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Taxonomy and
By; Morina Ricablanca
 Knowledge  Students take
Brainpop     the video quiz after viewing
             the video and most of the
             questions are based on the
            Comprehension  after
             viewing the video, allow the
             students to write a
             summary about the video
             that they just watched or
             allow them to explain one
             concept that they learned
             from the video.
            this can be used to
            classify concepts (i.e.
            cells  eukaryotic and
            prokaryotic; cell
            division  mitosis and
   Application  this is a
TenMarks.com       free math site where
                   teachers can create
                   classes and individualize
                   the learning of each
                   student. In this site
                   students will be able to
                   apply the mathematical
                   concepts and skills
                   taught in the classroom
 Analysis  a free post-
  it site where students
  can compare, contrast,
  criticize, make an
  inference, and examine
  any issues that a
  teacher may post. You
  can use this in any
 Synthesis  This is a
  free educational site
  where students can
  present their ideas,
  explain, summarize,
  generate a new
  concept using voki.
  Students can also
  proposed solutions and
  present it using this
Google Docs
                students can use
                google docs to make
                and defend
                judgments based on
                internal evidence or
                external criteria.
                Students can
                collaborate using
                google docs as well.

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Blooms taxonomy

  • 1. Blooms Taxonomy and Educational technology By; Morina Ricablanca
  • 2. Knowledge Students take Brainpop the video quiz after viewing the video and most of the questions are based on the video. Comprehension after viewing the video, allow the students to write a summary about the video that they just watched or allow them to explain one concept that they learned from the video.
  • 3. Bubbl.us Comprehension this can be used to classify concepts (i.e. cells eukaryotic and prokaryotic; cell division mitosis and meiosis).
  • 4. Application this is a TenMarks.com free math site where teachers can create classes and individualize the learning of each student. In this site students will be able to apply the mathematical concepts and skills taught in the classroom setting.
  • 5. Wallwisher Analysis a free post- it site where students can compare, contrast, criticize, make an inference, and examine any issues that a teacher may post. You can use this in any subject.
  • 6. Voki Synthesis This is a free educational site where students can present their ideas, explain, summarize, generate a new concept using voki. Students can also proposed solutions and present it using this site.
  • 7. Google Docs Evaluation students can use google docs to make and defend judgments based on internal evidence or external criteria. Students can collaborate using google docs as well.