E-commerce refers to conducting business transactions electronically. It allows organizations to reduce costs and improve quality while increasing speed of delivery. E-commerce provides advantages to organizations like expanding markets with low investment, improving branding and customer service. It benefits customers with 24/7 support, product reviews from others, and increased competition lowering prices. Society benefits from e-commerce through reduced traffic, pollution, and more affordable products even in rural areas previously lacking access. However, e-commerce also faces disadvantages such as security and privacy risks, upfront costs to develop sites, and some customer resistance to online shopping over physical stores.
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1. E-Commerce
E-Commerce Overview
E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce is a methodology of modern business, which
addresses the need of business organizations, vendors and customers to reduce cost and
improve the quality of goods and services while increasing the speed of delivery. E-
commerce refers to the paperless exchange of business information using the following
ï‚· Electronic Data Exchange (EDI)
ï‚· Electronic Mail (e-mail)
ï‚· Electronic Bulletin Boards
ï‚· Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
ï‚· Other Network-based technologies.
Features E-Commerce provides the following features:
ï‚· Non-Cash Payment: E-Commerce enables the use of credit cards, debit cards, smart cards,
electronic fund transfer via bank's website, and other modes of electronics payment.
ï‚· 24x7 Service availability: E-commerce automates the business of enterprises and the way
they provide services to their customers. It is available anytime, anywhere.
ï‚· Advertising/Marketing: E-commerce increases the reach of advertising of products and
services of businesses. It helps in better marketing management of products/services.
ï‚· Improved Sales: Using e-commerce, orders for the products can be generated anytime,
anywhere without any human intervention. It gives a big boost to existing sales volumes.
ï‚· Support: E-commerce provides various ways to provide pre-sales and post-sales
assistance to provide better services to customers.
ï‚· Inventory Management: E-commerce automates inventory management. Reports get
generated instantly when required. Product inventory management becomes very efficient
and easy to maintain.
ï‚· Communication improvement: E-commerce provides ways for faster, efficient, reliable
communication with customers and partners.
2. Traditional Commerce v/s E-Commerce
E-Commerce ─ Advantages
The advantagesof e-commerce canbe broadlyclassifiedintothreemajorcategories
: ï‚· AdvantagestoOrganizations
ï‚· AdvantagestoConsumers
ï‚· AdvantagestoSociety
Advantages to Organizations
ï‚· Using e-commerce,organizationscanexpandtheirmarkettonational andinternational markets
withminimumcapital investment.
ï‚· E-commerce improvesthe brandimage of the company.
3. ï‚· E-commerce helpsorganizationstoprovide bettercustomerservice.
ï‚· E-commerce helpstosimplifythe businessprocessesandmakesthemfasterandefficient.
ï‚· E-commerce reducesthe paperwork.
Advantages to Customers
ï‚· It provides24x7 support.Customerscanenquire aboutaproduct or service andplace orders
ï‚· A customercan put reviewcommentsaboutaproductand can see whatothersare buying,orsee
the reviewcommentsof othercustomersbefore makingafinal purchase.
ï‚· It providesreadilyavailable information.A customercansee the relevantdetailedinformation
withinseconds,ratherthanwaitingfordaysor weeks.
ï‚· E-Commerce increasesthe competitionamongorganizationsandasa result,organizations
providessubstantial discountstocustomers.
Advantages to Society
ï‚· Customersneednottravel toshopa product,thus lesstrafficonroad and low airpollution.
ï‚· E-commerce helpsinreducingthe costof products,so lessaffluentpeople canalsoaffordthe
ï‚· E-commerce hasenabledrural areasto accessservicesandproducts,whichare otherwise not
available tothem.
E-Commerce ─ Disadvantages
The disadvantagesof e-commerce canbe broadlyclassifiedintotwomajorcategories:
ï‚· Technical disadvantages
ï‚· Non-technical disadvantages
Technical Disadvantages
ï‚· There can be lackof systemsecurity,reliabilityorstandardsowingtopoorimplementationof e-
ï‚· The software developmentindustryisstill evolvingandkeepschangingrapidly.
ï‚· In manycountries,networkbandwidthmightcause anissue.
ï‚· Special typesof webserversorothersoftware mightbe requiredbythe vendor,settingthe e-
commerce environmentapartfromnetworkservers.
Non-Technical Disadvantages
ï‚· Initial cost:The cost of creating/buildingane-commerceapplicationin-house maybe veryhigh.
There couldbe delaysinlaunchingane-Commerce applicationdue tomistakes,andlackof
4. ï‚· User resistance:Usersmaynot trustthe site beinganunknownfacelessseller.Suchmistrust
makesitdifficulttoconvince traditional userstoswitchfromphysical storestoonline/virtualstores.
ï‚· Security/Privacy:Itisdifficulttoensure the securityorprivacyononline transactions.
ï‚· Lack of touch or feel of productsduringonline shoppingisadrawback.
ï‚· Internetaccessis still notcheaperandis inconvenienttouse formany potential customers,for
example,thoselivinginremote villages.