This document provides definitions and examples for commonly confused words such as:
- Depreciation vs deprecation
- Tenant vs tenet
- Alternate vs alternative
- Route vs root
- Accept vs except
- Morale vs moral
- Principle vs principal
It also calls out incorrect usages of phrases like "for all intensive purposes" and non-words like "irregardless". The document emphasizes clearly communicating and using language properly.
3. Depreciation
- a reduction in the value of an asset with
the passage of time, due in particular to
wear and tear.
- decrease in the value of a currency
relative to other currencies : depreciation
leads to losses for nondollar-based investors |
a currency depreciation.
4. Deprecation
- to express earnest disapproval of.
- to urge reasons against; protest against
(a scheme, purpose, etc.).
- Archaic: to pray for deliverance from.
5. Tenant
a person who occupies land or property
rented from a landlord.
6. Tenet
a principle or belief, esp. one of the main
principles of a religion or philosophy : the
tenets of classical liberalism.
7. Dont reinvent the f**king wheel;
Use SPL (Im looking at you, people
who write directory iterators).
- Elizabeth Marie Smith
8. For all intensive purposes
Srsly, WTF?
Do your purposes concentrate on a single
Are your purposes compressed into a
short amount of time??
Are you trying to give your purposes a lot
of force or emphasis?!?
11. Alternate
occur in turn repeatedly
like zebra-striping table rows
12. Alternative
occur in turn repeatedly
Synonymous with the other alternate
But not that confusing, so f**king get it
For example, an alternate route.
21. Morale
the con鍖dence, enthusiasm, and discipline
of a person or group at a particular
time : their morale was high.
22. Moral
concerned with the principles of right
and wrong behavior and the goodness or
badness of human character
23. Principle
a fundamental truth or proposition that
serves as the foundation for a system of
belief or behavior or for a chain of
reasoning : the basic principles of
24. Principal
鍖rst in order of importance; main : the
country's principal cities.
25. Ajax is not s**t moving around on the screen.
S**t moving around on the screen is DHTML.
- Ed Finkler