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Organization / Workplace
Allahabad India
Motilal Nehru Institute of Research & Business Administration (MONIRBA), University of Allahabad stands as one of the premier management institutes of the country and is committed to achieving excellence in the field of management education & research.
The Primary mission of the educational programmes at MONIRBA is to create a cadre of professional men & women, who have been imparted certain skills, have learned to consider problems from a broad managerial perspective, and, have thereby acquired a heightened sense of moral and social responsibility that their future positions of authority would call for.
Apart from being a business school, MONIRBA is also a centre for advanced research.
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rural entrepreneurship in india
industrial sickness in india
emergence of entrepreneurial class
training in smes
training programs for smes
theories of entrepreneurship
entrepreneurship theories
entrepreneurial class in india
emergence of entrpreneurship
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recruitment issues in msmes
selection issues in msmes
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role of msme in indian economy
msme in india
problem of msme
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institutions in aid of entrepreneurs
edps in india
evaluation of edps
entrepreneurship concept
concept of entrepreneurship
factors affecting entrepreneurial development
environmental factors
internet media marketing
emerging media
types of print media
evolution of print media
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innovation in entrepreneurship
phases of innovation
types of innovation
nature and constituents of creativity
types of creativity
creativity in entrepreneurship
creative thinking in entrepreneurship
techniques of creative thinking
rural entrepreneurship
rural development in india
growth of rural entrepreneurship in india
industrial sickness remedies
prevention of industrial sickness
entrepreneurial class in world
causes of industrial sickness
industrial sickness
support to small enterprises
institutional support to msmes
competencies for entrepreneurs
entrepreneurial competencies
issues in msmes in india
production issues in msmes
government role in entrepreneurial development
policies for entrepreneurial development
entrepreneurial development
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