Personal Information
Organization / Workplace
Shelby, North Carolina
Every story has an end, but in life every end is just a new beginning Fall in love{♥} or fall in Fate, get inspired or be depressed,{♥} Speak the truth or lie and cheat, dance on tables or sit in the corner,{♥} {♥}LIFE IS DIVINE CHAOS!! embrace it!
♥" Hi EVRYONE{<3 }Im Myla Nicole{♥}The one and only{♥}) if you went to high school with me, you know me by my middle name "Nicole" OR as everyone in BC says NICOLE ELLIS! LOL it was never just Nicole.. :D ! I have to say i have had many friends come and go. A handful i miss sooo very much. ... SOme have passed over the years... Harlan, Smiley, Dusty,and of course the first LOVE OF MY LIFE James Wesley Neal Jr. Or "LIl JIM"... God