獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅獅We must always aim for
excellence in our efforts; we will not be
perfect but we will have strived. Our reward
with Allah Taala is not in our perfection but in
our striving despite our imperfection*Aisha*
鏤o随 鎬鏈器 鏈鰹 鏈鎬鎭 鏈э鏈鏤
鏤э鎭随 鎬鎭随皿鏤э鎬 鏤o随 鎬鎬鏤鎬 鏈鏈鰹擦鏈鏤э皿鎬 鏈鏤鎬 鏈鎰鏤鎬
鏈э昏鏈鏤鏤э昏 鏈鏤鏈鏤鏈鏤種 鎬鎭 鎰鏤鏈鎬 鏤o随 鏈鏤鏈鎭