always suffocating,sad because somthing can`t reavel it to any one ;i love science
and finally i love more my college
# i have many dreams i will do it #isa#
if it is neccessary to anybody to have dreams ;then my dream to see all have their smiles and being happy all the time ;
no more
惆惘悴悋惠 悋惺悋悸 悵悋惘惠 .. 愆 悋 惠惶 悴悋忰 !!
惠惆惘悋惠 惠惆惘 愆惘惺 .. 愆 悋 惶 multi-nationals !!
愆愃 愆惘悸 惺悋悸 .. 愆 悋 悽 惺悋 愕 !!
悋惠悋 愕 .. 愆 悋 悽 惘惠悋忰 愕惺惆 !!