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International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10|
||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 15
Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation and Design
Nabil Ali sharaf1,
Abdirasoul Jabar Alzubaidi2
1, Department Of Electronics Engineering, 1Sudan Academy Of Sciences.
Electronics Engineering School, Sudan University Of Science And Technology
According to rapid development of communication industry, communication service varies. Since
Popularization of radio wave in use, technology development of new frequency band, technology revolution of
wireless communication increase in radio consumption, radio environment is charged with illegal wireless
equipment, unwanted electromagnetic signal, increase in wireless station, system variation, highly developed
communication configuration.So, we need radio monitoring system that can manage radio efficiently and
measure radio quality accurately through spectrum analysis for protecting wireless equipment and maintaining
quality level of radio, communication service. Also, since conventional radio monitoring system can't measure
frequency efficient use investigation and spectrum analysis that is equivalent to occupied bandwidth
measurement, broadband frequency measurement, high-speed spectrum measurement, unwanted
electromagnetic signal in radio quality measurement, radio monitoring system need to be developed for
executing efficient radio monitoring work with reservation measurement function and automatic result storage
function that can be done accurate radio measurement of local operators
THE MT8870D/MT8870D-1 is a complete DTMF receiver integrating both the bandsplit filter and
digital decoder functions. The filter section uses switched capacitor techniques for high and low group filters;
the decoder uses digital counting techniques to detect and decode all 16 DTMF tone-pairs into a 4-bit code.
External component count is minimized by on chip provision of a differential input amplifier, clock oscillator
and latched three-state bus interface.
Figure.1 Pin connection [1]
With rapid development of communication industry, the kinds of communication service vary.
According to the increasing use of radio waves, the intelligent and effective radio monitoring system
needs to be developed, which is replaced for previous radio monitoring system. Next-Generation
Intelligent Radio Monitoring System based on ITU-R, Rule of wireless facilities, and Radio Waves Act
is used, and which can accurately and effectively function as effective radio monitoring system through
spectrum analysis of channel power, frequency deviation, offset, and an occupied frequency
bandwidth, about the analog and digital signal in On-Air of V/UHF bandwidth. In this paper, we
proposes method of radio measurement and radio management through the radio quality
measurement, unwanted electromagnetic signals(spurious, harmonic) measurement, high-speed
spectrum measurement, frequency usage efficiency investigation, illegal radio exploration.
KEYWORDS: Radio spectrum, monitoring station, management, mobile communication, GSM,
Digital radio receiver, simulation and design, licensing, assignment and billing
Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation.
||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 16
PC Computer:
PC computer hosts developed software using C++ programming language to simulation radio spectrum
monitoring system. The PC computer is connected with 8870 DTMF decoder via parallel port inputs and
mobile. The software dictates the processor and the database to handle monitoring process. A corresponding
signal is then sent via the output pins of the parallel port to the HD74LS373 latch IC[ 4].
The Dada base consist a lot of authorized frequency that are licence by ITU-R and a NTC [2, 3]
Table.1 Operators service frequency in Sudan
MTN Service Band Frequency Range Bandwidth
GSM 900 MHZ 890-898MHZ 8MHZ
GSM 900MHZ 935-943MHZ 8MHZ
GSM 900MHZ 898-900MHZ 2MHZ
GSM 900MHZ 943-944MHZ 1MHZ
GSM 1800MHZ 1710-1720MHZ 20MHZ
GSM 1800MHZ 1805-1815 10MHZ
CANAR service Band Frequency Range Bandwidth
CDMA 450MHZ 452-457MHZ 5MHZ
CDMA 450MHZ 462-467MHZ 5MHZ
TD-SCDMA 2GHZ 2010-2025MHZ 15MHZ
P-TO-M 450MHZ2GHZ 450-452MHZ 2MHZ
WIRELESS LAN 450 MHZ 460-4622150MHZ 2MHZ
SUDANI service Band Frequency Range Bandwidth
CDMA 800MHZ 825.030-834.33+
880.680-889.320A MHZ
8.64 MHZ
GSM 1800MHZ 1740-1760+
1835-1855 MHZ
CDMA 2100MHZH 1960-1980+
ZAIN GSM 900MHZ 900-915MHZ 15MHZ
GSM 900MHZ 945-960MHZ 15MHZ
GSM 1800MHZ 1765-1785MHZ 20MHZ
GSM 2GHZ 1945-1960MHZ 15MHZ
The main goal of the proposed system is to send controlling signal remotely from mobile phone to
controlled machine using mobile network. The whole system can be divided into following stages:
Mobile Phone Stage:
The C/t diagram, mobile one is a transmitter it send DTMF freq from the key bat 0 to 9 and in this C/t
from 0 to 5 in the data base was used as authorized transmitter frequency while DTMF freq,Tone from 6 to 9 is
treated as a non-Authorized freq tone. Form the data base.When DTMF frequency tone from 0 to 5 is received
by mobile 2 which is connected the pin no. 2 of IC 8870 it is decoded and output it by pins from 11 to 14 as Q1
to Q14 to as illustrated in table 2 functional decade table [1]
Table2 8870 DTMF output truth table
Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation.
||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 17
PC Computer Stage:
The data base cable (D-25 male connector) is connected to the computer pin no.10...13 to IC-74373
served as a buffer IC.
IC ULN 2001A:
ULN 2001A was served as a multi service I.C here used to control stepper motor, the relay and motor,
to control. The antenna that used to receive the signals to complete the simulation of the D.F, this c/t represent
only the inter connection between a receiver and a computer and the antenna of the D.F and not a c/t of D.F. The
antenna that used to receive the signals to complete the simulation of the D.F, this c/t represent only the inter
connection between a receiver and a computer and the antenna of the D.F and not a c/t of D.F [5 ]
Flowchart for Radio Spectrum monitoring
a) System Algorithm
Step1: Initialise of the Radio spectrum monitoring System
Step2: Start operation of real time data acquisition
Step3: Display the authorized reserved radio
Step4: Wait for acquisition of data transmission
Step5: If the transmission is authorized, give it permission
Step6: If the transmission is not authorized, give it rejection.
b) System Flowchart
Depending on the theoretical study and simulation results presented in the thesis the following results
are drawn;
a. The radio frequency spectrum range from 3KHZ to 3000 GHZ
b. It is a scarce and valuable and must be monitored.
c. Each reserved band in this spectrum can be monitored and a licensed or non-licensed transmitter can be
detected and its position can be determined if a sets of directional finders was used.
Screen 2
Display the reserved spectrum
Display initialization
-start operation
-real time data
Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation.
||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 18
[1] Roshan Ghosh. DTMF Based Controller for Efficiency Improvement of a PV Cell & Relay Operation Control Smart Home
Systems, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2903-2911
[2] Malik Sikandar, Hayat Khiyal, Aihab Khan, and Erum Shehzadi. SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System (HACS)
for Automation Appliances and Security. Journal of Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 6 ,2009.
[3] Handbook on new technologies and new services the electronic bookshop of ITU: www.itu.int/puhlications
[4] Basics of designing a digital Radio Receiver (Radio 101) Brad Brannon, Analog Derives, Inc. Greensboro, NC
[5] David B. Johnson and David A. Maltz, "Protocols for Adaptive Wireless and Mobile Networking", in IEEE Personal
Communications, Vol. 3, No 1, February 1996.
[6] Stallings, W., Network and Internetwork Security: Principles and Practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, (1995). ISBN 0-02-
[7] Mitola, J, technical challenges in the global station Software Radio, ITU communications Magazine, VOL. 37. No 2 library
1999 PP. 84 - 99.
[8] Recommendation ITU-R F.162 use of directional transmuting antennas in the fixed service operating in bands blew about 30 MHz
[9] Recommendation ITU-R BS.705-1, HF transmitting and receiving antennas characteristics and diagrams**
[10] http://www.ic-on-line.cn/search.php?part=hd74ls373&stype=part
[11] Web site (http:// WWW.itu. int/barter/monitoring / ndex.html). and the correspond in g elect ionic files.
[12] http://www.ntc.gov.sd/index.php?n=b3B0aW9uPWNvbV9jb250ZW50JnZpZXc9YXJ0aWNsZSZpZD0xOCZJdGVtaWQ9MjImbG

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  • 1. International Journal of Computational Engineering Research||Vol, 03||Issue, 10| ||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 15 Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation and Design Nabil Ali sharaf1, Abdirasoul Jabar Alzubaidi2 1, Department Of Electronics Engineering, 1Sudan Academy Of Sciences. 2, Electronics Engineering School, Sudan University Of Science And Technology 1. INTRODUCTION According to rapid development of communication industry, communication service varies. Since Popularization of radio wave in use, technology development of new frequency band, technology revolution of wireless communication increase in radio consumption, radio environment is charged with illegal wireless equipment, unwanted electromagnetic signal, increase in wireless station, system variation, highly developed communication configuration.So, we need radio monitoring system that can manage radio efficiently and measure radio quality accurately through spectrum analysis for protecting wireless equipment and maintaining quality level of radio, communication service. Also, since conventional radio monitoring system can't measure frequency efficient use investigation and spectrum analysis that is equivalent to occupied bandwidth measurement, broadband frequency measurement, high-speed spectrum measurement, unwanted electromagnetic signal in radio quality measurement, radio monitoring system need to be developed for executing efficient radio monitoring work with reservation measurement function and automatic result storage function that can be done accurate radio measurement of local operators II. SYSTEM COMPONENTS MT8870D/MT8870D-1 THE MT8870D/MT8870D-1 is a complete DTMF receiver integrating both the bandsplit filter and digital decoder functions. The filter section uses switched capacitor techniques for high and low group filters; the decoder uses digital counting techniques to detect and decode all 16 DTMF tone-pairs into a 4-bit code. External component count is minimized by on chip provision of a differential input amplifier, clock oscillator and latched three-state bus interface. Figure.1 Pin connection [1] ABSTRACT: With rapid development of communication industry, the kinds of communication service vary. According to the increasing use of radio waves, the intelligent and effective radio monitoring system needs to be developed, which is replaced for previous radio monitoring system. Next-Generation Intelligent Radio Monitoring System based on ITU-R, Rule of wireless facilities, and Radio Waves Act is used, and which can accurately and effectively function as effective radio monitoring system through spectrum analysis of channel power, frequency deviation, offset, and an occupied frequency bandwidth, about the analog and digital signal in On-Air of V/UHF bandwidth. In this paper, we proposes method of radio measurement and radio management through the radio quality measurement, unwanted electromagnetic signals(spurious, harmonic) measurement, high-speed spectrum measurement, frequency usage efficiency investigation, illegal radio exploration. KEYWORDS: Radio spectrum, monitoring station, management, mobile communication, GSM, Digital radio receiver, simulation and design, licensing, assignment and billing
  • 2. Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation. ||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 16 PC Computer: PC computer hosts developed software using C++ programming language to simulation radio spectrum monitoring system. The PC computer is connected with 8870 DTMF decoder via parallel port inputs and mobile. The software dictates the processor and the database to handle monitoring process. A corresponding signal is then sent via the output pins of the parallel port to the HD74LS373 latch IC[ 4]. DATABASE: The Dada base consist a lot of authorized frequency that are licence by ITU-R and a NTC [2, 3] Table.1 Operators service frequency in Sudan MTN Service Band Frequency Range Bandwidth GSM 900 MHZ 890-898MHZ 8MHZ GSM 900MHZ 935-943MHZ 8MHZ GSM 900MHZ 898-900MHZ 2MHZ GSM 900MHZ 943-944MHZ 1MHZ GSM 1800MHZ 1710-1720MHZ 20MHZ GSM 1800MHZ 1805-1815 10MHZ CANAR service Band Frequency Range Bandwidth CDMA 450MHZ 452-457MHZ 5MHZ CDMA 450MHZ 462-467MHZ 5MHZ TD-SCDMA 2GHZ 2010-2025MHZ 15MHZ P-TO-M 450MHZ2GHZ 450-452MHZ 2MHZ WIRELESS LAN 450 MHZ 460-4622150MHZ 2MHZ SUDANI service Band Frequency Range Bandwidth CDMA 800MHZ 825.030-834.33+ 870.030-879.330960 835.680-844.320+ 880.680-889.320A MHZ 9.3MHZ 8.64 MHZ GSM 1800MHZ 1740-1760+ 1835-1855 MHZ 12.5MHZ CDMA 2100MHZH 1960-1980+ 2150-2170MHZ 15MHZ ZAIN GSM 900MHZ 900-915MHZ 15MHZ GSM 900MHZ 945-960MHZ 15MHZ GSM 1800MHZ 1765-1785MHZ 20MHZ GSM 2GHZ 1945-1960MHZ 15MHZ III. METHODOLOGY The main goal of the proposed system is to send controlling signal remotely from mobile phone to controlled machine using mobile network. The whole system can be divided into following stages: Mobile Phone Stage: The C/t diagram, mobile one is a transmitter it send DTMF freq from the key bat 0 to 9 and in this C/t from 0 to 5 in the data base was used as authorized transmitter frequency while DTMF freq,Tone from 6 to 9 is treated as a non-Authorized freq tone. Form the data base.When DTMF frequency tone from 0 to 5 is received by mobile 2 which is connected the pin no. 2 of IC 8870 it is decoded and output it by pins from 11 to 14 as Q1 to Q14 to as illustrated in table 2 functional decade table [1] Table2 8870 DTMF output truth table
  • 3. Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation. ||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 17 L=LOGIC LOW, H=LOGIC HIGH, Z=HIGH IMPEDANCE X = DONT CARE PC Computer Stage: The data base cable (D-25 male connector) is connected to the computer pin no.10...13 to IC-74373 served as a buffer IC. IC ULN 2001A: ULN 2001A was served as a multi service I.C here used to control stepper motor, the relay and motor, to control. The antenna that used to receive the signals to complete the simulation of the D.F, this c/t represent only the inter connection between a receiver and a computer and the antenna of the D.F and not a c/t of D.F. The antenna that used to receive the signals to complete the simulation of the D.F, this c/t represent only the inter connection between a receiver and a computer and the antenna of the D.F and not a c/t of D.F [5 ] III. SYSTEM ALGORITHM AND FLOWCHART Flowchart for Radio Spectrum monitoring a) System Algorithm Step1: Initialise of the Radio spectrum monitoring System Step2: Start operation of real time data acquisition Step3: Display the authorized reserved radio Step4: Wait for acquisition of data transmission Step5: If the transmission is authorized, give it permission Step6: If the transmission is not authorized, give it rejection. b) System Flowchart NO YES IV. CONCLUSION Depending on the theoretical study and simulation results presented in the thesis the following results are drawn; a. The radio frequency spectrum range from 3KHZ to 3000 GHZ b. It is a scarce and valuable and must be monitored. c. Each reserved band in this spectrum can be monitored and a licensed or non-licensed transmitter can be detected and its position can be determined if a sets of directional finders was used. Start Check Authentication? Screen 2 Display the reserved spectrum Display initialization screen1 Display -start operation -real time data
  • 4. Radio Spectrum Monitoring simulation. ||Issn 2250-3005 || ||October||2013|| Page 18 REFERENCES [1] Roshan Ghosh. DTMF Based Controller for Efficiency Improvement of a PV Cell & Relay Operation Control Smart Home Systems, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications. Vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012, pp.2903-2911 [2] Malik Sikandar, Hayat Khiyal, Aihab Khan, and Erum Shehzadi. SMS Based Wireless Home Appliance Control System (HACS) for Automation Appliances and Security. Journal of Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 6 ,2009. [3] Handbook on new technologies and new services the electronic bookshop of ITU: www.itu.int/puhlications [4] Basics of designing a digital Radio Receiver (Radio 101) Brad Brannon, Analog Derives, Inc. Greensboro, NC [5] David B. Johnson and David A. Maltz, "Protocols for Adaptive Wireless and Mobile Networking", in IEEE Personal Communications, Vol. 3, No 1, February 1996. [6] Stallings, W., Network and Internetwork Security: Principles and Practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, (1995). ISBN 0-02- 415483-0 [7] Mitola, J, technical challenges in the global station Software Radio, ITU communications Magazine, VOL. 37. No 2 library 1999 PP. 84 - 99. [8] Recommendation ITU-R F.162 use of directional transmuting antennas in the fixed service operating in bands blew about 30 MHz [9] Recommendation ITU-R BS.705-1, HF transmitting and receiving antennas characteristics and diagrams** [10] http://www.ic-on-line.cn/search.php?part=hd74ls373&stype=part [11] Web site (http:// WWW.itu. int/barter/monitoring / ndex.html). and the correspond in g elect ionic files. [12] http://www.ntc.gov.sd/index.php?n=b3B0aW9uPWNvbV9jb250ZW50JnZpZXc9YXJ0aWNsZSZpZD0xOCZJdGVtaWQ9MjImbG FuZz11aw%3D%3D