The document discusses reservation policy and promoting holistic well-being in society. It argues that if people are not made helpless by pain, fear, or dependence, and instead have self-realization and a holistic view of mankind's well-being, reservations would no longer be required. It promotes empowering education and policies that abolish the need for reservations based on money, race, religion or caste, and instead facilitate unity and harmony in society.
I S M E D I T A T I O N H A R M F U L D R S H R I N I W A S K A S H A L ...shriniwas kashalikar
Meditation is not harmful, but is instead a natural stage of inner growth and blossoming that occurs through actively working on holistic solutions to problems. [1] It requires going through different stages of physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual development, similar to progressing through school and university. [2] What some practice as "meditation" without addressing underlying issues can be harmful and cause misery. [3] True meditation is an evolved state achieved through Total Stress Management or Superliving, which focuses on implementing holistic solutions through practices like NAMASMARAN.
O documento descreve o bairro carioca de Santa Teresa, notando que preserva caracter¨ªsticas do s¨¦culo XVIII ao redor do Convento das Carmelitas Descal?as. Detalha aspectos culturais e arquitet?nicos do bairro, como escadarias, igrejas, museus e casar?es hist¨®ricos, al¨¦m de sua tranquilidade em contraste com o ritmo da cidade.
Em 1955, um grupo de amigos teve seu viol?o apreendido pela pol¨ªcia enquanto faziam serenata em Campina Grande, Para¨ªba. O advogado Ronaldo Cunha Lima escreveu um pedido em verso para a libera??o do instrumento, conhecido como "Habeas-Pinho". O juiz concedeu o pedido no mesmo estilo po¨¦tico, ordenando a devolu??o do viol?o.
Este documento describe la nueva y vieja izquierda en Am¨¦rica Latina. Menciona los pa¨ªses de izquierda y movimientos sociales en la regi¨®n, as¨ª como los presidentes de izquierda como Daniel Ortega de Nicaragua y Rafael Correa de Ecuador. Explora las diferencias entre la nueva izquierda, que incluye a Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay y Brasil, y la vieja izquierda m¨¢s radical compuesta por Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador y Nicaragua. Finalmente, analiza el triunfo de la nueva izquierda latinoamericana.
Lezkairu es un nuevo barrio en construcci¨®n al sur del segundo ensanche y al este de la Universidad P¨²blica de Navarra en Pamplona. Su monumento m¨¢s importante es la fuente de la teja y la avenida Juan Pablo II ser¨¢ su avenida principal.
Chantrea se encuentra al norte de Pamplona, limitado por el monte Ezkaba, el casco antiguo de Pamplona, Burlada y Anso¨¢in. Se construy¨® en 1950 debido al ¨¦xodo rural y gracias a la ayuda del Patronato de Francisco Franco, que proporcion¨® materiales y suelo a los vecinos. Fue el primer barrio en tener sus propios s¨ªmbolos culturales como gigantes, cabezudos y dantzaris.
Este documento describe una red WAN (red de ¨¢rea amplia), incluyendo que conecta equipos separados por grandes distancias utilizando proveedores de servicios de datos, que com¨²nmente usa enlaces seriales, y los dispositivos, protocolos y conexiones comunes en una red WAN.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre las tarjetas de sonido. Brevemente describe que una tarjeta de sonido es una tarjeta de expansi¨®n que permite la entrada y salida de audio controlada por software. Explica que las tarjetas modernas tienen m¨¢s de un chip de sonido y capacidad de s¨ªntesis y reproducci¨®n digital. Finalmente, incluye actividades como una sopa de letras y ejercicios interactivos sobre las funciones y caracter¨ªsticas de las tarjetas de sonido.
Este documento presenta una matriz DAFO que analiza las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de un centro educativo. Entre las amenazas se encuentran el desconocimiento del centro, poca participaci¨®n de los padres y falta de recursos econ¨®micos. Las oportunidades incluyen nuevos conocimientos, continuar el proyecto con el ayuntamiento y utilizar recursos disponibles. Las fortalezas son el apoyo del equipo directivo, trabajo pr¨¢ctico y formaci¨®n del profesorado. Las debilidades son la falta de este tipo de
Este documento presenta una actividad escolar para que los estudiantes aprendan sobre el universo. Los divide en grupos para que busquen informaci¨®n en l¨ªnea sobre la V¨ªa L¨¢ctea, el sistema solar y sus caracter¨ªsticas. Luego comparten lo que aprendieron y explican sus hallazgos al resto de la clase. La maestra evaluar¨¢ su comportamiento, presentaci¨®n y conocimiento adquirido. El objetivo es que los estudiantes exploren el universo de una manera entretenida e interactiva.
[...] Il fumo pu¨° essere affrontato [...] partendo da tre prospettive diverse che potremmo definire: 1) individualistica, 2) relazionale, 3) contestuale...
Las siguientes erogaciones no causan impuestos sobre la n¨®mina de acuerdo con el C¨®digo: pagos por concepto de prima de antig¨¹edad hasta por un mes de salario; pagos por concepto de aguinaldo; y pagos por concepto de utilidades distribuidas a los trabajadores hasta por el equivalente a tres meses de salario.
Programa??o Primeira Fase - Copa Cebol?o Atacadista de Futsal 2014 - Ta?a Eco...ItuporangaEsportes
Este documento cont¨¦m a programa??o da Copa Cebol?o Atacadista de Futsal - Ta?a Ecotrat, que ocorrer¨¢ entre os dias 17 de janeiro a 31 de janeiro de 2014. Nele constam os jogos marcados para dois gin¨¢sios diferentes, com hor¨¢rios, categorias e times participantes de cada partida.
This document provides a lesson plan for a 2nd grade math class on congruent figures. The lesson will identify, make, and check congruent figures. Students will learn that figures related by a translation, reflection, or rotation that have the same size and shape are called congruent. They will do an activity involving sliding, flipping, and turning shapes on grid paper to determine if the shapes remain the same size and shape, and therefore are congruent. Supplementary reading materials and references are also provided.
El documento describe tres actividades realizadas en el Colegio Nacional Nicol¨¢s Esguerra: soldar objetos, insertar objetos y recortar objetos. Saul Alfredo Acosta Chaparro parece haber realizado estas actividades con el n¨²mero 802.
O documento descreve a hist¨®ria do whisky escoc¨ºs, seu processo de produ??o, as diferentes regi?es e tipos de whisky da Esc¨®cia. Explica que o whisky escoc¨ºs precisa ser destilado e envelhecido na Esc¨®cia por pelo menos 3 anos para ser considerado um scotch.
Mahatma Gandhi had a profound vision of universal progress that he translated into sociopolitical programs and activities with near complete fidelity, acceptability, and feasibility for the welfare of people worldwide. Few people have both a vision of universal progress and undertake great efforts for mankind's welfare like Gandhi. Very few are aware that Gandhi steadfastly practiced NAMASMARAN or remembrance of the divine name continuously. Today, we need accurate translations of universal philosophies, visions, and plans into different fields at all levels as Gandhi did.
Yoga is conceived in many ways and is a connection between one's global perspective, thoughts, emotions, and actions in every sphere of life. It also connects metabolic, endocrine, autonomic, and central nervous system activities as well as the right and left cerebral cortex. This yoga can be achieved through NAMASMARAN, as one can verify.
O documento descreve o bairro carioca de Santa Teresa, notando que preserva caracter¨ªsticas do s¨¦culo XVIII ao redor do Convento das Carmelitas Descal?as. Detalha aspectos culturais e arquitet?nicos do bairro, como escadarias, igrejas, museus e casar?es hist¨®ricos, al¨¦m de sua tranquilidade em contraste com o ritmo da cidade.
Em 1955, um grupo de amigos teve seu viol?o apreendido pela pol¨ªcia enquanto faziam serenata em Campina Grande, Para¨ªba. O advogado Ronaldo Cunha Lima escreveu um pedido em verso para a libera??o do instrumento, conhecido como "Habeas-Pinho". O juiz concedeu o pedido no mesmo estilo po¨¦tico, ordenando a devolu??o do viol?o.
Este documento describe la nueva y vieja izquierda en Am¨¦rica Latina. Menciona los pa¨ªses de izquierda y movimientos sociales en la regi¨®n, as¨ª como los presidentes de izquierda como Daniel Ortega de Nicaragua y Rafael Correa de Ecuador. Explora las diferencias entre la nueva izquierda, que incluye a Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay y Brasil, y la vieja izquierda m¨¢s radical compuesta por Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador y Nicaragua. Finalmente, analiza el triunfo de la nueva izquierda latinoamericana.
Lezkairu es un nuevo barrio en construcci¨®n al sur del segundo ensanche y al este de la Universidad P¨²blica de Navarra en Pamplona. Su monumento m¨¢s importante es la fuente de la teja y la avenida Juan Pablo II ser¨¢ su avenida principal.
Chantrea se encuentra al norte de Pamplona, limitado por el monte Ezkaba, el casco antiguo de Pamplona, Burlada y Anso¨¢in. Se construy¨® en 1950 debido al ¨¦xodo rural y gracias a la ayuda del Patronato de Francisco Franco, que proporcion¨® materiales y suelo a los vecinos. Fue el primer barrio en tener sus propios s¨ªmbolos culturales como gigantes, cabezudos y dantzaris.
Este documento describe una red WAN (red de ¨¢rea amplia), incluyendo que conecta equipos separados por grandes distancias utilizando proveedores de servicios de datos, que com¨²nmente usa enlaces seriales, y los dispositivos, protocolos y conexiones comunes en una red WAN.
Este documento proporciona informaci¨®n sobre las tarjetas de sonido. Brevemente describe que una tarjeta de sonido es una tarjeta de expansi¨®n que permite la entrada y salida de audio controlada por software. Explica que las tarjetas modernas tienen m¨¢s de un chip de sonido y capacidad de s¨ªntesis y reproducci¨®n digital. Finalmente, incluye actividades como una sopa de letras y ejercicios interactivos sobre las funciones y caracter¨ªsticas de las tarjetas de sonido.
Este documento presenta una matriz DAFO que analiza las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas de un centro educativo. Entre las amenazas se encuentran el desconocimiento del centro, poca participaci¨®n de los padres y falta de recursos econ¨®micos. Las oportunidades incluyen nuevos conocimientos, continuar el proyecto con el ayuntamiento y utilizar recursos disponibles. Las fortalezas son el apoyo del equipo directivo, trabajo pr¨¢ctico y formaci¨®n del profesorado. Las debilidades son la falta de este tipo de
Este documento presenta una actividad escolar para que los estudiantes aprendan sobre el universo. Los divide en grupos para que busquen informaci¨®n en l¨ªnea sobre la V¨ªa L¨¢ctea, el sistema solar y sus caracter¨ªsticas. Luego comparten lo que aprendieron y explican sus hallazgos al resto de la clase. La maestra evaluar¨¢ su comportamiento, presentaci¨®n y conocimiento adquirido. El objetivo es que los estudiantes exploren el universo de una manera entretenida e interactiva.
[...] Il fumo pu¨° essere affrontato [...] partendo da tre prospettive diverse che potremmo definire: 1) individualistica, 2) relazionale, 3) contestuale...
Las siguientes erogaciones no causan impuestos sobre la n¨®mina de acuerdo con el C¨®digo: pagos por concepto de prima de antig¨¹edad hasta por un mes de salario; pagos por concepto de aguinaldo; y pagos por concepto de utilidades distribuidas a los trabajadores hasta por el equivalente a tres meses de salario.
Programa??o Primeira Fase - Copa Cebol?o Atacadista de Futsal 2014 - Ta?a Eco...ItuporangaEsportes
Este documento cont¨¦m a programa??o da Copa Cebol?o Atacadista de Futsal - Ta?a Ecotrat, que ocorrer¨¢ entre os dias 17 de janeiro a 31 de janeiro de 2014. Nele constam os jogos marcados para dois gin¨¢sios diferentes, com hor¨¢rios, categorias e times participantes de cada partida.
This document provides a lesson plan for a 2nd grade math class on congruent figures. The lesson will identify, make, and check congruent figures. Students will learn that figures related by a translation, reflection, or rotation that have the same size and shape are called congruent. They will do an activity involving sliding, flipping, and turning shapes on grid paper to determine if the shapes remain the same size and shape, and therefore are congruent. Supplementary reading materials and references are also provided.
El documento describe tres actividades realizadas en el Colegio Nacional Nicol¨¢s Esguerra: soldar objetos, insertar objetos y recortar objetos. Saul Alfredo Acosta Chaparro parece haber realizado estas actividades con el n¨²mero 802.
O documento descreve a hist¨®ria do whisky escoc¨ºs, seu processo de produ??o, as diferentes regi?es e tipos de whisky da Esc¨®cia. Explica que o whisky escoc¨ºs precisa ser destilado e envelhecido na Esc¨®cia por pelo menos 3 anos para ser considerado um scotch.
Mahatma Gandhi had a profound vision of universal progress that he translated into sociopolitical programs and activities with near complete fidelity, acceptability, and feasibility for the welfare of people worldwide. Few people have both a vision of universal progress and undertake great efforts for mankind's welfare like Gandhi. Very few are aware that Gandhi steadfastly practiced NAMASMARAN or remembrance of the divine name continuously. Today, we need accurate translations of universal philosophies, visions, and plans into different fields at all levels as Gandhi did.
Yoga is conceived in many ways and is a connection between one's global perspective, thoughts, emotions, and actions in every sphere of life. It also connects metabolic, endocrine, autonomic, and central nervous system activities as well as the right and left cerebral cortex. This yoga can be achieved through NAMASMARAN, as one can verify.
Y O G A A N D S U P E R L I V I N G D RMonika Gavali
The document discusses the principles of yoga. It states that there are three components to human response - cognition, affect, and conation. The final stage of yoga is the union of these three components. A highly evolved yogi would be seen as sensing, feeling, and responding beyond normal human capacities in an impeccable, accurate, and exuberantly benevolent way for the universe. This era is unique because remembering God's name as inspired by a guru can ensure the process and progress of yoga.
Yoga and superjoy can lead to a union at physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual levels that overcomes differences and disputes. The highest union is a spiritual one between a true guru and disciple through namasmarn, or remembrance of God. This spiritual union can dissolve contradictions like theism and atheism, and what the world needs is a realization that encompasses all differences.
Yoga integrates the right and left cerebral cortex, or right and left brain. The inability to see unity across different fields and paths is due to a deficiency in developing and integrating the right and left brain, leading to sectarianism and injustice. Even an intelligent person can be antisocial without balancing left brain development with the right brain through practices like namasmaran.
World Famous Prayer Interpretation By DrMonika Gavali
[1] This prayer seeks happiness, health, and well-being for all, with no grief.
[2] While some object to prayer seeing it as weakness, the author explains prayers help connect to infinite cosmic powers that we are extensions of, like electric bulbs connecting to a power source.
[3] "Blocks" like ego, pettiness, and superficial values disconnect us, but prayers and chanting can effectively remove these blocks and reconnect us to the empowering source of consciousness and the universe, strengthening and empowering us.
1) Prayer is meant to catalyze the culmination of every work in ecstatic completion and satisfaction of global welfare.
2) Lord Ganesha is known as the God of self-realization, representing the experience of enlightenment and oneness with one's inner and outer environment.
3) It is customary to pray to Lord Ganesha before starting any work because realization of truth is required for accurate vision, decision making, and successful action.
Namasmran, or remembering God, is a simple practice that can have benevolent and emancipating effects on both individuals and the environment. While some theories blame issues like poverty, oppression, or biological drives for individual and social problems, these explanations are only partially accurate and can breed hatred. Alternatively, theories that blame individual frailty are also imperfect and can lead to self-abnegation. Namasmran is a process billions already engage in, without using this name, to blossom as individuals. If more undertook this practice of remembering their true self, positive change for all would be inevitable, though currently unproven.
W H Y H O L I S T I C M E D I C I N E D R S H R I N I W A S K A S H A L ...Monika Gavali
The document discusses why holistic medicine is important. It notes that people have experienced the benefits of treatments like yoga, Ayurveda, and allopathy. More importantly, it is realized that different modalities of treatment, even those not considered formal treatments like music and clothing, work together in complementary and synergistic ways. Since the overall purpose of medicine is to promote holistic health, eradicate disease, and reduce misery, all skills and knowledge from various fields must be combined to achieve this goal.
Zero is an important mathematical concept that gives meaning and structure but its existence is complex. Zero represents nothingness or absence, but nothingness cannot truly exist on its own - zero only has meaning in relation to other entities like time, space, and an observer. The concept of zero has paradoxically led to ideas of endings and death, though its origins and nature remain uncertain and indeterminate. This document explores the philosophical questions around the concept of zero.
Physical health is indicated by attributes like strength, coordination, posture, and endurance. In aging populations, good memory, senses, sleep, mood, and skin are also indicators. However, the most important sign of wellbeing is being connected to one's true or cosmic self through a process called anusandhan. This state appears to have a benevolent, enlightening effect on the universe. Whether the practice of namasmaran can help achieve this mental state of objective wellbeing is for readers to experience.
W H A T I S S T R E S S M A N A G E M E N T D R S H R I N I W A S K A S...Monika Gavali
Stress arises from a lack of universal welfare policies at all levels of society. Most people are unaware of the stress they experience. Individualism has led people to focus on petty successes and failures rather than growing their perspective. True stress management requires reflecting spiritual values in material actions through policies promoting welfare, rather than just meditation or devotion alone. We must ask what real stress management means.
Anusandhan is a state of being connected to one's true self, which traditions identify as God as inspired by the Guru. This state has surpassed subjective prejudices and is associated solely with global welfare. It has no petty pursuits or mean considerations, and is an objective state that has a benevolent effect of facilitating freedom for the entire universe. Anusandhan can also be considered the state of ultimate freedom in the truest sense.
W A L K I N G T O W E L L N E S S H O L I S T I C V I E W D R S H R I N...Monika Gavali
This document outlines possible health benefits of walking according to Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar. Walking can help cleanse the skin through sweating, activate the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, tone the digestive system to relieve gas and constipation, relieve joint pains and arthritis as well as back aches, and provide vitamin D and reflexology benefits through foot stimulation. Additional benefits include saving resources, practicing silence, and avoiding gossip.
The document discusses three main points about spiritualism and the practice of namasmaran.
The first point is that forgetting yourself in memory of God through namasmaran helps free you from obsessive thoughts and feelings about yourself. The second point is that renouncing relationships through namasmaran allows you to see relationships more objectively over time. The third point is that different philosophical perspectives can be harsh, so it is important to ask questions, seek answers through one's own experiences, and verify answers through sadhana like namasmaran with patience similar to a scientific experiment.
Total Stress Management Guide For Nurses Dr Shriniwas KashalikarMonika Gavali
This document is an introduction to a book on total stress management for nurses working with critically ill patients. It discusses the importance of managing stress through nurturing one's spiritual, intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical health. Specifically, it emphasizes the role of spiritual health in developing strength, fearlessness, empowering communication, and reducing stress. It also discusses using autosuggestions and intellectual pursuits to complement spiritual growth and boost overall well-being.
T H R E E P O I N T S A N D N A M A S M A R A N D RMonika Gavali
The document discusses three main points about spiritualism and the practice of namasmaran.
The first point is that forgetting yourself in memory of God through namasmaran helps free you from obsessive thoughts and feelings about yourself. The second point is that renouncing relationships through namasmaran allows you to see relationships more objectively over time. The third point is that different philosophical perspectives can be harsh, so it is important to ask questions, seek answers through one's own experiences, and verify answers through sadhana like namasmaran with patience similar to a scientific experiment.
T H E S E E D S O F H A P P I N E S S D RMonika Gavali
The document summarizes how moods, emotions, and actions arise from the interaction between the body and brain. Metabolic, endocrine, autonomic, and nervous system activities influence the brain, leading to feelings like enthusiasm, anxiety, indolence, and depression. Success and failure also impact the brain. The brain then influences all bodily activities in a feedback loop. While some believe this is governed by God, nature, or randomness, the document argues that chanting the name of the divine (Namasmarn) can reach, liberate, and nurture the seeds of happiness within a person.
T H E F E T T E R S A N D T H E F R E E D O M DrMonika Gavali
It explains that Namasmaran helps to reconnect one's true self by focusing individual consciousness on a symbol of the cosmic consciousness. This practice is a form of meditation and yoga that can benefit people of any religion or belief system. Remembering one's true self through Namasmaran leads to spiritual liberation and rising above worldly concerns. The full meaning can only be understood through persistent personal practice.
T H E C O M M O N R O O T O F S C I E N C E, P H I L O S O P H Y A N D ...Monika Gavali
Superliving is the common root and culmination of science, philosophy and behavior. While science, philosophy, and behavior may seem like different flowers, they share the same root of reality within us. Strife and wars occur when we indulge our subjectivities and fail to experience the oneness of all things and reach the common root through practices like NAMASMARAN, which allow us to enjoy life more fully. This experience of oneness is what Dr. Shrinivas Kashalikar calls superliving.
2. KA S H A L I K
Th e a t t r a c t i o n b e t w e e n
m al e an d fe m a l e is
u n i v e r s a l a n d fl o w s
t h r o u g h ti m e
im m e m o r i a l . My t e a c h e r ;
D r . N a r a s i m h a n M. J. J r .
ha d su g g e s t e d m e to writ e
a re s u m e on ¡° G e n e s i s of
S e x u a l Di m o r p h i s m ¡± .
Th e e s s e n c e o f s e x u a l
a t t r a c t i o n in a n i m a l s
r e v o l v e s a r o u n d a n in t e n s e
3. a c ti vi t y of re p r o d u c t i o n
foll o w e d by c a r e a n d
r e a r i n g of th e pr o g e n y .
In h u m a n b e i n g s t h i s
at t r a c t i o n b e c o m e s fur t h e r
ev o l v e d an d su bli m e to g e t
a s s o c i a t e d wit h su b t l e r
an d no bl e r ro m a n c e an d
commitm e n t.
In f u r t h e r d e v e l o p m e n t it i s
a s s o c i a t e d wit h ev e n
su b tl e r ap p r e c i a t i o n of
n o b l e d e t e r m i n a n t s of th e
c o n s c i o u s and re s p o n s i b l e
s e x u a l an d s e x rel a t e d
a c t i v i t i e s in m a l e s a n d
fe m a l e s .
4. As yo u g o to th e c o r e of
s e x ; y o u fi n d t h a t y o u g o t o
th e c o r e of th e ot h e r
in d i v i d u a l . T hi s i s a d i f f i c u l t
b u t a w o r t h w h i l e g o a l . T hi s
r o m a n c e tr a n s c e n d s
thr o u g h NAM A S M A R A N ; all
phy s i c a l an d pett y
co n s i d e r a t i o n s and
e v e n t u a l l y c u l m i n a t e s in t o
su p e r - ro m a n c e of
su p e r t r a n s a c t i o n s of
gl o b a l w e l f a r e !