丐舒从舒 仄 亰亟舒亟亠仆,
丼亠 仗亠亟仗仂亳舒仄 舒 亠 仄亳仆舒, 于仄亠仂 亟舒 亠 仆舒仄,
舒 仗仂亞舒仍 - 于仄亠仂 亟舒 亟舒, 舒 仗仂于于舒仄 - 仂仄 仄亠 仗仂亞仍亠亟仆舒 于 仂亳亠.
I am ready for Wisdom, I am ready for Love.
My consciousness and creativity are extending constantly.
I am healthy and I am free of blocking programs and energies.
I am free from religions and belief systems and I am taking responsibility for my life.
My emotions are in tune with the Existence.
I am friendly and compassionate.
I am giving and receiving Love.
I am living a life of Love.
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