hungarian-American magician and escape artist born in 1874. Some of his famous escape acts included escaping from ropes and handcuffs, as well as escaping from a trunk and a water tank. Sadly, Houdini died at age 52 after being punched in the stomach by a fan who wanted to test his resistance, which caused internal bleeding. His funeral was held in New York City with over 2,000 people in attendance.
Ara que ve la tardor hem conegut quins fruits s坦n els que es recullen en aquesta 竪poca. Hem vist quins colors tenen, els hem tocat, olorat i finalment els hem tastat. Abans per嘆 cadasc炭 de nosaltres ha creat un bodeg坦.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre varios escritores y poetas catalanes e espa単oles como Joaquim Rubi坦 i Ors, ngel Guimer, Jose Agust鱈n Goytisolo, Josep Fiter, Merc辿 Rodoreda, Frederic Soler Pitarra. Incluye breves biograf鱈as y extractos de sus obras como Terra baixa de ngel Guimer. Tambi辿n menciona que hay pocas calles dedicadas a autores literarios en Esplugues de Llobregat y Cornell.
The document discusses key figures and events from the legend of King Arthur, including Merlin the magician, King Arthur who ruled Britain, his wife Princess Guinevere, King Arthur's Knights of the Round Table who were his friends, how Arthur was the only one able to pull the sword from the stone, and Camelot being the city where these events took place.
2. Hi havia una vegada un soldadet de plom que li faltava una cama, perque va lluitar amb un os de peluix i li va arrancar
3. Al prestatge hi havia una nina ballarina amb una sola cama tota bonica amb el seu tut炭.
4. Pero el soldadet es va fixar en la Barbie, alla tota glamurosa amb el seu Jaguar de cotxe. A la ballarina li va agafar molta enveja.
5. Al soldadet de plom tamb辿 li feia enveja que el pallasso es va liar amb la Barbie llavors el soldadet i la ballarina van llan巽ar al pallasso i a la Barbie a la llar de foc.
6. El soldadet de plom quan estava amb els seus companys sempre es burlaven dell perqu竪 nomes tenia una cama i es sentia sol. Llavors es va adonar que amb la ballarina no es sentia sol, i la ballarina tamb辿 es sentia sola perqu竪 amb la seva unica cama no podia ballar be.
7. Pero amb el soldadet non es sentia sola, eren feli巽os sortien a passejar saltant a pota cuixa, parlaven sabra巽aven, es petonejaven... No podien ser millor parella fins i tot van ser portada de la revista joguines de moda i van ser famosos per tota lhabitaci坦.