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Tree: A Non-linear Data Structure

January 5, 2013   Programming and   1

 Linked lists use dynamic memory allocation,
  and hence enjoys some advantages over static
  representations using arrays.
 A problem
    Searching an ordinary linked list for a given
        Time complexity O(n).
    Can the nodes in a linked list be rearranged so that
     we can search in O(nlog2n) time?

January 5, 2013     Programming and          2
                                    50                            Level 1

                    30                        75                  Level 2

          12                  45         53             80        Level 3

               20        35        48              78        85   Level 4

January 5, 2013          Programming and                      3
Binary Tree

 A new data structure
    Binary means two.
    A binary tree is either empty, or it consists of a node
     called the root, together with two binary trees called
     the left subtree and the right subtree.

              Left                       Right
            subtree                     subtree

January 5, 2013       Programming and             4
Examples of Binary Trees

January 5, 2013   Programming and   5
Not Binary Trees

January 5, 2013   Programming and    6
Binary Search Trees

 A particular form of binary tree suitable for
    A binary search tree is a binary tree that is either
     empty or in which each node contains a key that
     satisfies the following conditions:
        All keys (if any) in the left subtree of the root precede the
         key in the root.
        The key in the root precedes all keys (if any) in its right
        The left and right subtrees of the root are again binary
         search trees.

January 5, 2013      Programming and                   7

     10                                             50

5          15                       30                            75

      12        20
                          12                  45         53                 80

                               20        35        48                  78        85

January 5, 2013      Programming and                          8
How to Implement a Binary Tree?

 Two pointers in every node (left and right).
       struct nd {
                     int element;
                     struct nd *lptr;
                     struct nd *rptr;
       typedef nd node;
       node *root;        /* Will point to the root of the tree */

January 5, 2013      Programming and                9
An Example
 Create the tree                10

                          b 5         20       c

                                 15        d

        a = (node *) malloc (sizeof (node));
        b = (node *) malloc (sizeof (node));
        c = (node *) malloc (sizeof (node));
        d = (node *) malloc (sizeof (node));
        a->element = 10; a->lptr = b;              a->rptr = c;
        b->element = 5; b->lptr = NULL;            b->rptr = NULL;
        c->element = 20; c->lptr = d;              c->rptr = NULL;
        d->element = 15; d->lptr = NULL;           d->rptr = NULL;
        root = a;

January 5, 2013        Programming and                        10
Traversal of Binary Trees

 In many applications, it is required to move
  through all the nodes of a binary tree, visiting
  each node in turn.
    For n nodes, there exists n! different orders.
    Three traversal orders are most common:
        Inorder traversal
        Preorder traversal
        Postorder traversal

January 5, 2013     Programming and           11
Inorder Traversal

 Recursively, perform the following three steps:
    Visit the left subtree.
    Visit the root.
    Visit the right subtree.


January 5, 2013    Programming and    12
Example:: inorder traversal

        10                      20                  30

   20         30          40         25        50        60

   20 10 30                 40 20 25 10 50 30 60

January 5, 2013    Programming and             13

                  b                           c

          d                       e                   f

              g           h               i

                                      j           k

         . d g b . a h e j i k c f

January 5, 2013       Programming and                     14
Preorder Traversal

 Recursively, perform the following three steps:
    Visit the root.
    Visit the left subtree.
    Visit the right subtree.


January 5, 2013    Programming and     15
Example:: preorder traversal

        10                     20                  30

   20        30          40         25        50        60

   10 20 30                10 20 40 25 30 50 60

January 5, 2013   Programming and             16

                  b                           c

          d                       e                   f

              g           h               i

                                      j           k

         a b d . g . c e h i j k f

January 5, 2013       Programming and                     17
Postorder Traversal

 Recursively, perform the following three steps:
    Visit the left subtree.
    Visit the right subtree.
    Visit the root.


January 5, 2013     Programming and     18
Example:: postorder traversal

        10                     20                  30

   20        30          40         25        50        60

   20 30 10                40 25 20 50 60 30 10

January 5, 2013   Programming and             19

                  b                           c

          d                       e                   f

              g           h               i

                                      j           k

         . g d . b h j k i e f c a

January 5, 2013       Programming and                     20
 void inorder (node *root)                 void preorder (node *root)
{                                         {
   if (root != NULL)                         if (root != NULL)
   {                                         {
       inorder (root->left);                     printf (%d , root->element);
       printf (%d , root->element);            inorder (root->left);
       inorder (root->right);                    inorder (root->right);
    }                                         }
}                                         }

                        void postorder (node *root)
                          if (root != NULL)
                              inorder (root->left);
                              inorder (root->right);
                              printf (%d , root->element);

   January 5, 2013          Programming and                    21
A case study :: Expression Tree

        +                     -               Represents the expression:
                                                (a + b) * (c  (d + e))

a            b        c               +

                                  d       e

    Preorder traversal :: * + a b - c + d e
    Postorder traversal :: a b + c d e + - *

    January 5, 2013       Programming and                 22
Binary Search Tree (Revisited)
 Given a binary search tree, how to write a program to
  search for a given element?
 Easy to write a recursive program.
       int search (node *root, int key)
          if (root != NULL)
             if (root->element == key) return (1);
             else if (root->element > key)
                     search (root->lptr, key);
                     search (root->rptr, key);

January 5, 2013     Programming and                  23
Some Points to Note

 The following operations are a little complex
  and are not discussed here.
    Inserting a node into a binary search tree.
    Deleting a node from a binary search tree.

January 5, 2013     Programming and          24
Graph :: another important data structure

    A graph G={V,E} consists of a set of vertices V, and
     a set of edges E which connect pairs of vertices.
    If the edges are undirected, G is called an
     undirected graph.
    If at least one edge in G is directed, it is called a
     directed graph.

January 5, 2013   Programming and            25
How to represent a graph in a program?

 Many ways
    Adjacency matrix
    Incidence matrix, etc.

January 5, 2013   Programming and   26
Adjacency Matrix

                     e1                          e5
         1                         2                       6

    e2                                 e4             e6       e7
                     e3                     e8
         3                         4                       5

             .   1        2    3       4    5    6
             1   0        1    1       0    0    0
             2   1        0    0       1    1    1
             3   1        0    0       1    0    0
             4   0        1    1       0    1    0
             5   0        1    0       1    0    1
             6   0        1    0       0    1    0

January 5, 2013                Programming and                      27
Incidence Matrix

                  e1                           e5
         1                      2                             6

    e2                              e4              e6            e7
                  e3                      e8
         3                      4                             5

             .   e1   e2   e3   e4       e5 e6      e7   e8
             1   1    1    0    0         0 0       0    0
             2   1    0    0    1         1 1       0    0
             3   0    1    1    0         0 0       0    0
             4   0    0    1    1         0 0       0    1
             5   0    0    0    0         0 1       1    1
             6   0    0    0    0         1 0       1    0

January 5, 2013            Programming and                             28
January 5, 2013   Programming and   29

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  • 21. Implementations void inorder (node *root) void preorder (node *root) { { if (root != NULL) if (root != NULL) { { inorder (root->left); printf (%d , root->element); printf (%d , root->element); inorder (root->left); inorder (root->right); inorder (root->right); } } } } void postorder (node *root) { if (root != NULL) { inorder (root->left); inorder (root->right); printf (%d , root->element); } } January 5, 2013 Programming and 21
  • 22. A case study :: Expression Tree * + - Represents the expression: (a + b) * (c (d + e)) a b c + d e Preorder traversal :: * + a b - c + d e Postorder traversal :: a b + c d e + - * January 5, 2013 Programming and 22
  • 23. Binary Search Tree (Revisited) Given a binary search tree, how to write a program to search for a given element? Easy to write a recursive program. int search (node *root, int key) { if (root != NULL) { if (root->element == key) return (1); else if (root->element > key) search (root->lptr, key); else search (root->rptr, key); } } January 5, 2013 Programming and 23
  • 24. Some Points to Note The following operations are a little complex and are not discussed here. Inserting a node into a binary search tree. Deleting a node from a binary search tree. January 5, 2013 Programming and 24
  • 25. Graph :: another important data structure Definition A graph G={V,E} consists of a set of vertices V, and a set of edges E which connect pairs of vertices. If the edges are undirected, G is called an undirected graph. If at least one edge in G is directed, it is called a directed graph. January 5, 2013 Programming and 25
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