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Curriculum Vita
Mobile:- 00971566542096
Pakistan :- oo923022514488
Email : muhammad.tahir53@yahoo.com
Senior Plant Operator
September 2012 till date
A consortium between Mace Contractors UAE and Aqualia FCC subsidiary Spain dealing with
the Operations and General Maintenance of ABU DHABI Eastern region ADSSC Assets and
 Supervising and Operating Sewerage Treatment Plant.
 Visually check-sludge feed pump and process control.
 Centrifuge side oil Recirculation and NPW pressure also maintains torque; always check
bearing Temperature, and vibration.
 Visually check cent rate turbidity, Polymer preparation and dosing system, Screw
 Monitoring unusual sound and vibration and check discharge point for blockage
 Alarm check for warning lights carry out lamp tests
 SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)
Sewerage Treatment Plant Operator
April 2009 to April 2012
 Fully Operating Treatment Plant.
 Monitor overflows in head works due to blockage of screens.
 Check for any accumulation of debris on the overflow of the telescopic valves in order to
avoid any obstruction of the RAS flow.
 Check for the quality of secondary effluent on the filters visually.
 Check for any floating sludge, scum on the surface of the thickener.
 Check for any leakages in Raw sludge, RAS, SAS pumping stations.
 Check for the quality of secondary effluent on the filters visually.
 Check for any floating sludge, scum on the surface of the thickener.
 Check visually the quality of thickened sludge while pumping to the digesters.
 Check for any leakages in Raw sludge, RAS, SAS pumping stations.
 SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition)
SSC Certificate Completed 2006
Diploma in Industrial Safety 6 Months
Personal Information
Date of Birth: 12 March 1985
Nationality: Pakistani
Religion: Islam
Marital Status: Single
Languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic
I do hereby declare that all the statements as mentioned above are true and correct to the best
of my knowledge and belief.

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  • 1. Curriculum Vita TahirMuhammad Mobile:- 00971566542096 Pakistan :- oo923022514488 Email : muhammad.tahir53@yahoo.com Experience Senior Plant Operator September 2012 till date AQULIA MACE OPERATION AND MANTINCE A consortium between Mace Contractors UAE and Aqualia FCC subsidiary Spain dealing with the Operations and General Maintenance of ABU DHABI Eastern region ADSSC Assets and Facilities. Supervising and Operating Sewerage Treatment Plant. Visually check-sludge feed pump and process control. Centrifuge side oil Recirculation and NPW pressure also maintains torque; always check bearing Temperature, and vibration. Visually check cent rate turbidity, Polymer preparation and dosing system, Screw conveyors. Monitoring unusual sound and vibration and check discharge point for blockage inspection. Alarm check for warning lights carry out lamp tests SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) Sewerage Treatment Plant Operator April 2009 to April 2012 WESCO (WEIR ENGEERING SERVICES COMPANY) Fully Operating Treatment Plant. Monitor overflows in head works due to blockage of screens. Check for any accumulation of debris on the overflow of the telescopic valves in order to avoid any obstruction of the RAS flow. Check for the quality of secondary effluent on the filters visually.
  • 2. Check for any floating sludge, scum on the surface of the thickener. Check for any leakages in Raw sludge, RAS, SAS pumping stations. Check for the quality of secondary effluent on the filters visually. Check for any floating sludge, scum on the surface of the thickener. Check visually the quality of thickened sludge while pumping to the digesters. Check for any leakages in Raw sludge, RAS, SAS pumping stations. SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) Education SSC Certificate Completed 2006 Diploma in Industrial Safety 6 Months Personal Information Date of Birth: 12 March 1985 Nationality: Pakistani Religion: Islam Marital Status: Single Languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi, Arabic U A E LIGHT VEHICLE LICENSE I do hereby declare that all the statements as mentioned above are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.