PT. TANJUNG REDEB HUTANI Berau, East Borneo 1994 1998
Plant Protection Researcher On Job Tarining, Juni Agustus 1994
North Area Litbang Coordinator / Plant Protection Researcher, Nopember 1994
South Area Litbang Coordinator / Plant Breeding Researcher, Mei 1994
Litbang System Operational Sub.Section Head, Januari 1997 Oktober 1998
Businessman Practitioner in Service Sector : Computer Sales and Service, Typing and English-Indonesian Translate, Computer Education, 1999-2008
Computer Sales Marketing,1999-
Practitioner in Computer Service Technician, 2000-
Instructor Microsoft Office Program 2001-
Computer Technician Instructor, 2002-
Mainboard and Hard disk Specialist S...