Effective writing skills can save time for your readers in understanding, reduce misinterpretations, and drive the end result you wish to achieve. Use these hacks to boost your productivity at work!
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12 Most Common Writing Hacks for Effective Communication at Work
1. #1. Its vs. Its
≒ 12 most unforgivable writing mistakes by Jacqui MacKenzie (Ragan) http://bit.ly/1vqzoJ2
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≒ Rules for Capitalization in Titles by Carla Lowe (Daily Writing Tips) http://bit.ly/1HJSRd6
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For Effective Communication at Work
Writing Hacks
Its = a contraction of it is or
it has
Its = a possessive pronoun
indicating an object belonging
to something
#2. Affect vs. Effect
Affect = verb meaning to
Effect = noun referring to the
outcome or result
#3. Then vs. Than
Then = used to indicate
Than = used when making
#11. Commas (8 uses)
1. Separate elements in a series:
Our growth is affected by the
market size, competition, the
economy, and product
Q: Do we need a comma
before the last element?
economy, and product
This is called an Oxford comma.
A: Its up to you. But
Sometimes, not using the Oxford
comma can cause ambiguities,
especially in longer, more complex
Whether you choose to use the
Oxford comma or omit it, make
sure you stay consistent throughout
the same piece of writing.
2. Separate independent clauses:
An independent clause is a sentence
that can stand on its own.
I like the Marx Brothers, but she
thinks theyre too silly.
If the second part of the sentence
makes a complete sentence on its
own, add a comma. If it doesnt,
leave it out.
3. Separate introductory word or
Last month, we had a 15%
increase in revenue.
4. Separate an optional
parenthetical element:
We have, in a manner of
speaking, won despite our loss.
Use em dashes, instead of
commas, to emphasize the
interruption of the statement.
Use ( ) parentheses to diminish the
optional element as an aside.
5. Separate coordinate
Coordinate adjectives are adjectives
that parallel each other in modifying
a noun.
Ivan shared a brilliant, innovative
idea at the team meeting this
6. In letters and emails:
Dear Team,
Use a colon in a formal salutation.
7. In numbers:
8. In dates:
January 1, 2015
#4. A lot vs. Alot
We received a lot of feedback
from the team on the new
Alot is not a word!
#5. Lose vs. Loose
Lose = verb (past tense: lost)
Loose = adjective referring to
something that doesnt fit or
isnt secure
#6. Fewer vs. Less
Fewer = use with countable
Less = use with uncountable
#7. Farther vs.
Farther = used to indicate
distance or length
Further = used to indicate more
of something, as in furthermore
#8. Principal vs.
Principal = noun: highest in rank
or the main participant;
adjective: the most important of
a set
Principle = noun referring to a
fundamental truth, law or
#9. i.e. vs. e.g.
i.e. = id est, latin term which
means that is or in other
e.g. = exempli gratia, latin term
which means for example
#12. Title
≒ First and last word in a title
≒ All nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, adverbs, and
subordinating conjunctions (as,
because, although)
≒ to as part of an infinitive
≒ All articles (a, the), prepositions
(to, at, in, with), and
coordinating conjunctions (and,
but, or)
#10. Hyphens
Never use hyphens for:
≒ Fractions, used as nouns
≒ Verb and preposition
combinations (look out)
≒ Between adverbs, ending in -ly
and adjectives (beautifully
Use hyphens for:
≒ Prefixes (ex-, self-, all-)
≒ Avoid confusion (re-lay vs.
Beware of arbitrary
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