A 34-year-old male presented with epigastric pain, vomiting, and jaundice. His liver enzymes were elevated and he tested positive for HCV. He was diagnosed with viral hepatitis based on his lab results and clinical presentation. He has a history of hypertension but no other significant medical history. He is being treated with hepatoprotective medications and supportive care. The prognosis is that hepatitis symptoms typically resolve within 3-6 months and most patients fully recover.
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1. "Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University"
Department of Internal Medicine
Head of Department - Professor
Teacher of group
Case history
Patient : Vasil Demotrovich
Clinical diagnosis: Viral Hepatitis
Curator: the student: Al-Rawashdeh Mohammad of the: 4th
course: 59- group
Faculty: general medicine
I. Passport part
Patients surname, name, patronymic : Vasil Demotrovich
Age: 34 Birth date 09/05/1971
Home address: ivano frankivsk
Place of work: ivano-frankivsk
Date of admission: 22/05/2015
Date of discharge: still in the clinic
End of the disease improvement,
Clinical diagnosis: Hepatites
Epigastric pain which later moved to right hypochondrium
Hearing loss
III. Disease anamnesis
(Disease duration. Dynamics of the process. What factors does the patient connect with
the onset of disease and its exacerbation? Treatment that was carried out, its results and
The patient start to complain about pain in the epigastric which moved to right
hypochondrium vomiting any food he ate , also had yellowish colored sclera and oral
mucosa and he looked pale.
IV. Life anamnesis
(Heredity, development in childhood, working life, working and living conditions, family
history, earlier diseases).
The patient had no hereditary disease and had a good development of his body during
childhood but he have a blood hypertension ( once reached 180110) .
Hes married and have two boys and a girl and work as an owner of an clothing shop
His family had no diseases but his father was hypertensive,
Bad habits: alcohol and cigarrets
Allergic anamnesis: negative
1. General state of patient
The patient alert
The body temp = 36,8 C
Blood pressure = 12080
Respiratory rate = 22 min
2. Skin and mucosa
No signs of jaundice in the skin or in the mucosa
The face is pale
No other abnormalities
3. Musculo-skeletal system
The joint has a good range of motion
The muscles are well development
No other abnormalities
4. Lymphatic system
Tonsils are normal
The state of other lymph nodes is good with no abnormalities
5. Cardiovascular
Percussion and auscultation showed normal results
Pulse = 72
Pulse is rhythmic and with no abnormalities
6. Nervous system
The patient has a normal response and normal reflexes
No abnormalities
7. GIT
No abnormalities during percussion and palpation of the abdomen
4. Vomitting happens after having a meal
Palpation of the liver shows tendresse
8. Respiratory
No abnormalities were found during percussion and palpation
The auscultation showed vesicular respiratory sound and no pathological sounds .
9. Endocrine
No abnormalities were found during examination of endocrine glands
10- urinary
The patient doesn't have any abnormalities
But The urine is dark
VII. Preliminarily diagnosis
VIII Diagnosis :
Lab studies :
ALT 98.8 L ( normal 7-56 )
AST 38.1 L ( normal 10-40 )
A positive HCV result with ELISA
Ultrasound : Hepatomegaly and peri portal edema
5. IX. Clinical diagnosis
On the basis of lab results ( serological test ELISA ) :
clinical diagnosis was determined:
Viral hepatitis
X : Differential diagnoses
Aneurysm, Abdominal
Cholecystitis and Biliary Colic
Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer Disease
Obstruction, Small Bowel
- The patient take arginine glutamine tablets
- Domperidone
- hepatoprotective drug ( antral )
- Cardonat