..th!s !s mE..nEvEr tAkE mE 4 grAntEd..4 ! Am thE Only OnE hU cAn tUrn Ord!nAry th!ngs 2 sUmt!ng spEc!Al...
..tO EvEryOnE ElsE ! Am s!mpLy ''NAF""..my rEAL nAmE !s nAfr!zzA(Ugh!)..whAt A dUmb nAmE..! bEL!EvEs !n AUthOr!ty bUt sOmEt!mEs tOO stUbbOrn..pEAcE-LOv!ng w!th !mpEccAbLE mAnNErs
bUt sOmEt!mEs ! Am mOOdy And !nd!ff!rEnt.! hAtE qUArrELs And rAthEr mAtEr!aL!st!c..! tAkEs gOOd cArE Of my fAm!Ly And cAn hAndLE mOnEy wElL..hEhEhE..! Am A Lot mOrE L!kE my mOm,sOrt Of cALm And qU!Et,,(chArR)..wElL,UsUAlLy cALm..! EvEn Look L!kE my mOthEr..cUrLy hA!r,fA!r sk!n And brOwn EyEs..! UsUAlLy wEAr mY hA!r !n A pOnytA!L..mOm dOEsn't hAvE mUch hA!r tO wOrRy AbOUt..tO!nkzZz!..AhEhe.
...**! jUs
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