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Working The Enagic Buisness As A 6A+ Distributor EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
An Enagic 6A+ Distributor should run their business differently from every other Enagic Distributor.
Just Like Officer (Gen., Lt., Col.,) vs. Soldiers Top Level Mgmt vs. Work Force Sales Mgr. vs. Sales Rep. Franchise Player (Kobe, Lebron) vs. Players Scout Leader vs. Scouts Home Developer vs. Carpenters Tomo, Fukuda, Prosser vs. Staff
We Have More Experience Points ($285 X 6) Bonus ($50 - $300) Credibility Potential Time in the biz Money Clout Effect $ to re-invest
As A Result People look up to you more People count on you more People think you know more People expect more More Responsibilities
Lets all understand the part we play. Lets not take our position for granted. Lets not forget our own beginning. Lets not get complacent. Lets all get real  FOR REAL!!
We are 6As & above We are the main driving force of Enagic We are the leadership foundation of Enagic! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
We should act, look, operate & project the aura of leaders  Enagic 6A+ Leaders!
The Different Levels of 6As & Above
The Successful 6AKnows They Are Daily Overrides Consistent Commissions High Bonuses Multiple Bonuses Wide / Deep Busy, Busy, Busy Needed Create Success Stories
The Mediocre 6AThinks They Are Always Waiting For Checks Just Getting By Small Bonuses (If Any) Not Consistently Building Seldom BusyBut Thinks That   They Are Not NeededBecause Their   Organization Has Stopped Calling Few Success StoriesAll By Luck
The Broke 6AKnows They Are Not None or Small Overrides Knows There Are No Checks In The Mailbox Doesnt Qualify For Bonuses Built Wrong or Didnt Build No One Knows They Are 6A   Sometimes Within Their Own Team Doesnt Know Their Own Teams   Success Stories Blames Everything, Everyone, Every Situation   Packed With Excuses
The Invisible 6ADoesnt Know Anything! Got There By Accident Doesnt Even Have A Mailbox Has No Organization Has No Clue Has No Chance!! WHICH ONE ARE YOU?? EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
However, We All Can Change Improve Increase Set Into Motion Get On The Right Track Begin NOW!!!
What Are The Main Factors In Becoming A Successful 6A+ Distributor? Early = Depth = Bonuses Wide = Commissions / OverridesEventually Depth Consistency = D.M.O. = Good / Productive Habits Support & Training = Daily Checks, Massive or Obscene Bonuses Knowing What To DoConsistent Actions
Rebuild Every 90 Days Start as a 1A and build again Remember your beginnings Excited, willing, looking forward EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING My Business
Understand Your Position Strengths Knowledge Contacts Clout EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
Find Outside Ways To Prospect Ads Business opportunity events Networking groups / circles Search for entrepreneurs Imagination EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
Teach, Support, Commit & Be Available
 Broke Has Nothing To Do With It Move forward Get water to their warm market Bring to demo / preso A buyer will appear! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
The 1 vs. 100 Concept
Working With $1,710.00 Power Advancing D.P.s Giving incentives Bank rolling events EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
Build Sideways Think 6A-10, 6A-20 Teach to do the same EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
Explode Your Group P.B.R.s Executive Luncheon Presentation Dinner Team Events EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
Reinvest In Your Business Always put back 10% - 20% Build your financial arsenal Create Sales Tools Inventory EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
The Road To Failure No communication No consistent D.M.O. Creating negative habits Not connected to events Distractionsoff track  All of these cause a person to lose belief, lose passion and to ultimately lose their dream! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
Final 6A+ Lesson Develop a good reputation Connect your team to the Good Guys Open doors (pave the road) Protect The Ship!! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING  This Is Every 6As Main Responsibility! (Police Yourself & Your Team!)
And Lastly Proudly Project a 6A, Enagic Leader Attitude!

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6 a training 1

  • 1. Working The Enagic Buisness As A 6A+ Distributor EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 2. An Enagic 6A+ Distributor should run their business differently from every other Enagic Distributor.
  • 3. Just Like Officer (Gen., Lt., Col.,) vs. Soldiers Top Level Mgmt vs. Work Force Sales Mgr. vs. Sales Rep. Franchise Player (Kobe, Lebron) vs. Players Scout Leader vs. Scouts Home Developer vs. Carpenters Tomo, Fukuda, Prosser vs. Staff
  • 4. We Have More Experience Points ($285 X 6) Bonus ($50 - $300) Credibility Potential Time in the biz Money Clout Effect $ to re-invest
  • 5. As A Result People look up to you more People count on you more People think you know more People expect more More Responsibilities
  • 6. Lets all understand the part we play. Lets not take our position for granted. Lets not forget our own beginning. Lets not get complacent. Lets all get real FOR REAL!!
  • 7. We are 6As & above We are the main driving force of Enagic We are the leadership foundation of Enagic! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 8. We should act, look, operate & project the aura of leaders Enagic 6A+ Leaders!
  • 9. The Different Levels of 6As & Above
  • 10. The Successful 6AKnows They Are Daily Overrides Consistent Commissions High Bonuses Multiple Bonuses Wide / Deep Busy, Busy, Busy Needed Create Success Stories
  • 11. The Mediocre 6AThinks They Are Always Waiting For Checks Just Getting By Small Bonuses (If Any) Not Consistently Building Seldom BusyBut Thinks That They Are Not NeededBecause Their Organization Has Stopped Calling Few Success StoriesAll By Luck
  • 12. The Broke 6AKnows They Are Not None or Small Overrides Knows There Are No Checks In The Mailbox Doesnt Qualify For Bonuses Built Wrong or Didnt Build No One Knows They Are 6A Sometimes Within Their Own Team Doesnt Know Their Own Teams Success Stories Blames Everything, Everyone, Every Situation Packed With Excuses
  • 13. The Invisible 6ADoesnt Know Anything! Got There By Accident Doesnt Even Have A Mailbox Has No Organization Has No Clue Has No Chance!! WHICH ONE ARE YOU?? EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 14. However, We All Can Change Improve Increase Set Into Motion Get On The Right Track Begin NOW!!!
  • 15. What Are The Main Factors In Becoming A Successful 6A+ Distributor? Early = Depth = Bonuses Wide = Commissions / OverridesEventually Depth Consistency = D.M.O. = Good / Productive Habits Support & Training = Daily Checks, Massive or Obscene Bonuses Knowing What To DoConsistent Actions
  • 16. Rebuild Every 90 Days Start as a 1A and build again Remember your beginnings Excited, willing, looking forward EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING My Business
  • 17. Understand Your Position Strengths Knowledge Contacts Clout EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 18. Find Outside Ways To Prospect Ads Business opportunity events Networking groups / circles Search for entrepreneurs Imagination EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 19. Teach, Support, Commit & Be Available
  • 20. Broke Has Nothing To Do With It Move forward Get water to their warm market Bring to demo / preso A buyer will appear! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 22. The 1 vs. 100 Concept
  • 23. Working With $1,710.00 Power Advancing D.P.s Giving incentives Bank rolling events EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 24. Build Sideways Think 6A-10, 6A-20 Teach to do the same EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 25. Explode Your Group P.B.R.s Executive Luncheon Presentation Dinner Team Events EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 26. Reinvest In Your Business Always put back 10% - 20% Build your financial arsenal Create Sales Tools Inventory EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 27. The Road To Failure No communication No consistent D.M.O. Creating negative habits Not connected to events Distractionsoff track All of these cause a person to lose belief, lose passion and to ultimately lose their dream! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING
  • 28. Final 6A+ Lesson Develop a good reputation Connect your team to the Good Guys Open doors (pave the road) Protect The Ship!! EXCLUSIVE 6A+ TRAINING This Is Every 6As Main Responsibility! (Police Yourself & Your Team!)
  • 29. And Lastly Proudly Project a 6A, Enagic Leader Attitude!