"Learn Fr0m Yesterday, Live For T0day, H0pe For T0m0rr0w" ,,LiVinG Al0nE iz ReaLLy BettEr thAn LiVinG wiD FakE Pe0Ple Who0 Hate Y0u But ACt Like L0viNg Y0u..,,,, "S0meTiMeS Pe0Ple Are n0ThiNg.., Y0u Make thEm S0meThinG., Nd WhN They BeC0mE S0mEthiNg...They FeeL thaT You ArE N0thiNg......." .....MoSt ElaStiC ElEmEnt 0F DiS W0RLd iS "TiME" ..... it MaXiMiZeS The MiNute, WheN y0u Are MisSiNg s0mE0nE., And MiNiMiZeS ThE H0uRs WheN y0u Are WiTh S0mE0ne......!!!