Taking out a home loan provides several benefits such as helping accomplish the dream of home ownership. It allows people to purchase a home now while interest rates are low and property values continue to appreciate over time. Home loans also offer tax benefits, allowing borrowers to deduct interest repayments and principal repayments from their taxable income each year.
2. 1. An accomplishment - Take a Home Loan and
accomplish the dream of owning your own house.
2. Capital appreciation - Cost of land and construction
increase over the years. Purchase a home now as
interest rates are at their lowest right now.
3. 3. Interest rate benefits - Today, Home Loan can be
availed at an interest rate of as low as at 8.40%.
4. Tax benefits - As per Income Tax Act 1961, you get a
deduction of Rs. 1.5 Lakhs towards repayment of interest
(2 Lakhs for women) and up to Rs. 1 Lakh on repayment of
principal amount of the Home Loan.